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Anyone else like Nalia?



  • SwordsNotWordsSwordsNotWords Member Posts: 147
    I've never fully understood why Nalia is a thief to mage dual class and have always thought it would make more sense story wise for her to go the other way, i.e. learning magic as a privileged scholar then escaping out into the big, bad world where she would develop roguish skills. I guess the main reason is game-play related as she would miss out more on the higher level mage skills (higher level spells etc.) than she would higher level thief skills.
  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    It made sense to me. I see her small amount of thief levels being there as she made it a habit of sneaking out of the keep (as far as I remember, she did anyway!)... and all she needed for that was just a bit of practice on her own and nothing more, whereas the magic studies due to her high status were constant... so she is more of a mage with very minor sneaking out of castle abilities.
  • rufus_hobartrufus_hobart Member Posts: 490
    No, you're not alone, Nalia is awesome, i pretty much always have her along as my sidekick, never had half as many problems with her as most others seem to.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I like Nalia enough to keep her around for awhile, but I tend to kick her out of the party after doing a couple of quests with her though. I tend to rotate the NPCs around during a playthrough but she seems to be one I never come back to.

    IMO she is an Imonen clone though, even her Character Quest is a mirror image of what you are attempting with Imonen.
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