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Community Patch 1.72 for NWN:Enhanced Edition

ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
After seeing requests for things that are fixed for years in community patch and after finding a way how to make it work the same way it used to work on 1.69 I prepared a new version madeto work with NWN:EE.



Community Patch is a collection of fanmade fixes solving lots of issues of the original NWN. This does still apply for NWN:EE. NWN:EE fixed only the most problematic issues that were hardcoded. So far there has been no "content-fixes". This package also contains some graphic and other improvements to give the game fresh/modern look and to grant module builders more possibilities.

There is not enough space to list all the changes that are in this package. This project was developed over several years and 1.72 is its third generation. Full documentation can be found here:
Documentation for 1.70 + 1.71
Documentation for 1.72 (unfinished/not accurate - contains readme to the content that is not present for NWN:EE release)

The speciality of this package is that it has lowest priority. Unlike CEP,Q,PRC,3.5Ruleset it will not override content of your module. It will also automatically apply into every module you will play or build, it is not needed to install it separately into each module you want to play.


1) Copy content of the folder "copy into game's user folder" into NWN:EE user folder - this should be ~/Documents/Neverwinter Nights but can vary based on OS. This action should not require to overwrite anything (unless you installed 1.72 once already).
2) Copy content of the folder "copy into game's installation folder" into NWN:EE installation folder - the default path for windows is ~/Program Files/Beamdog/00829/ but can vary based on OS. This action *should* require to overwrite some of the files, allow it. If it didn't you are in wrong path. Also note that you might need admin permissions if NWN:EE is installed into Program Files.
3) Start NWN:EE, you should notice a 1.72 "sticker" below Hordes of Underdark logo and you should hear original NWN theme music in menu.

BeamDog client should not force an update on you, however when new headstart version will be released, re-installing this package will be needed.

Only english language is supported right now. If you don't want to use english language, remove dialog.tlk from your NWN:EE user folder - this will restore language of the installation (which will not reflect changes done by this modification).

Additionally, there are some extra resources in "additional resources (optional)" folder. This is purely optional and usual user shouldn't need to worry about this.
1) Folder "restore vanilla icons" contains vanilla (original) colorless icons for those disliking colored icons that this unofficial patch brings, in such case copy content of this folder into NWN:EE user folder
2) Folder "1.72 builder resources" contains resources for module builders.


1) Remove dialog.tlk from NWN:EE user folder
2) Run Beamdog client and select NWN:EE. There should be a new button right next to [Options], this button will let you restore your installation to default.


This is unofficial, fanmade modification. It changes several files inside NWN:EE installation folder, folder that should not be changed.

This modification is using a technique, that might be there only for BeamDog's internal usage, and it is possible that this functionality will be removed in future. If that should happen this modification will no longer work at all (but if this happens I will fix this).

Use at your own risk.
Post edited by Shadooow on


  • MadHatterMadHatter Member Posts: 145
    Excited to try this out. Does NWNX for EE being Linux only limit a lot of the features of the CPP for us Windows users?
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    edited December 2017
    MadHatter said:

    Excited to try this out. Does NWNX for EE being Linux only limit a lot of the features of the CPP for us Windows users?

    Indeed. I had to completely drop the NWNX out of community patch for now. All the NWNX related content inside community patch has been removed or uncommented. All the documentation mentioning NWNX_Patch and NWNCX_Patch does not apply for NWN:EE release. I have yet to make a new documentation in order to avoid confusion.

    There is no ETA on windows NWNX and unfortunately I cannot develop for linux. On the other hand, once the NWNX support for windows will be complete, every plugin will be cross-platform - what exists for linux will automatically work for windows and vice-versa. That is more a discussion for NWNX though...
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    Note that BD has said on several occasions that there is no plans to support a client extender (NWNCX), so the tweaks that require NWNX will only work in multiplayer - unlike the 1.69 counterpart.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    UPDATE: I fixed nonfunctional feature with main menu music restoration. Download link updated. If you downloaded old version, either redownload and reinstall or go into your NWN:EE installation directory and move folder "mus" inside folder "data" that's all.
  • Taro94Taro94 Member Posts: 125
    Have you considered renaming 1.72 to something else? The EE is at version 1.74, so people might be confused and think this CPP release is outdated.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Taro94 said:

    Have you considered renaming 1.72 to something else? The EE is at version 1.74, so people might be confused and think this CPP release is outdated.

    Though about it, but had no better idea.
  • Taro94Taro94 Member Posts: 125
    Shadooow said:

    Though about it, but had no better idea.

    Perhaps simply "Community Patch" or "Community Patch Enhanced", with versioning not related to NWN versions (so, for example "Community Patch Enhanced 1.0").
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    I would go with CPP:EE v1.0.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited January 2018
    Looks like good stuff! I am really a sucker for bug fixes so this kind of thing is right up my alley. By the way, I am moving this to the custom content area so it is easier to find and things stay organized.
  • VallisVallis Member Posts: 11
    Since they made a new model for Aribeth, is it still true that EE has no changes in content?
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    The 3.5 rule changes the summoning(conjuration/necromancy) in nwn:ee?
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266

    The 3.5 rule changes the summoning(conjuration/necromancy) in nwn:ee?

    NWN uses the rules 3.0 and not 3.5 and has already been said many times ... but an idea to insert the 3.5 rule would be nice 3.5 and more balanced 3.0.
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 144
    edited March 2018
    Post edited by Xorina on
  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 144
    edited May 2018
    Will there be an incremental update with every Digi Deluxe Dev build 1.73, .74 etc?

    Post edited by Xorina on
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    New version released. Link above now points into new version.

    Detailed informations can be read here.
  • pscythepscythe Member Posts: 116
    Shadooow said:

    pscythe said:

    With the EE version is it possible to have it all in a ERF with haks and or userpatch haks? So that modules built with CPP will remain fully functional with newer versions of EE without having to reinstall or do any modifications?

    you can do this if you would want - all files are unpacked so you can do whatever you wish with them, similarly you could unpack the files via nwnexplorer.exe before on 1.69 and do this however if you use files from CPP as patch hak you lose the major CPP feature and that is "works as a patch". If you use it as patch hak, it iwll have highest priority and any file from CPP will overwrite same file in module or another hak with lower priority. That would lead into compatibility issues with almost every single fan made module...

    So basically this is bad idea. I don't see having to reinstall CPP after updating NWN:EE via BeamDog client as a big issue...
    @Shadooow Okay userpatch haks might be a bad idea, but what I'm driving at is can a builder have the whole CPP imported into a module and have it all work like normal modules without users having to install anything themselves?
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    edited July 2018
    pscythe said:

    @Shadooow Okay userpatch haks might be a bad idea, but what I'm driving at is can a builder have the whole CPP imported into a module and have it all work like normal modules without users having to install anything themselves?

    I understand the intent here and while this would work it would be quite problematic for builder to use this way. First of all, you would need to divide the community patch files into "what works inside module" and "what doesn't".

    Scripts should never be added into hak because otherwise you will be unable to modify that script in toolset. Models, 2das doesn't work in module and must be put into hak.

    Even if you do this and make a special version that works as ERF and HAK. There is another issue with scripts. Basically, unless you start working on brand new module you cannot just import all scripts and have it to overwrite everything - you would lose your own changes. The beauty of the community patch main feature - that it works as a patch - is that you get the CPP version of the script automatically anytime you don't have your own version of that script in module, and also by deleting yours and then re-opening that script from core files. And you can do this anytime. If you used it as an erf, you would need to keep track on your changes and re-import cpp scripts when you decide you delete one of your own script modifications.

    That is further problematic because since all scripts exists in core resources, when importing them you will be notified that they will overwrite existing content. All of them. There won't be a way to determine which script will overwrite your own script and which script just overwrites vanilla.

    Therefore the recommended approach is to just check if player uses community patch via script. There is a function in '70_inc_main' include that is able to determine whether player has community patch installed. You should use this function at the start of your module and inform player that it won't work without it installed.

    Though, afaik there is just one functionality that is important enough and thats the spell engine. You don't need to care if user has community installed for anything else - that is his own problem if he wants to play with bugged animals/familiars or AI. So, if that is your concern than I recommend to import everything from 1.72 builders resources/1.72 spell script changes/ folder (or script changes not sure how the folder is named now). But there is no need to import all other general scripts...
  • pscythepscythe Member Posts: 116
    Thank you for the very useful info.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    Let this be clear that this is only related to using community patch features in singleplayer module. Modules hosted in multiplayer will have all extra community patch features functional regardless if player has community patch installed or not.

    Side note: this statement apply for NWN:EE. 1.69 version contains some nwnx functionalities that require player to have nwncx_patch plugin.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    New version of community patch released. The link here in first post was updated so you can just re-download it and re-install it.

    Detailed changelog can be found on nwn vault forums or inside the package.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited September 2018
    @Shadooow Question regarding the Eye of Gruumsh and Shou Disciple prestige classes: Were these part of the original game or were they added by editing class.2da files? In the readme file for the 1.69 version of NWN classic, it states that they were "hidden". If they are part of the original game, would it be possible to add them to the roster of selectable classes within the core game without requiring the community patch project to reveal them? Of course, this would have to be done with your permission.

    On a side note, I'd like to report an exploit I have researched when combining levels of Monk and Shou Disciple. I have found that if you take your 5th shou disciple level, after taking 16 monk levels for the 1d20 unarmed damage, the calculated unarmed damage on your character sheet will be 2d20. As in, two twenty-sided dice for a base unarmed damage of 2-40 points of damage per attack. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    edited September 2018

    @Shadooow Question regarding the Eye of Gruumsh and Shou Disciple prestige classes: Were these part of the original game or were they added by editing class.2da files? In the readme file for the 1.69 version of NWN classic, it states that they were "hidden". If they are part of the original game, would it be possible to add them to the roster of selectable classes within the core game without requiring the community patch project to reveal them? Of course, this would have to be done with your permission.

    On a side note, I'd like to report an exploit I have researched when combining levels of Monk and Shou Disciple. I have found that if you take your 5th shou disciple level, after taking 16 monk levels for the 1d20 unarmed damage, the calculated unarmed damage on your character sheet will be 2d20. As in, two twenty-sided dice for a base unarmed damage of 2-40 points of damage per attack. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.

    They are hidden but the code for them is hardcoded in engine thus it is possible to add them with just some 2da tweaks and edits which is what community patch does. So yes you don't need community patch for that just to take those 2das from it and use it standalone.

    Regarding the exploit I know about it. Its a bug in hardcoded game unarmed calculation. I fixed this in nwnx or nwncx plugin that is included with community patch for 1.69. NWN:EE however doesn't support NWNX the way I need and therefore no nwnx features are included in version for NWN:EE.

    I reported the bug on BeamDog bug tracker but it seems that BeamDog is not much interested in fixing this as its not standard content in their eyes.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited June 2020
    Shadooow said:

    They are hidden but the code for them is hardcoded in engine thus it is possible to add them with just some 2da tweaks and edits which is what community patch does. So yes you don't need community patch for that just to take those 2das from it and use it standalone.

    Regarding the exploit I know about it. Its a bug in hardcoded game unarmed calculation. I fixed this in nwnx or nwncx plugin that is included with community patch for 1.69. NWN:EE however doesn't support NWNX the way I need and therefore no nwnx features are included in version for NWN:EE.

    I reported the bug on BeamDog bug tracker but it seems that BeamDog is not much interested in fixing this as its not standard content in their eyes.

    @Shadooow After rereading my last statement on this thread, I realized I should have phrased it better. My apologies, sir. Is it possible that all the content provided by the Community Patch Project including classes, fixes and features, could be adopted and made a standard part of the core game by BeamDog with your permission? I don't know the status of your relationship with BeamDog, or if you are employed by them or not. I just find it surprising that content which was shipped in the core game engine itself is not considered standard.

    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402

    @Shadooow After rereading my last statement on this thread, I realized I should have phrased it better. My apologies, Sir. Is it possible that all the content provided by the Community Patch Project including classes, fixes and features, could be adopted and made a standard part of the core game by BeamDog with your permission? I don't know the status of your relationship with BeamDog, or if you are employed by them or not. I just find it surprising that content which was shipped in the core game engine itself is not considered standard.

    I belive I replied on similar question already somewhere but don't remember where.

    So strict answer. BeamDog has my permission to include all the content I am author. But majority of my content is content-based. BeamDog so far haven't started fixing content-based issues and bugs and only touched engine issues or hardcoded stuff - for which I helped as I could already.

    Regarding fixes, each single fix needs to be reinvestigated by BeamDog and confirmed. Thus that makes it really annoying for me to report every single bug standalone and also hard for them to test it. But thats BD policy and it makes sense.

    However considering community patch contains around 6 thousands of fixes this will be probably not possible to do with this policy in place. Additionally, spellscrips from community patch uses completely new format and are written in a way to allow dynamic changes into spells. Thats however something BD has no interest in - they want to keep spellscripts as close to vanilla 1.69 to make it easier to builders to adopt the fixes and potentionally merge it with their own scripts. This therefore means that every single fix into spellscripts has to be remade and translated into standard spellscript first and thats not an easy task.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited February 2019
    @Shadooow Thank you very much for this, sir. I just read the release notes of the text file located in the .7zip manual installation folder. Just out of curiosity, have you been able to work with the developers in pinpointing the cause of the attack bonus miscalculation issue? I didn't read anything in the notes that stated if it was fixed or not. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all. 
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    @Prince_Raymond you did not provide enough data, but I think it will be the same bug as the one for AC. Dexterity modifier can get bugged when player is subject to any effect lowering dexterity ability score. If your character is therefore getting AB from dexterity that would be it.

    I fixed the bug in AC calculation but it requires nwnx_patch and is only available in server mode. And AB needs to be fixed separately and fixing AB is much more difficult.
  • Prince_RaymondPrince_Raymond Member Posts: 457
    edited February 2019
    @Shadooow The bug I'm referring to causes the Combat UI to apply a -5 penalty instead of the normal -3 penalty to a monk's iterative unarmed attacks. Coupled with the -2 penalty from Flurry of Blows, the total unarmed attack penalty increases to -7. This penalty is cumulative, and it is applied to all of the monk's attacks per round including the extra attacks granted by Circle Kick, Cleave/Great Cleave, Flurry of Blows, and Haste. Before the monk has reached her final attack for the round, her unarmed attack bonus is no longer a bonus because it is negative. This is more noticeable after a monk has scored a hit from an attack of opportunity while fighting multiple enemies with Flurry of Blows activated. The best way to reproduce this bug would be to:

    1) Start Chapter 1 of the Wailing Death Campaign playing a monk with a Strength score of 13+.
    2) Use the "DebugMode 1" command to level the monk to 10 and spawn Boots of Speed. Equip the Boots of Speed.
    3) Select the Circle Kick, Power Attack, and Great Cleave feats during the leveling process. Monks get the Cleave feat for free at level 1.
    4) Make your way to the Docks District from the City Core of Neverwinter, and enter the Silver Sails Trading Co.
    5) While in the first room, save your game before continuing to the next room containing a swarm of fire beetles (the encounter should also spawn 2 giant spiders at your current level).
    6) Pause the game, activate Flurry of Blows, resume and attack the fire beetle swarm. Watch the combat log in the chat window at the bottom of the screen closely, as one of the fire beetles is bound to provoke an attack of opportunity.
    7) Once you have killed all the enemies in the room, expand the chat window's view of the combat log to see the penalties applied to every attack you made during that fight.
    8) If unable to reproduce the bugged results, reload your saved game and repeat steps 6-7 as needed.

    Hopefully, this will give you more insight as to what I'm talking about. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
    Post edited by Prince_Raymond on
  • ShadooowShadooow Member Posts: 402
    @Prince_Raymond ah this. I saw this to happen with scimitar too so I think it is bug inside greater cleave, probably triggered by taking AoE while doing greater cleave. This is not fixed and even if I managed to fix this, the fix would be (same as for the fix for AC calculation) available only to servers and only if they use nwnx_patch which only works on windows. There is no NWNCX anymore so I cannot make these fixes for game client as well, we need to wait for BeamDog to fix this.
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