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If you no longer want notifications for specific discussions that you have created...

TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
When you create discussions on this forum you have the option to receive a notification every time someone comments on that discussion. This option, however, does not give you the choice to specify which of your created discussions you want to receive notifications for- it just notifies you any time someone comments on any of your discussions or, if the option is turned off, it doesn't notify you at all. During my time as a moderator on this forum I have seen several instances of people asking if it were possible to not receive notifications from specific discussions they created and no longer have interest in, but still receive notifications from other discussions they created. In the past our only answer has been that this is not possible, but I have just recently found a way for moderators to manually remove your ownership of a discussion and thus prevent you from receiving notifications for comments made on it.

If you have created a discussion that you no longer wish to receive notifications for just post here and one of the moderators will be happy to help you out. Make sure to include a link to the discussion you no longer want to receive notifications for. Be warned however! This will PERMANENTLY remove your ownership of a thread! There is no easy way to reverse the process! Be absolutely certain that you do not want to receive notifications for this thread before you request this!

You may also post here if you have any questions about this process.
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