Wiki for NWN EE?

There is a lot of NWN wiki's out there, unfortunately a lot of them are plagued with tons of ads and junk or outdated material. Could we get an "official" beam dog wiki that is ad free and tracks current EE game?
I'm mostly interested in building aspects, but would be helpful for players too.
I'm mostly interested in building aspects, but would be helpful for players too.
Maybe something similar to improvements to the Baldur's Gate wiki (which are simply awesome) can be made here. Everyone posting reports on updating the wiki will get free promotes!
Personally I feel wikia is hot garbage and would rather have a ad-free media wiki.
I'm not sure who has the keys to the player wikia, nor can I speak for the vault, but I'd vote for migration there, as a separate ad free wiki in the same format.
The NWN Lexicon is dedicated to the scripting part of NWN and comparing it to the Wikia is like comparing apples to oranges.
If its ads you're worried about, use Firefox and install the NoScript and uBlock Origin extensions. I use both of those and I never have to deal with ads anywhere.