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Old bug still here

While playing today I ran into an old bug that apparently still hasn't been fixed (maybe can't be). It's when a monster is just completely invisible for no reason and you can't attack it because you can't click on it. You can just see the name moving around. Not sure if it's been brought up again yet but figured I'd just mention it.


  • nivniv Member, Moderator, Developer Posts: 410
    Do you have a repro case? A module/situation where it happens? A way to narrow it down at least?
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 339
    Unfortunately no. It's one of those bugs that's randomly happened since the game came out. Like 10 different computers I've gone through since then. So I can't narrow it down to any specific hardware. In this particular case it happened in the OC (It was the Goblin Chief in chapter 2). No haks or anything. But it doesn't just happen in the OC. Happens in mods and PWs as well. Last I read about this years ago it had something to do with the distance that a monster becomes visible to the PC and on occasion it just doesn't become visible?
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 339
    edited January 2018
    Actually thinking about it more, I believe this happens mostly when I open a door and the npcs/mobs in the room should then be visible with line of sight and occasionally one of them is not revealed. It doesn't happen very often. Just one of those bugs I've "lived with" over the years.
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    edited January 2018
    I’ve had this happen a few times myself. Often it is a whole group of enemies which just disappear.

    In game terms they are still there because they still hit me. And if I manage to get into combat with them (eg via cleave from an enemy I am already fighting then I can attack them).

    If I press TAB then I can see their names appear. But I can’t see the actual enemies, nor can I click on them (or rather click on where they should be).

    I can’t suggest steps to repeat the bug because it is very rare - I’m up to chapter 3 and it’s happened maybe 3 times so far.

    Saving and reloading fixes the problem (although it does mean I’ll have just reloaded into the middle of a fight which can sometimes be tricky) so it’s not a huge issue.

    I’m playing OC with no mods.
  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182
    It's been happening to me as well since the latest patch. Also, unmounting a horse seems to make my robe invisible also. Other players can see it but I can't. Both of these bugs I had in 1.69 and just assumed they'd never get fixed, the invisible monster bug I remember it occurring way back before Shadows on the PWs I used to play on.
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    Confirmed that invis monster bug still happens. Very infrequent, but still happens. The quick player work around is to unequip and re-equip a weapon so that you can provoke an AoO and then at least get your flurries going.
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154
    @niv, I've never seen a way to repro this reliably. It is rare and tends to affect a single member of a spawn, and a single player (client) when it happens in multiplayer. Triggering an AoE, per @Grizzled_Dwarflord , or using AoE spells, or relying on Summons/Henchies/Party mates are the way we've dealt with it for years on PWs. Save & reload doesn't work so well on Ye Olde PW. :)

    I haven't repro'd it in EE as we're still delaying migration, but here's a 1.69 screenie:

    I bothered screenie-ing after EE was announced it in case a bug ticket might be warranted, but as I said, I have not seen it personally in EE. This particular area uses only 2 BW monster models: the rat and wererat. All mobs were normal except the one individual I could not see - my partymate could see the enemy and attack it, though. I paused for a screenie rather than triggering an AoE right away. I didn't manage to get the name tag in the screenie, but you can see we're fighting a wererat in the log that is not visible on-screen.

    Does anyone know of a reliable way to reproduce this? It'd be great to be able to track ti down and fix it, but it's so rare I don't know that it's worth the effort.

  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182
    It's not so rare recently on my pw. I have a set of caves with kuo-toa spawns inside them and invariably it will occur at least once for at least one or more party members. I could take a screenshot, but it would show a name of the creature floating in mid air, the actual creature is invisible. The module is heavily scripted, contains cep2.65 as well as my own 2da and creature and weapon edits and a specific hak.
  • nivniv Member, Moderator, Developer Posts: 410
    The client clearly knows about the object (as the text bubble shows up after all), so I'm hesitantly ruling out visibility-related bugs on the server side.

    From the way this sounds to me, it might be a) the appearance ID not syncing down to a client randomly or b) the model randomly not loading on clients. Neither option is even remotely appealing, as one would be a network bug (unlikely), and the other a renderer/resource loader bug (more likely, but also ugh).

    Very weird. I think we might have to sit on this for a little while and see if some more data pops up. I'll be giving it some thought meanwhile, but without a repro or any idea under what circumstances this happens it's unlikely to be found.
  • tfoxtfox Member Posts: 87
    edited July 2018
    I can't comment on the EE version specifically as I've not experienced it on such but I've not had much time for games in a while, but incase it's useful to Niv the 1.69 version of this bug (if it's the exact same one) I believe is a render issue generally caused by spawning NPC's within render distance of the player as far as I recall and was generally more likely to happen if there's any notable lag or hitching with regards to fps when they spawn. I'm unsure if server lag increased the chance of this happening or not (or even if it happened at all in single player).

    Back when I was doing dev work for a server years ago we managed to stop this from happening in almost all cases by moving all of our encounter triggers well away from where they spawn (preferably with walls and/or a door between their spawn location or an exceptional distance).

    Things like being blinded for .2 of a second, entering darkness without ultravision, reloading the area/relogging, forcing the npc via scripting to enter sanctuary (we used a chat command that did it to all NPC's within a colossal radius I think?) for a tiny amount of time all work to make such redraw.

    *edit* Further info to add, it tends to happen with static models rather then dynamic models, if a dynamic model spawns like such generally various parts of them are still visible like their head, random hands/legs that sorta thing.
  • EasterBearEasterBear Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2018
    dTd said: would show a name of the creature floating in mid air, the actual creature is invisible...

    And no matter what you can't target the darn thing. This just happened to me playing NWNEE with a Galaxy S9 on a CEP2.65 PW. Silly low level creature almost killed me and I did at least try to restart the phone and log back in to no avail.

    I've also had this occur several times on this and other PWs on my PC. So, for bug fixing sake, it is certainly not limited by hardware.

    Any updates or ideas for a solution?

  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182
    I'd like to bump this as well, it's been happening more recently.
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154
    edited December 2018
    Pets and henchies (and usually other players, too) can still target the invisible target, if available. Another option is to try and trigger AoOs by moving around - once engaged, your char will keep swinging. If you're a caster instead of a martial attacker, AoEs can still hit the target.

    Finally, leaving the area and returning will often reset the appearance of the invisible creature. We've shown this recently in v1.69 in opportunistic testing vs neutral NPCs afflicted by the bug. For this particular case, the PC who couldn't see a merchant left to an AFK area and then immediately returned, fixing the issue in this instance.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,748
    dTd said:

    I'd like to bump this as well, it's been happening more recently.

    Make sure it's logged into our bug tracker with repro steps.
  • dTddTd Member Posts: 182

    dTd said:

    I'd like to bump this as well, it's been happening more recently.

    Make sure it's logged into our bug tracker with repro steps.
    I'd love to be able to reproduce it but as many have said it randomly happens, in almost any area but usually multiplayer. It does seem to be curable by leaving said area and returning, which I assume reloads the gfx for said invisible creature. This acts very much like the SetObjectVisualTransform bug when it was initially added.
  • donoghudonoghu Member Posts: 1
    I just had this problem while in single player. (Playing on the official Infinite Dungeon DLC available on

    As I understand, the bug is random and appears to happen when the enemy (or enemies) have yet to loose its forced invisible state and the engine skip this process for some reason. Since the Point&Click system have a condition that make it so that the player can't select any enemies with the invisible state and this version of it skip the almost every type of check, it's a bug that seem to be only countered with AIs assistance (which always see the invisible stuff).

    Unless someone breaks down the invisibility system for the players, there's not much that can be done with this "random" issue. My guess is that it might be related to the way the old engine works with its framerate.

    A potential solution would be to add an option that allow, for example, player to select and attack the enemy through the chat panel. (The chat display all action from any NPCs and Players against the current client's player/team.) Ideally, this would need to only work with NPCs and not between players (in Multiplayer) to avoid totally break the invisible state. Otherwise, a player could attack an invisible player regardless of its checks simply by select & attack the invisible player through the chat panel.
    Even adding a condition like a % reduction on this would still be better than being unable to do anything for as long as the enemy remains invisible due to the bug. (It's especially a pain in the butt when you can't move out of the area because you're stuck in a battle.)
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