Audio-related questions

As per title, a number of questions related to audio
- Can we hope that the toolset will eventually support palette audio for BGM (many audio files playing in sequence) without having to resort to sound effect workarounds? (maybe multiple 2da entries? and a checkbox for saying sequential/randomised?)
- Will you consider adding more conditions and variables for Sound effects (as in "in/out combat) etc?
- Will you please add stereo support for all audio files in all instances (conversation, sound effect placement etc) so that all sounds work during conversation? (together with possibly more action tags?)
- Is there any chance of making "sound addition" to the game more accessible, rather than Bif/override repacking? the option to take them externally then "bake" them in the module?
- Would 2da extra columns be able to support loop points by sample and/or could the engine read them in the metadata of MP3s? Similar examples exist with OGG files. Can provide such file, if necessary.
- Another thing: could audio possibly work that, when transitioning from one area to the other, if the BGM is the same, it is kept playing, rather than being restarted?
Post edited by Dark_Ansem on
Alternatively, any chance you'd use OpenAL's EFX library to recreate environmental audio effects for this game? EFX doesn't rely on specific hardware and is platform-independent, so everybody would get environmental audio regardless of their OS or sound card.
OpenAL EFX would likewise be software-emulated (I think the X-Fi cards could do it in hardware but don't quote me on that), but shouldn't require Creative hardware or software. IMO that would be the best solution.
Just spam them, haha.