Neera the Wild Mage
Ok am really looking forward to BG:EE and am a ->huge<- fan
But just something thats annoying me greatly...
Neera looks ... ehh ..... plain......
She could maby get a slighty more attractive face ? am sorry might just be me thats spoiled with pretty people in computer games but Neera looks, well she just aint hot... she not downright ugly either but she not something i would hit on .........and yeah bring on the "you would get any" bla bla bla jokes....
But seriously i know i can just mod another photo inn when the games comes out but am i really the only one?
In a fantasy world where i pretend to be a super godling fighting dragons and such i wanna pick from the top lady shelves...
No i understand that romance is optional and everything but a big part of the EE edition is extra characters and i feel like the devs could at least upgrade the picture... i bet my life that even a half assed deviantart dude could create something that looks tons better and still keep the "character" looks intact..
But then again .. maby thats what the devs hope for ? but in that case its lazy ... soo..... fix pic plox?
But just something thats annoying me greatly...
Neera looks ... ehh ..... plain......
She could maby get a slighty more attractive face ? am sorry might just be me thats spoiled with pretty people in computer games but Neera looks, well she just aint hot... she not downright ugly either but she not something i would hit on .........and yeah bring on the "you would get any" bla bla bla jokes....
But seriously i know i can just mod another photo inn when the games comes out but am i really the only one?
In a fantasy world where i pretend to be a super godling fighting dragons and such i wanna pick from the top lady shelves...
No i understand that romance is optional and everything but a big part of the EE edition is extra characters and i feel like the devs could at least upgrade the picture... i bet my life that even a half assed deviantart dude could create something that looks tons better and still keep the "character" looks intact..
But then again .. maby thats what the devs hope for ? but in that case its lazy ... soo..... fix pic plox?
To me, she looks like she a lot of personality and simply looks beautiful as is.
If the art was bad I would understand your complaint at least, but do you really want the Devs to pick portraits simply based on the sort of woman your attracted too?
If you ask me... she actually looks pretty natural and nice.. but I guess its a matter of opinion.. personal I don't judge girl in videogames on the premise (would I sleep with her?) but rather "is the char well written" and if it comes down to looks.. well.. then its more if the look suits the personality of the char.
Dudes we are talking about a "fictional" girl here in the making. we can chill a bit on the
"its the inside that counts" and all that stuff that am sure we all follow by the book in real life.
This is a fantasy game about dragons eating dwarfs, i dont think swedish feminist are gonna bust your balls for caring about a character portrait and not how she is written. Well maby they would but anyway
no am just saying that the character portrait of Neera is well too plain. Am not saying they should make her a bombshell or whatever.. Aerie and Jahira and Vic all had uniqe pictures. But i still dont understand the coloration difference, the dept lack in the face, the chin size and eye placements.
Lets say its intentional that this Neera is supposed to be a bit "less attractive"
I still say the picture needs work
As for the style, Aerie's portrait is supposed to fit BG2, not the first game.
Is it not possible to change npc's picture?
It does not matter if the female is "fictional" or not, the fact is that you believe that females in games exist just for you to drool over. I don't put up with chauvinistic misogyny on these forums, but you are new (Presumably) so I will be nice this time. Keep pig-headed comments to yourself, please.
Its easy to fix the picture, most people here have done it many many times i figure with main character, i personaly used icewind dale portraits when i played bg last time.
Jalily said it to keep everything to BG standard, i checked the portraits there and i dont agree, but anyway , it is a enchanted edition , they would be fools not to employ the upgraded pictures from bg2 since they have the lisence now and they will use the exact same platform to enchant bg2 and throne of bhaal
Maby am the minority here, and that am spoiled with the other portraits and cannot enjoy our tomboyish chin girl, and before all you white knights go ape, this is a Fictional girl... okay.. fictional .. she wont get upset ... trust me
i just think she is more right side then left,and i still think they should upgrade the quality of the portrait
The pictures of the tattoo dude, totaly not ripped from The Painted Man
...Please tell me your trolling here, But I will bite just in case.
It does not matter if the female is "fictional" or not, the fact is that you believe that females in games exist just for you to drool over. I don't put up with chauvinistic misogyny on these forums, but you are new (Presumably) so I will be nice this time. Keep pig-headed comments to yourself, please.
Am not trolling and not hating anyone. Are you aware that we are talking about a fictional character in a RPG game that is marketing itself with a ROMANCE aspect ? That i am being targetet by a company to buy ?
ehem let me put it this way mate
Keep your "intelligent comments to yourself sir" and if you got something to say to me. Please send me a message ill respond in kind
Yeah and that website only got pictures of computer animated people, and its science... love or hate it
And, btw, you're in no position to take the moral high ground here, considering the patronizing contempt with which you have engaged other commenters so far.
But i have been called shallow pig/chauvinistic and i dont see you rushing to my defence even if you agree or not.
Now if people that are saying they love the picture, love the quality. well then thats that i guess.
But if my opinion "about a character portrait is to plain" is being countered with that am to sexist to see past the picture then its bias and irrelevant. Wanting a better picture says nothing about making her a blond dumb doll following me around derpa derping into hulks getting confused
Honesly if you had the choice, if you could MAKE your girlfriend... and am talking fictional now.. like in ... a video game... a fictional game with you in the center , where everything is about YOU....
Either way this beholder finds Neera to be a tasty crumpet.
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder and men like women with a little meat on them =3
Mmm Professor Xavier...You can mind-f*** me anytime I MEAN What were we talking about again? >.>
Well if your gonna use that argument at least link a good picture, using some crap random image from google.
Lemme help you
Well... at least i find it pretty
And yes Schneidend i read your post.. funny... You hit the ball straight into the goal mate... grats... you got me so bad... am breaking apart here.... seriously...
If people want plain Neera they will get plain Neera.. we can just voice our opinions...
And BTW people .....
Marylin Monre was NOT plain and not fat , she was !"¤!"¤
She was the ultimate wet dream of her time and ... well awesome