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[MOD] Skin for IWD1 EE/ BG1 EE/ BG2 EE

hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
edited January 2021 in BGII:EE Mods
I am not so good at English.
So please be good to understand my awkward English.

This is for IWD1 EE, BG1 EE and BG2 EE

please follow red line.

first of all, download and....

just put in there.. and

use keeper, open the game

change the appearance what you want...

fighter male BARBARIAN => diablo2 barbarian
fighter male TWOHANDED => diablo2 paladin
fighter female AMAZON => diablo2 amazon
MAGE FEMALE DIAROGUE => diablo2 corrupted rogue
MAGE FEMALE ROGUEGIRL => diablo2 corrupted rogue (armed)
Succubus => diablo1 succubus
elf female cleric low => Lineage1 female lord
elf female fighter low => Lineage1 female elf
halfling female cleric low => Lineage1 female monk
THIEF FEMALE BIKINI => Planescape:Torment woman
ASIAN DRAGON => Asian Dragon
Golem clay => baslt golem
Minotaur => diablo2 minotaur
UNICORN => unicorn
BOXER => Lineage1 male monk

Previous update


2018-01-25 new version updated.


2018 April 23 new version updated.


2018 September 03 new version updatede (skin ver1.0)


2019 2 25 updated (skin 1.2ver)


2019 2 26 updated (skin v 1.25)


2019 3 18 little updated (skin v 1.28)


2019 3 19 little updated (skin v 1.29)


2019 April 11 Update (skin v 1.3)

Do you like unicorn?

diablo: no

diablo: hahahahaha i'm king of the world!

Demogorgon: somebody help me!

warrior: i must stop him!

Bring it on!!

(v 1.3: D2 Diablo, Unicorn, D1 Warrior, D1 Rogue update)

2019 december 06 Update

Diablo with shadow, Boxer and female monk updated

Feel free to use this skin. Anyone can modify it. Anyone can use it in any way.
(Except diablo. Diablo is not my work. it was created by Gwendolyne. so You must ask his permission.)
Post edited by hanhwisoo on


  • John_BarleycornJohn_Barleycorn Member Posts: 17
    Neat! Do you plan to make the characters from diablo 1 maybe? I would really like to play BG1 with the model of the fighter from diablo1, i think it would suit perfectly.
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28

    Neat! Do you plan to make the characters from diablo 1 maybe? I would really like to play BG1 with the model of the fighter from diablo1, i think it would suit perfectly.

    Thank you for your comment. I can not write English, but I can read it. Reading and writing are different...

    and.. I agree with you. diablo fighter thing is also planned. But I do not know how long it will take...
  • I can not write English, but I can read it. Reading and writing are different...

    Don't worry about that, for now i think you're writing perfectly ;)
    About the time needed yeah i know, i left this kind of mods time ago becouse work with these kind of animations takes even more than working directly with their 3d models... And programs like bamworkshop and alike sometimes were pretty frustrating to work with.
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    edited September 2018
    The devs have promised to release to us their 3d to 2d animation tool, which they made for SOD.... I think this will make mods like this and even completely new creations much easier :)
  • GrammarsaladGrammarsalad Member Posts: 2,582
    fluke13 said:

    The devs have promised to release to us their 3d to 2d animation tool, which they made for SOD.... I think this will make mods like this and even completely new creations much easier :)

  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2018
    fluke13 said:

    The devs have promised to release to us their 3d to 2d animation tool, which they made for SOD.... I think this will make mods like this and even completely new creations much easier :)

    that is a interesting. What does devs mean? Is it an abbreviation for developers?
    Post edited by hanhwisoo on
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28

    I can not write English, but I can read it. Reading and writing are different...

    Don't worry about that, for now i think you're writing perfectly ;)
    About the time needed yeah i know, i left this kind of mods time ago becouse work with these kind of animations takes even more than working directly with their 3d models... And programs like bamworkshop and alike sometimes were pretty frustrating to work with.

    Thank you for your consideration. I am trying to make it as soon as possible.
  • fluke13fluke13 Member Posts: 399
    yes, developers... I wonder if Beamdog does or can do a summary of their weekly livestreams in multiple languages, so people like yourself can stay updated :)
  • DarkmaekoDarkmaeko Member Posts: 66

    added diablo way back when haha
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111
    Wow, i wonder if you can also edit normal/custom characters and adding things like fox tails, fox ears, demon/angel wings, horns, scales as if you are creating a half dragon, etc etc...
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2019
    Masterteo wrote: »
    Wow, i wonder if you can also edit normal/custom characters and adding things like fox tails, fox ears, demon/angel wings, horns, scales as if you are creating a half dragon, etc etc...

    I'm sorry. That is out of my ability. TㅡT
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited February 2019
    I just realized that the Asian Dragon looks almost exactly like the Mist Dragon of the 2nd Edition Monster Manual, one of my favorite forms of dragon for it's personality type and look. Does this mean i'm gonna have to add this into the mod i've been working on? I think it does, assuming it has more than a single idle animation.

    Thanks for this @hanhwisoo!
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    fluke13 wrote: »
    The devs have promised to release to us their 3d to 2d animation tool, which they made for SOD.... I think this will make mods like this and even completely new creations much easier :)

    Wait, really? I know something of animation, not much since i'm still learning it, but enough to know that I may possibly be able to do this. Big hype if it happens
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    edited February 2019
    I just realized that the Asian Dragon looks almost exactly like the Mist Dragon of the 2nd Edition Monster Manual, one of my favorite forms of dragon for it's personality type and look. Does this mean i'm gonna have to add this into the mod i've been working on? I think it does, assuming it has more than a single idle animation.

    Thanks for this @hanhwisoo!

    Sure. Feel free to use it. Anyone can use it in any way. edit is free also.
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    edited January 2021

    There is author list.

    diablo2 barbarian
    diablo2 paladin
    diablo2 amazon
    diablo2 corrupted rogue
    elf female cleric low
    elf female fighter low
    halfling female fighter low
    female elf mage
    D1 rogue
    Post edited by hanhwisoo on
  • MasterteoMasterteo Member Posts: 111

    D1 Rogue. Does she have a visual change based on the kind of armour she uses?

    Is it possible to have her, like in Diablo 1 Hellfire, with heavy plate + sword + shield?

    If so, could you kindly post some pictures of the rogue with different armours, shields and weapons?
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2019
    Masterteo wrote: »

    D1 Rogue. Does she have a visual change based on the kind of armour she uses?

    Is it possible to have her, like in Diablo 1 Hellfire, with heavy plate + sword + shield?

    If so, could you kindly post some pictures of the rogue with different armours, shields and weapons?

    Q1: D1 Rogue. Does she have a visual change based on the kind of armour she uses?

    No.. barbarian and warrior only

    Q2: Is it possible to have her, like in Diablo 1 Hellfire, with heavy plate + sword + shield? If so, could you kindly post some pictures of the rogue with different armours, shields and weapons?

    This rogue armed with double swords. not shield... and there is no visual change also.. i'm sorry T_T

    Post edited by hanhwisoo on
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    Would it be possible to change the appearance of creatures in the game with this? Let's say I wanted to change all of the Pit Fiends to look like Diablo, and give the Pit Fiend appearance to another demon. Would it be possible to do it all at once, so every Pit Fiend would look like Diablo?
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    Would it be possible to change the appearance of creatures in the game with this? Let's say I wanted to change all of the Pit Fiends to look like Diablo, and give the Pit Fiend appearance to another demon. Would it be possible to do it all at once, so every Pit Fiend would look like Diablo?

    Of course it's possible. :)
  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    Would that require scripting? How would I get started on doing that?
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2019
    Would that require scripting? How would I get started on doing that?

    please follow red line.


    open keeper. and click here


    look up to list. find the pit fiend


    Click Appearance tab


    Appearance change


    diablo appearance


    save to override folder




    Appearance change completed

    I hope it helps. :) my english... sorry

  • DregothofTyrDregothofTyr Member Posts: 229
    Oh wow that's awesome, thank you.
  • tim19920807tim19920807 Member Posts: 1
    good mod!!!!
  • imp51096454imp51096454 Member Posts: 53
    Fantastic!Can you please enlighten us how to export creatures from DIABLO II to Baldur's Gate?
  • imp51096454imp51096454 Member Posts: 53
    Besides, some of the creatures lack shadows
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    Besides, some of the creatures lack shadows

    D2 shadows are rendered by the engine, so all animations lack shadows.
    It takes either a lot of manual work or some good PST scripts + work to add shadows for D2 animations.
  • hanhwisoohanhwisoo Member Posts: 28
    Fantastic!Can you please enlighten us how to export creatures from DIABLO II to Baldur's Gate?

    thank you for your comment.

    To export, Diablo 2 and drtestv02l are required.

    here is drtestv02l. I hope it's useful.

    and... Ulb is right. Thank you :)
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    This is amazing! Thank you for all of your hard work. :D


    Imoen: "Heya! It's me, Imoen."
    Pit Fiend: "Fresh meat!"
  • imp51096454imp51096454 Member Posts: 53
    Thankyou Ulb and hanhwisoo! I will try drtestv02l :*
  • imp51096454imp51096454 Member Posts: 53
    Thankyou for you fantastic work, but it seems that there are shadows around DIABLO's hands when casting spell :'( Any one know how to fix it?
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