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Pretty dissapointed

I hate to say it but im rather confused and dissapointed.

So ive been on the ee head start since day 1 and ive barely seen any growth in numbers infact they seem to be on a decline.

In this day and age of social media ( free advertising ) why is there no a mammoth campaign going on ?

How are people supposed to know about EE ?

Why arent you offering a free trial during beta ?

If we dont grow this community we will be left with more servers than players.

Please do something im already bored of playing with the same 5 people.


  • AncarionAncarion Member Posts: 155
    My understanding is that this is very early in development. Just look at the roadmap and trello board - there are tons of features that are yet to be implemented. It wouldn't make much sense to be doing a lot of campaigning or advertising yet, as there's not much new to show. I think we need to have a bit of patience.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    it's too soon to tell, patience is king.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772

    NWN:EE was announced on Nov, 25, 2017. In 4 weeks of its beta the game got three patches.

    2 weeks before the holiday season the Trello boards were announced, and people started to vote on features and discuss them actively.

    Every Friday the team is doing livestreams where new and new details are being shared.

    PCGamer and other video games magazines are sharing news and interviews about the project.

    Now the team has come back from the holiday and is already cooking the next patch.

    Don't miss this Friday, 10 AM PST, - the new livestream will happen.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    The NWN EE livestream is also hosted by the official D&D channel on twitch which also hosts popular shows such as Dice Camera Action, Maze Arcana and Critical Role. As part of that they also frequently mention that in their own Dragon Talk news show along with the day and time, which is right before the fireside chat with the D&D brand director. So that's a bit more support than just a social media shout out.

    I think a lot of ppl were initially too enthusiastic about the impact of NWN EE believing that it would bring persistent world player totals back like they were 10 years ago. There are a lot of technical hurdles for existing servers with great amounts of advancements made for the 1.69 version to switch their advancements over to a newer version. To varying degrees it seems most servers decided to wait and see until NWN EE stops patching every week.

    I agree the pw server numbers right now aren't too encouraging but it's probably better to see this like an early access alpha version for the enhancements Beamdog wants to make to the base game. There are some suggestions that would open up whole new possibilities rather than just a new coat of paint, but it takes time.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    @Originalnwnonly Have you seen the recent updates to the Roadmap board?
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited January 2018
    “Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.”

    Stephen King, The Dark Tower

    If you want more active people in multiplayer then help build the multiplayer community.

    Take it upon yourself to promote the Enhanced Edition. Manifest success. Be the change you want to see.

    Watch the Twitch Streams, join Trello and vote on items, be part of the discussion on these forums, get on twitter and tell the world.

    Don't wish for it, work for it.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    All fantastic ideas @FreshLemonBun and I am actually going to steal a couple of those and see what I can work out!

    You have inspired me!

  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295


    NWN:EE was announced on Nov, 25, 2017. In 4 weeks of its beta the game got three patches.

    2 weeks before the holiday season the Trello boards were announced, and people started to vote on features and discuss them actively.

    Every Friday the team is doing livestreams where new and new details are being shared.

    PCGamer and other video games magazines are sharing news and interviews about the project.

    Now the team has come back from the holiday and is already cooking the next patch.

    Don't miss this Friday, 10 AM PST, - the new livestream will happen.

    But what have they done for me lately?
    I waited for this game for 5 years before original beta so waiting a few years for it to be rereleased means nothing.

    Just give more avatar options, fix henchman ai, and give us more paid modules and I will be happy
  • AtremiousAtremious Member Posts: 42
    The giveaway I am hosting was just tweeted by the D&D Official Twitter a couple nights ago. I'm hoping that with the giveaway and my posts on reddit and what not, that hopefully we can draw a few more people to our community. :) There are things we as a community can do as well to help bring more sacrifi- I mean people into the fold.

    You don't have to go as far as I am, of course, but in creating content as well, in sharing that content like some of the much more talented people have been, you can try and build that interest.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    Staran said:


    NWN:EE was announced on Nov, 25, 2017. In 4 weeks of its beta the game got three patches.

    2 weeks before the holiday season the Trello boards were announced, and people started to vote on features and discuss them actively.

    Every Friday the team is doing livestreams where new and new details are being shared.

    PCGamer and other video games magazines are sharing news and interviews about the project.

    Now the team has come back from the holiday and is already cooking the next patch.

    Don't miss this Friday, 10 AM PST, - the new livestream will happen.

    But what have they done for me lately?
    The aqueduct?

  • AtremiousAtremious Member Posts: 42
    Oh. And sewers!
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