Creatures don't enter door transitions in the same area

Edit: Dear moderators, please move it to General Chatting. I did post here the wrong place. Sorry and don't be furious this will of course not happen again 
That's my request: when fighting a creature enemy don't follow you when entering a door transition with destiny in the same area. Not even the henchmen and the summoned creatures.
What do you think about people?

That's my request: when fighting a creature enemy don't follow you when entering a door transition with destiny in the same area. Not even the henchmen and the summoned creatures.
What do you think about people?
Post edited by sandronejm on
Pstemarie, okay.
FreshLemonBun, the problem is the creatures stopping and not to make them stop!
Proleric, General Chatting would be the right place and very good what you said !