Half-elf paladin
in BG:EE Mods
I'm new to mods. Is there one out there that will let me create a half-elf paladin in BG:EE and let me carry him over to BG2:EE? If so, how do I download and install it? Thanks!
The 'save' area for the games are located in the Documents folder, so you will have these folders as well.
Desktop (***My game icons are here***)
Documents (***BG & BG2 folders are here***)
Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
Documents\Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition (***I put it here because the ms.dos prompt said to "Please run this program in your Infinity Engine game directory."***)
Program Files (x86)
Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\ BGII - SoA (***this was the sysyem's initial prompt***)
Program Files (x86)\Steam
Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam\games
Where am I going wrong?
Do you have a folder name something like:
Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition
This would be for BG:EE and there should be something similar for BG2:EE.
For info,
Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition (This is where you will find your saved games, add custom portraits and character files)
Documents\Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition (is where you will find dump files for any crashes)
You should also have
Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition (for your saved games for BG2EE, add portraits and character files)
Another question arises for when installing mods. Do you have Siege of Dragonspear as well as there is another step to do prior to installing mods. That is running Modmerge which prepares SoD for modding...
If you need help running modmerge, just ask in this discussion...
Hope this helps