Modding Custom Races in NWN:EE

I have always wanted to use a custom set of races for a module and the legacy NWN made that extremely difficult.
I was told by wonderfully helpful people over in this thread that NWN:EE loads 2da/tlk info before loading character creation which opens up all sorts of possibilities.
However, I have hit a couple of small road bumps and was wondering if this is a current limitation or if I am doing something untoward.
- Jamie
I was told by wonderfully helpful people over in this thread that NWN:EE loads 2da/tlk info before loading character creation which opens up all sorts of possibilities.
However, I have hit a couple of small road bumps and was wondering if this is a current limitation or if I am doing something untoward.
- I can't seem to change the dialog in the UI character select panel. So even if I change every other aspect and description the player still has to select "Dwarf" in the character creation screen. Is this a UI editable piece, hardcoded or can this be edited from a 2da/tlk reference that I am just not seeing?
- I wish to change the body type in character creation but Appearance in racetypes.2da will only show the new model in game but uses the default model in creation.
- Jamie
I do not wish to intrude but could you possibly test for me if you can prevent base races from being selected?
I tried setting player race 1/0 in the racetypes.2da but 7 shiny base races still showed up in character creation.
Like you, I would be sad to think we still can't easily work with custom races but It's nice to know it is very much on the ToDo list!
- Jamie
I have been pecking away at this all morning looking for a workaround.
I was thinking of making the edits and overwriting the base models but that's going to be an ugly workaround and for now it's enough to know custom races are a matter of when, not if they will be an upcoming feature.
For now I am going to get everything worked out on paper and return to the puzzle when things are opened up a hair more.
Custom Spell Book and Custom Races seem to be the two big features people ask for so I would put money that we are going to see one of those features soon™ and the other to follow!
- Jamie