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Regarding Bhaal...

Dear BG and FR enthusiasts,

Are there any Forgotten Realms novels that explore Bhaal more in depth? I've just finished the Avatar Series and Bhaal was only briefly mentioned and glossed over. I would like to find out more in Bhaal as a god or perhaps as a mortal before he attained Godhood.

Also, how did Bhaal foresee his own death? Was it stated anywhere how he had known about Alaundo's prophecy?

Thank you.


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    kind of fitting when your character wears the claw of kazgaroth item then eh? a lesser version of bhaal wearing a piece of his minion
  • johntyljohntyl Member Posts: 400
    edited January 2018
    @DJKajuru Yes, I've read the Bhaal's section in the Faiths and Avatars book.

    What I found interesting is how the Slayer and Ravager forms in BG differ from the description in the faiths and avatar's book. In the book, the Slayer is described as a being that looks like a human male corpse with a feral face, ivory-white skin, and deep lacerations that endlessly wept black ichor that vanished before it struck anything.

    The Ravager, on the other hand, was over 30 feet tall, with long, tough sinews, a flowing beard and mane of hair, eyes that glow with the flames of Gehenna, a face twisted in a grimace of supernatural hatred, and two 7-foot-long curved horns protruding from his forehead.

    A pity that is not much shed on Bhaal considering a whole RPG is built around him!
    Post edited by johntyl on
  • AnduinAnduin Member Posts: 5,745
    edited January 2018
    I took over Bhaal's job. Did this huge quest and ascended to godhood.

    I'd tell you about it but I wouldn't want to spoil anything...


    I had to change the name though... I couldn't be the Lord of Murder... Bit dark.

    I'm the Lord of Purposeful Life End. Service with a smile!


    @johntyl ... I dislike how you see this as a face twisted in a grimace of supernatural hatred...

    The Dead Three. A book you can find within the game is my main reference point for Bhaal.
  • johntyljohntyl Member Posts: 400
    Lol mate, you sound like you were on a trip or something.
    Anduin said:

    @johntyl ... I dislike how you see this as a face twisted in a grimace of supernatural hatred...

    I was quoting from the Faith & Avatar book my friend, it wasn't how I saw it.
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