Road Map for NWNX EE Plugins?

Hi Guys,
I was wondering if there is a roadmap for nwnx ee plugins?
I know these are generally maintained by their independent developers etc.
I am really hoping that a high level managed language plugin comes out reasonably soon.
Eg: JVM, C# or even LUA.
I was wondering if there is a roadmap for nwnx ee plugins?
I know these are generally maintained by their independent developers etc.
I am really hoping that a high level managed language plugin comes out reasonably soon.
Eg: JVM, C# or even LUA.
Anyway, AFAIK, the only plugins not currently in master that are being worked on are JVM and redis . Everything else is just enhancements to the plugins already at TOT.
I do know Niv created a pull request to have it included in the main repo today. So I'd recommend hitting it up once it's been merged.
Thanks for all your hard work and I can't wait to be back running a server again after nearly 10 years.
- jim