Do you prefer the original ruleset or would you rather get it replaced by something better ?

I know that one of the fundamental features of NWN is that it's mechanics are bound to the 3.0 ruleset by Hasbro et al. But what if this puts too many restrictions on the builders or disallows players to enjoy a good hack/slash experience in between rp sessions ? Nearly all mods have come down to modifying stuff away from the official ruleset and its a pita to have to do it again and again. You also need advanced programming to even begin with. Is it going to be like that or can we expect to see changes in the original game that will move us towards a more action-oriented gameplay, and away from the more Pen&Paper-oriented system that we have now.
- Do you prefer the original ruleset or would you rather get it replaced by something better ?54 votes
- Original Rulset, as of version 3.085.19%
- Update, don't worry about Hasbro's14.81%
I voted 'original ruleset' but by that, I would be fine upgrading to 3.5 (superior to 3.0 imho)
I feel like most people I would love to upgrade to 3.5(like DR system give a little flair to monsters) or even 5th(like they brought back poison as damage type I wish it could either damage / or ability effect poison type and we could get that). If we get some more capabilities we can pretty much make it close to any of these editions.
You should probably start a topic about recommended hack-slash/action modules
You can mod diablo style rules too, you don't need to be a genius to do it. You just need to want to do it enough that you use google to look things up step by step instead of doing something else. Knowing nwscript wont ever get you a job at google or microsoft, it's not that complicated if you sit down for it.
If you don't want to put in the time you can also go to the custom content subforum and make a mod request to see if someone will make it for you.
Fun and what is better are also pretty subjective. Maybe someone only likes an arpg, maybe someone only likes rts rpg, maybe someone only likes tactical rpg, maybe they only like lore dumping. Maybe they like all or none, or a combination in between. D&D seems like a good standard middle ground, modding can fill in the specific wishes.
From a player's point of vue, things look slightly differently. Some mods implement my kind of playstyle, others don't. I have to check websites to find out, which isn't such a problem. If i get around to fixing on one mod, i am stuck with the viewpoint.
With a common ground system implemented from the distribution side, i do know to some extent, what to expect and am able to play my fav game from the start.
On a full rp mod, for example. One could still go xp on a couple of monsters, if the rp regulation allows for it. With a default rp system installed, anyone could xp solely roleplaying on any mod, even the most hack&slash thing. Which is good because it ameliorates the horrific abyss currently dividing rp/h&s factions.
Example: Legendary and Paragon levels. If you want to go higher than lvl 40, something really weird occurs. The default levelling system gets replaced by a custom system and you can't level up normally anymore. Would the devs decide to allow levels beyond 40, it would be easier for players and modders alike.
Many big and small changes made by modders could just get promoted to official over time.
There are two issues one if not an NWN issue or a beamdog issue, it's how sites like categorize the mods and how easy or not easy it is to find and filter what you want.
The second issue is actually not a game style issue, it's about a hardcoded limit in the engine. It's the technical kind of topic that means if you want that kind of thing you should go on trello and then start voting on everything in the "game mechanics", "rules expansion", "engine" and "data" tabs. That will allow modders to add better features.
If you are really passionate about a certain style and framework of features for module you can also start your own initiative by finding modders who like the same style and working together to make a common feature set.
But it's not really a sensible debate to have: even if Beamdog had the resources to make major gameplay changes, which they don't, they couldn't risk any legal conflict with Hasbro.
You can not divide the world by playstyles. You should divide it by character builds and all the different builds work together on a common goal. Such as coiling things, or whatever.
It is ridiculous to maintain that playstyles will interfere with one another. On the contrary, whether or not players use *game* for their own gameplay is entirely up to them. You can even kill things OR powerlevel OR pvp OR pve OR rp. If you find it in you to only engage in slave-trading, this is entirely up to you.
The implementation of the game will allow for every single playstyle anyone ever thought of. Very simple.
This is only my solemn opinion.
To get back on track ... D&D rulesets are good and i even think all mods should adher to it but of course, its not mandatory. The question was : Should the base game be updated to another version of D&D, maybe 3.5 or something really new ? Do you think the current version is sufficient ? With all the changes being made by modders ?
example: Overwhelming crit usually gets disabled. Why not change the ruleset to accomodate the change ?
For me it would be nice to upgrade the game to the 3.5e rules so that you can take several improvements, I'm not asking for a NWN2 in NWN: EE but simply take some of the improvements of NWN2 and insert them in NWN: EE, as the 2 "battle wizard" ability for Worloak and Bardi that allows you to wear medium armor without penalty.