Who incidentally has a LOT more followers then Others I know lol. What’s the world coming to?
Best Dr Who? Come on mate. There can be only 1! Tom Baker.
We err, do agree upon this critical point in our alliance??
Isaac Asimov? Perhaps ‘I robot’? (And no, I don’t think Will Smith had been born yet) Such genius as the three laws. This was of course before computers were smaller then a house. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Laws_of_Robotics
Just also, sorry, also a huge Star Trek fan. There was a documentary about next Gen by William Shatner and it seemed a miracle that show ever held together at all but watching it looked ok to me! If you didn’t guess Data was my favourite. The Borg were fricken awesome and they finally got asskicked by Janeway in final Voyager episodes but I’m pretty sure we all already know that. Multiphasic torpedoes? God the Star Trek super geek in me has just been exposed. Will I ever be the same
Worf was petty, controlling, jealous, arrogant, and his sense of "honor" was little more than impotent pride used to shield the fact that he wasn't a proper Klingon. Yet so many fans see him as this glorified badass. I feel there was a huge dissonance between what the writers wanted to portray, how the rest of the characters treat him and the journey and actions he takes. Worf always goes on the heroes journey, everyone treats him like this icon of honor and martial prowess... but then he just goes about the show moping and being a petulant child to everyone.
As for Babylon 5... Oh man do I have a treat for you!
Babylon 5 is very 90's Sci-Fi but that only adds to it's charm and it has aged very well. If you enjoyed Deep Space Nine in the slightest then you owe it to yourself to check out Babylon 5.
If you are in the US, Verizon have the entire show up for free on their own streaming site called go90.
Tom Baker is always a good and safe choice. He singlehandedly cemented the fun, crazy yet terrifying doctor we all have come to know and love. He has also starred in more episodes of Dr. Who than anyone else... by a long way.
For Old Who I would have to agree with you and go with Tom Baker. But I do have a fondness for William Hartnell. No one else has managed to be as cynical, irresponsible and yet ultimately likable as Hartnell. But Tom Baker is legend.
For New Who I am a big fan of Matt Smith. His biggest sin was taking over the roll from David Tennant and people wanted Smith to be exactly the Doctor they had just lost. Then the focus shifted to Amy Pond and Smith became a background character for a while but in doing so he makes everyone around him shine. The writing was also exceptional for his run but people have a tendency to attribute a lot of his best episodes to Tennant so I don't think Smith gets as much recognition as he should.
I will absolutely have to check out I Robot! I think I may even have it on my tablet library somewhere.
Well, no. I am not sure they are still there, but they probably are I suppose. The Aribeth one is pretty bad, of course... And there is also this one in SoU where if you are nice to Deekin, the dialog option to have him identify your items disappears. I will look into the reporting procedure and see what I can do I guess...
You are a one man debugging machine!
Why have Beamdog not hired you for a QA position?
That is a very good question... I have applied several times for a position... I don't really know...
In any case, I looked into reporting those bugs and I unfortunately cannot at the moment, as I do not have a clean install of the game. The modules on my original version of the game were edited repeatedly to my tastes (especially for fixing issues) so I obviously cannot use those. I also installed the community patch that Shadooow uploaded here, and that changed several modules, and a ton of other stuff. I suppose I could try to make a clean install, but my hard drive is almost out of space at the moment and I don't want to mess with my current setup...
But hmm... I do have a few external hard drives I could use... I will look into moving my current setup there and making a new install...
@voidofopinion Although not a big fan of the newer Who’s, I’ve obviously watched many episodes anyhow, didn’t mind either Tennant or Smith but like you say, the focus became abit on Pond rather then sci-fi, the sci-fi simply becoming the vehicle to explore the characters personally and emotionally and all that stuff which got a bit disappointing for me, and as I pointed out earlier, Dr Who’s an explorer, nearly every episode on Earth? Not a fan of that. One of my favourite episodes of the new one was the Dalek planet one(love the Daleks lol) where Davros is apparently dying. Some awesome candid scenes between two collosal rivals. Loved it. Peter capaldi as the doctor. Hey what the hell? Latest doctor is supposed to be a woman Isn’t it? ‘The master’ turning female was odd, but now doc too?
Is that the one where Clara and Missy go to rescue the Doctor and Clara bluffs the Dalek's into thinking she was important?
I really dislike Peter Capaldi. I think his Doctor comes across as a sour egotist that just does a lot of whining and shouting. He was the first ever Doctor to make me give up and stop watching the series.
Clara was also a hugely missed opportunity. She was supposed to be a Victorian mistress whose potential and intellect could rival the doctors. But then producers got involved and wanted her to be more "relatable" so they stripped the character of all her brilliance and empowerment... then saddled her with a personality even ACE would describe as two dimensional and wooden.
Oddly... In 2012 there was a Dr. Who/Star Trek:TNG crossover comic. I never read it but it seems really... weird.
Is that the one where Clara and Missy go to rescue the Doctor and Clara bluffs the Dalek's into thinking she was important?
I really dislike Peter Capaldi. I think his Doctor comes across as a sour egotist that just does a lot of whining and shouting. He was the first ever Doctor to make me give up and stop watching the series.
Clara was also a hugely missed opportunity. She was supposed to be a Victorian mistress whose potential and intellect could rival the doctors. But then producers got involved and wanted her to be more "relatable" so they stripped the character of all her brilliance and empowerment... then saddled her with a personality even ACE would describe as two dimensional and wooden.
Oddly... In 2012 there was a Dr. Who/Star Trek:TNG crossover comic. I never read it but it seems really... weird.
Yeah and Clara gets stuck inside the Dalek armour. And pretty much agree with all your insights here regarding sourpuss and the rest of it. The comic book is a real eye opener though. Never knew such s thing could/ did exist. Amazing. Oh hey one other thing, you get a different perspective down here where I am in the land of Oz. Home of big stuff. Like the biggest rock in the world, the biggest coat hanger in the world and err..me! You have a good one mate! Best forum chat I’ve had in yonks.
I was only watching Geek & Sundry for Table Top, but then I discovered the rest of their content and fell in love with the channel. But then Wil and Felecia stopped doing so many things and the Geek & Sundry cast ballooned to the point I couldn't keep up and it all just sort of fell out of rotation for me. I havent even seen the new season of Table Top yet.
So the new cast are fun and entertaining?
I feel bad that I never really gave them a chance but I'm bad with change and I am not too proud to admit that.
Did you ever see I Hit It With My Axe?
Same idea as Critical Role but with a bunch of Porn Stars and Strippers (including Sasha Grey) all having fun and playing D&D. Really humanizing and goes to show how D&D can bring everyone together from all walks of life.
It was done by The Escapist (hosts of Zero Punctuation) back in 2010 before they ripped off a huge chunk of their staff and burned their reputation.
It doesn't have the same level of polish or proficiency as Critical Role or HarmonQuest but the fun and discovery are very much there. I don't remember it being NSFW but it was 8 years ago and considering the cast it's probably best to air on the side of caution.
It's been really nice getting to learn a little about the people in this community and geek out with everyone. Hopefully this is the start of a lot more to come!
Try not to get killed by the worlds most dangerous animals/sea life/fauna/weather/yeast based sandwich spreads in the mean time!
I don't watch a lot of G&S shows. They have a slightly strange vibe to them like a high production value amateur show, if you want deeper understanding of something then it's better to read or watch something else. The new CR campaign is quite good so far, everyone is really talented but I think Sam Riegel and Laura Bailey steal the show.
I also don't fixate on someone's adult entertainment career, it's just a job, Satine Phoenix is just really inspirational as a creator to me. She's an accomplished illustrator, comic book writer, old school RPGA member, D&D community organizer in her area, DMs Guild adept contributor, co-creator of the Maze Arcana shows and now Sirens of the Realms, and a very accomplished DM who clearly loves the hobby and has loved it forever. It's just disheartening if someone tries diminishing her work for unrelated things. The hobby's culture has honestly had a problematic culture from the early days with things like stat penalties and the Palace of the Silver Princess controversy. I appreciate that WotC has done more with 5e to make it a more inclusive game and it seems to have made really good business sense too. On the other hand they no longer have all the really amazing female designers they had in the 3.5 era who were veterans when Mike Mearls was just hired by WotC. Kinda odd inconsistency huh?
Overall I'm glad for the positive changes in the hobby and I hope it extends more to video games.
I had absolutely no idea Satine Phoenix was that big a part of the D&D scene. I knew she was a big time fan but that eclipses even my good opinion of her. I mean, there is absolutely no reason why she wouldn't be such a huge part of the D&D community and it's lovely to see someone be such a positive force for diversity.
I honestly had no idea who she was until "I Hit It With My Axe" and she did an exceptional job getting everyone else prepared and getting them into the game. Then she popped up on Geek & Sundry and in the few episodes of her show I did catch I gained a ton of respect for her knowledge and love of the hobby.
Yet I had no idea those rivers ran so deep.
Another celeb who is HUGE into D&D and repping diversity is a women's wrestler called "Ember Moon." She is currently on NxT and comes out dressed as her D&D character.
Last week we got heavy into our shared of love of Sci-Fi including the British and American classics Dr. Who and Star Trek as well as why porn actresses are such an integral part of the greater D&D community!
No one said it wouldn't get weird...
So last week we did the future, it seems only right that this week we look into the ancient past!
This weeks questions:
What is your favorite Table Top RPG system other than D&D and why?
What other systems have you played?
And if you only like D&D, what is it about other systems that don't do it for you?
I actually cut my teeth on the 1984 Edition M.E.R.P which honestly did not ingratiate me to Pen and Paper. I picked up a used copy when I was 8 (at which point the game had only been out for 3 years... I feel old) and I found it needlessly complex. After spending forever learning the rules I ran all but 3 games of it and my friends decided they simply were not into it.
I wouldn't pick up the dice again until I was 17, moved to a different country, got all new friends and one of them introduced me to the wonder that was 2nd Edition AD&D.
I fell in love with the system, the character creation, the fact someone wasnt trying to force a book series down your throat with every page. It also helped the DM had a ton of miniatures and would build elaborate sets out of moss, trees and styrofoam.
I then got into a crowd who would only played 3rd Edition D&D with every splat book known to man. They spent more time making characters and telling each other how great they were then would play a handful of sessions and do it all over again.
I would run Maid: The RPG as a one shot every now and then just to remind them not to take themselves so seriously.
I have also dabbled a little in the Palladium games Rifts. d6 Star Wars. Mutants and Masterminds. Call of Cthulhu. Big Eyes Small Mouth and my favorite PnP system of all time... Traveller.
Traveller creates an amazing vision of industrial sci-fi and has one of them most unique character creation processes of any RPG. Instead of perfectly sculpting your character you randomly generate it via a series of small choices and then roll on a table.
While you can try and become a diplomat perhaps you flunk out of college and become a bum or join the military. Perhaps fortune always falls on your side and you have a blessed life. But the character will always be unique and always have some kind of flaws or personality quirks. This causes players to play outside of their comfort zone and build an interesting and vivid persona as they try to connect the dots.
Traveller does the same thing for world creation so in minutes you can build a vibrantly vivid world to explore unlike anything the players have seen before.
You are also rewarded with bonuses for creating connections and relationships with other player characters during character creation.
Once you get into the game, the system is really easy to operate. The books make it all seem far more complicated that it really is, but after figuring out your first combat and your first skill check you are golden.
There is also no level progression or XP system. Characters gain in power by exploring the universe, having adventures, gaining weather, positions of influence and spending time/money with DM approval to train a new skill.
Traveller has had a massive impact on popular culture. It inspired The Elite and Freelancer series of games. The TV show Firefly. And hundreds of other PnP games and book series including one I am currently reading called "Stars Without Number."
Stars Without Number is a blend of Traveller and 2nd/3rd Edition D&D. It keeps much of the theme that made Traveller such an interesting universe to play in but adds in slightly more open 3rd Edition character creation and level progression. I have yet to DM it with a group and it casts out much of what I love about Traveller but it might fill a nice gap for transitioning new players from D&D to Traveller.
I don't think I've ever played a tabletop rpg, not even D&D. I feel like it'd be fun to try, but despite having read most of the rules for 3.5e and enjoying both NWN and NWN2, I'm not sure how much I'd like playing it traditionally. This is probably why I don't much like the "we should make NWN:EE more like PnP" mindset when referring to the base game. Modify the system to bring it to 3.5, I won't stop you, but it wouldn't be NWN if the base experience was removed, y'know?
Hmmm. A looong time ago at school we got into Car wars for a while. You had to build up/ construct your vehicle and upgrade thusly. Armour/ weight and power plants were part of the rules if I remember correctly, and it was a veeerry long time ago. My fondest memory is annoying the hell out of the DM by simply saying. I will go and buy an old 2nd hand twin steer front loader garbage truck. Nail a crapload of armour to it and basically ram the enemy and lift them up with the modified bin loader and drop them upside down. Oh the memories. Then strangely, we decided to create our own ‘sci-fi’ rpg. We made a crapload of rules for it and much fun was had but nothing ever came of it. The world could best be described as something like Halo, with the armour and stuff. Ah the memories!
I tend to prefer reading many of the older publications which go into greater depth than more recent works. They're also based on and inspired by things like folklore and mythology rather than games based on other games and gamification. Many modern publications seem to be oversimplified for example fey are all transposed to the Scottish courts, in a single realm, no mystery exists. Aberrations are all rubber monsters from the Cthulhu plane, a common topic of casual conversation, in opposition to the supposed design goal. Asmodeus is no longer an enigmatic primordial being who's true power is never revealed, he's simply a lesser god.
A lot of other products especially with this revival thing make fair steps into delving back to the original sources of inspirations, but I still find older publications more interesting. Such as early articles of The Dragon detailing magical + bonuses as representing the dimensions a weapon can pierce, that is a monster immune to below +3 weapons has existence spread over three or four planes of existence. You just wont find that kind of thing in modern publications. Mystara, orcs that look like pig men, immortals, the timeless realm, shadow rift, masque of red death, birthright, the seeming, changelings, wiccas or woodland spellcasters, spell singers. Many strange and wonderful ideas and settings left largely untouched for decades.
Introducing more pnp rules to a computer game I find just adds more depth and immersion to the overall system. While I understand it doesn't stimulate the brain in the same way as MMOs, social media, and slots machines do. So there are benefits to simplified games too such as appealing to a larger audience but it doesn't invalidate alternative approaches, it would be less interesting if products only got designed to be popular.
I absolutely agree with you. Video games are a completely different media from table top RPG's with their own strengths and limitations.
No video game is ever going to be able to reproduce the Wish spell. In tabletop it's potential is only limited by the players imagination but in an video game your options are distinctly limited. Same thing goes for the 2nd edition cantrip spell. One of the most useful and versatile spells in the game that forces you to use creative problem solving to survive the early levels.
You also can't account for boundless player creativity in a video game. In every game I have DM'ed my players have surprised me with inventive and utterly unique uses for spells, skills, feats and abilities.
Often times it's player ingenuity that wins the day, not stats on a sheet of paper.
You also have the boundless creation of the human mind to work with. The universe is limited only by the abilities of your DM. I can react to my players choices and dice rolls in real time and make an entire universe react in kind. Again, not something that a video game can capture.
Video games are a far more limited but streamlined experience that are focused on atmosphere and game flow. With player agency directed towards a clearly defined goal. As such, when adapting something like D&D to a video game, many compromises have to be made in order to ensure that it's going to work within the context and confines of a video game.
That certainly doesn't make tabletop systems and video games poor bedfellows. Almost all of the best CRPG's have one foot in a traditional tabletop expirence.
But I agree, making NWN more like 3.5e will not automatically make it better.
Some things are essentially bug fixes and I am down with those but I am utterly opposed to anything that strips away gameplay flow for the sake of being more "Authentic."
I remember seeing Dark Future and Battle Cars advertised in issues of White Dwarf. I always wanted to play it but it was next to impossible to get a hold of where I was.
Had I but known Steve Jackson wrote an entire RPG around the idea long before Games Workshop could... well... Games Workshop the concept then I don't think it would have taken me so long to get back into PnP.
GURPs has never been my favorite system but it does have the advantage that once you know GURPs you can play and and all of Steve Jacksons games.
And Steve Jackson has always had a special place in my heart with all the amazing Fighting Fantasy novels. They have a ton of them on available for mobile devices and I picked up one of my favorites (House of Hell) on sale just a little while ago. Best $3 I have spent in a while!
Do you still have a copy of your sci-fi rpg?
Self publishing is as simple as clicking a couple of buttons these days and who knows, you could be sitting on one of the greatest tabletop RPG's of all time!
I utterly agree that both tabletop and video games are missing the depth and complexity they once had in order to appeal to a mass audience.
You have to look no further than The Elder Scrolls series to see the dumbing down process in action.
From Daggerfall to Morrowind we lost:
The ability to talk to monsters with 9 language skills Mouse based combat Backstabbing Climbing Etiquette
From Morrowind to Oblivion we lost
Levitate Mark & Recall Individual armor pieces Paper Doll Character sheet Individual Weapon Skills Merged into Blade/Blunt/Marksman/Hand to Hand
From Oblivion to Skyrim
Well... Everything
Daggerfall has 33 Skills and 6 Schools of Magic. Skyrim has 12 Skills and 6 Schools of Magic.
When comparing the two Skyrim feels empty and hallow.
It also doesn't help that Skyrim's quests, NPC's, factions and the players ability to interact with the world is utterly superficial.
NPC's have 3 lines of dialogue and that's them. They are exhausted and will repeat those same 3 lines if you are lucky. There is no real context or importance to anything the player does. You can murder an entire city, pay the fine and your place in the world doesnt change. You hear the same 6 voice actors over and over so everyone sounds the game. And the quests are so flimsy and poorly written that the difference between the randomly generated quests and the main quest are indistinguishable because they all feel empty, meaningless and devoid of life.
But does that fall on the side of needing additional rules or better design theory?
You can build a more detailed world setting with depth of lore, history, dialogue and interactions with NPC's and not require the inclusion of a single additional +1 statistic. You can add context to encounters, motivations for villains and complex moral conundrums without needed an additional saving throw group.
Vampire: The Masqurade - Bloodlines could have made all of the disciplines and skills PnP perfect but it was the NPC's, the atmosphere and the context given to player agency and choice that made it stand out. The NPC's felt real. The world was vibrant and alive and the quests memorable. Most of all the player had choice in how the went about the missions and often key story points within the main mission.
Going to the opposite end of the spectrum you have the SoulsBorne series of games. They have a lot of stats but few of them do anything worthwhile. In fact it's often better for you not to level up and only put points into the skills you need to use your weapons/armor effectively. What truly matters is timing and familiarity. Yet the SoulsBorne worlds capture the imagination. They tell a story with the level design, with the very monsters you face and the items you use. Dialogue is often cryptic and the main story holds little answers. Yet there is a vast world to be discovered in item descriptions, notes, and by putting together the little pieces of the puzzle FromSoft created a world dripping with mystery that is open to player discussion and interpretation.
I have read numerous essays and dissertations on the world, lore and inhabitants of the SoulsBorne universe and the vast amount of that knowledge stems from little more than item descriptions. Yet the rules of SoulsBorne games essentially come down to block, attack, parry, roll.
Do we need more rules, or do we need better designed worlds we can immerse ourselves in, quests that give us agency and Monsters/NPC's with meaningful dialogue that make the world feel alive?
Its not that I think additions from 3.5 are totally unwelcome, with the new model scaling scripting coming I'd like to see someone implement Enlarge/Reduce person, but I just don't like seeing people request removals from the game. For example, in the "How to fix parry" Trello thread many people asked to see it and discipline removed rather than ways to fix parry and disvalued most of the homebrewed things NWN. Not everyone did that, granted, but it just seems like a bad mindset to have.
Tangent thought, but does anyone actually care if I ask for a big change to Dirty Fighting? I'd like to see it modified to, instead of dealing 1d4 extra damage at the expense of all your attacks per round (a terrible tradeoff that wouldn't be worth it in a bajillion years) to make you guaranteed to hit the opponent, and up the AB requirement to 6 so you can't take it unless you got 2 attacks per round. Of course, the ability to make the feat do this would be good enough for me, but its always what I thought the feat should do.
@DerpCity I totally agree with you that Dirty fighting is one of the crappiest feats in existence. I have been unable to ascertain where it would be advantageous to take like anywhere at all. Your mod ideas are interesting. I had some ideas like something similar but, something like but not the monk stunning fist kind of thing but with varying and interesting effects. Example Dirty fighting attempt-success, You throw sand in Opponents eye or something. Opponent blinded D4 rounds or something. Or You successfully kick a ‘weak spot’ or open wound. Target stunned D4 rounds or strength and movement speed halved from the excruciating pain. Things like that where you could add a myriad of interesting and USEFULL different effects.
@MrDamage That's an interesting take on it too. I was thinking in line with it still being a combat mode (As its ever happy to point out, you can't use it with Power Attack, because its a Combat Mode), but I don't think keeping that really matters on such a garbage feat. Only concern is if any module maker actually used dirty fighting for a random mook NPC, to which your idea might be safer to implement than mine. Still, any attempt to make the feat useful would be grand.
What's your opinion of Called Shot? I think its a decently good feat for archers (granted, other than a typical elf bardcane archer I play an dwarven ranger archer with a greatsword when NWN rangers gives you two weapon fighting for free...), though it seems to be a little basic for what it could be. Called Shot Leg, for instance, completely overshadows called shot arm, since Arm only reduces AB while leg reduces both movement speed AND dexterity, and it stacks with itself, meaning as your kiting goes on you'll have an easier and easier target to hit, and if its another archer it'll be harder and harder for them to hit you. Wish arm had just as good of an effect (or leg's effect was reduced in line with arm, considering how good it actually is), and if they added more targets, perhaps with varying AB depending on what it is (Called Shot Head for a guarenteed crit/more damage or something at a bigger AB penalty, for instance).
I don't think a dirty fighting/called shot thread would go amiss.
It wont get many eyes on it here as this thread is more for casual non-feature request discussion but if you make a thread about it then I'll be sure to like it and vote for it. Both Dirty Fighting and Called shot are in a sorry state and are one of the few feats that could truly benefit from being more akin to PnP.
Revock here, I bought NWN1 about a month or so after it released, I once ran a PW server called "Shadow Isles" based on "ShadowRealm Legacy" by Headrot and Momojelly, that our group expanded and fixed (A few minor issues) had a blast for almost 4 years, till my Divorce, now that NWN. EE is about, One of our old DMs, Hawkwinter, and I are going to rebuild it. One of the things I'd love to see BD do is,,,Remember NeverwinterConnections,,,Anyone? I hope BD does a community matchmaking thing like that was, , it was great for joining a DM's session and the DMs were rated etc.
It's amazing to see all the old PW and Module builders come out of the woodwork and rediscover something they found so much enjoyment in!
Be sure to keep us updated with pictures and progress reports as you rebuild and refine your vision! I love seeing worlds get built and ideas come together!
Are you rebuilding from scratch or do you still have the old module you can use as a template?
@voidofopinion Yeah sorry for the mini thread hijack. Those sci-fi rules we wrote lost long ago! Some would say for good reason. @FreshLemonBun Also totally agree and mourn the loss of more deeper and interesting content at the expense of simplifying, quickening the experience for a more demanding, less committed market. @DerpCity Yeah in hindsight, for DF simple damage upgrade would prolly be better as things like gel cubes I believe don’t have eyes or say weak spots lol. And agreed called shot all I use is leg as you’ve pointed out, much better then the alt. With so many other things going on with the EE development, I never posted a thread for this cause seems Beamdog are already running for sanctuary from all the relentless requests lol. (Rideable flying unicorns among my favourites) @Revock gday and welcome! I remember connections and agree would be great to have such a resource. I think these days people are using Discord. Something I have no experience with whatsoever but I doubt it would have ratings and stuff. Pretty sure there is a stickied thread for it.
@voidofopinion As MrDamage said, apologies for the hijack. Just something that I thought of, given how I previously mentioned in that post that I disliked hearing people want to simply remove rather than fix certain things in the base game, and so I mentioned it here. I might go and make that DF/CS thread, though I'd probably want to expand it to a discussion of "trash feats" in general.
@MrDamage That's true, Beamdog probably has a lot on their plate. I just hope Beamdog can shift through the firestorm, pull out the best suggestions, and make it an experience everyone can enjoy.
@voidofopinion As MrDamage said, apologies for the hijack. Just something that I thought of, given how I previously mentioned in that post that I disliked hearing people want to simply remove rather than fix certain things in the base game, and so I mentioned it here. I might go and make that DF/CS thread, though I'd probably want to expand it to a discussion of "trash feats" in general.
Thread hijacks are wonderful and welcomed. Especially when they have evolved organically from the ongoing discussion!
We have been talking about different editions of D&D and that got us to talking about if video games (and NWN) should be closer to their pen and paper counterparts which is all part of the same cycle. It's nice to be part of the idea factory.
But this thread is somewhat slow burn and doesnt get as much immediate traffic as a dedicated suggestion thread on the subject.
@voidofopinion , base mod,, https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/module/mannasts-vanilla-basemodule-building-v093, plus this, forget the old vault ID, Generic NPC Script Version 3.2 readme file Author : Eugene Scully (eugene_scully@hotmail.com) for www.ardan-nights.org Updated : 24/11/2002, this script was one of my favorites for it's ease of use, there's another for npc quest givers that was awesome in it's simplicity that I found while working with The KnownLands and Hawkwinter in NWN2 that transferred over without too much work, I'll post those later
I'm currently working on seasonal stuff for the mod, a script i always admired,, it wasn't tile magic based, it was placeable, I hope to pull out ShadowRealm quests and redo and extend with the base mod, hoping that'll give more extensibility, the areas I'll redo using project Q and or CEP, since I'm using NWNCQ, medevil and Q, the tilemagic idea is looking like crap. and the older placeable script is looking better, I'm not XP'd enough to be brilliant.
Pokémon aye? Never played it but have been earwigged by this guy.
Who incidentally has a LOT more followers then Others I know lol. What’s the world coming to?
Best Dr Who? Come on mate. There can be only 1!
Tom Baker.
We err, do agree upon this critical point in our alliance??
Isaac Asimov?
Perhaps ‘I robot’?
(And no, I don’t think Will Smith had been born yet)
Such genius as the three laws. This was of course before computers were smaller then a house.
Just also, sorry, also a huge Star Trek fan.
There was a documentary about next Gen by William Shatner and it seemed a miracle that show ever held together at all but watching it looked ok to me!
If you didn’t guess Data was my favourite. The Borg were fricken awesome and they finally got asskicked by Janeway in final Voyager episodes but I’m pretty sure we all already know that. Multiphasic torpedoes? God the Star Trek super geek in me has just been exposed. Will I ever be the same
Thank you!
Worf was petty, controlling, jealous, arrogant, and his sense of "honor" was little more than impotent pride used to shield the fact that he wasn't a proper Klingon. Yet so many fans see him as this glorified badass. I feel there was a huge dissonance between what the writers wanted to portray, how the rest of the characters treat him and the journey and actions he takes. Worf always goes on the heroes journey, everyone treats him like this icon of honor and martial prowess... but then he just goes about the show moping and being a petulant child to everyone.
As for Babylon 5... Oh man do I have a treat for you!
Babylon 5 is very 90's Sci-Fi but that only adds to it's charm and it has aged very well. If you enjoyed Deep Space Nine in the slightest then you owe it to yourself to check out Babylon 5.
If you are in the US, Verizon have the entire show up for free on their own streaming site called go90.
Tom Baker is always a good and safe choice. He singlehandedly cemented the fun, crazy yet terrifying doctor we all have come to know and love. He has also starred in more episodes of Dr. Who than anyone else... by a long way.
For Old Who I would have to agree with you and go with Tom Baker. But I do have a fondness for William Hartnell. No one else has managed to be as cynical, irresponsible and yet ultimately likable as Hartnell. But Tom Baker is legend.
For New Who I am a big fan of Matt Smith. His biggest sin was taking over the roll from David Tennant and people wanted Smith to be exactly the Doctor they had just lost. Then the focus shifted to Amy Pond and Smith became a background character for a while but in doing so he makes everyone around him shine. The writing was also exceptional for his run but people have a tendency to attribute a lot of his best episodes to Tennant so I don't think Smith gets as much recognition as he should.
I will absolutely have to check out I Robot! I think I may even have it on my tablet library somewhere.
It seems you and @DerpCity are both fans of Data!
We should celebrate over a cellular peptide cake... with mint frosting!
In any case, I looked into reporting those bugs and I unfortunately cannot at the moment, as I do not have a clean install of the game. The modules on my original version of the game were edited repeatedly to my tastes (especially for fixing issues) so I obviously cannot use those. I also installed the community patch that Shadooow uploaded here, and that changed several modules, and a ton of other stuff. I suppose I could try to make a clean install, but my hard drive is almost out of space at the moment and I don't want to mess with my current setup...
But hmm... I do have a few external hard drives I could use... I will look into moving my current setup there and making a new install...
I had no idea what I was suggesting would be so involved!
I admire your determination to ensure the bugs are repeatable but that sounds like a TON of work.
Besides, I have already started the process... Right now I am re-downloading the game...
Although not a big fan of the newer Who’s, I’ve obviously watched many episodes anyhow, didn’t mind either Tennant or Smith but like you say, the focus became abit on Pond rather then sci-fi, the sci-fi simply becoming the vehicle to explore the characters personally and emotionally and all that stuff which got a bit disappointing for me, and as I pointed out earlier, Dr Who’s an explorer, nearly every episode on Earth? Not a fan of that. One of my favourite episodes of the new one was the Dalek planet one(love the Daleks lol) where Davros is apparently dying. Some awesome candid scenes between two collosal rivals. Loved it. Peter capaldi as the doctor. Hey what the hell? Latest doctor is supposed to be a woman
Isn’t it? ‘The master’ turning female was odd, but now doc too?
Is that the one where Clara and Missy go to rescue the Doctor and Clara bluffs the Dalek's into thinking she was important?
I really dislike Peter Capaldi. I think his Doctor comes across as a sour egotist that just does a lot of whining and shouting. He was the first ever Doctor to make me give up and stop watching the series.
Clara was also a hugely missed opportunity. She was supposed to be a Victorian mistress whose potential and intellect could rival the doctors. But then producers got involved and wanted her to be more "relatable" so they stripped the character of all her brilliance and empowerment... then saddled her with a personality even ACE would describe as two dimensional and wooden.
Oddly... In 2012 there was a Dr. Who/Star Trek:TNG crossover comic. I never read it but it seems really... weird.
It's quite good, I would recommend it and they just started a new campaign too so it's easier to get in on.
It would also be nice if Beamdog could get them to do some voices in the future, I know Matt has said he used to be an NWN fan.
I have not seen Critical Role in a long time!
I was only watching Geek & Sundry for Table Top, but then I discovered the rest of their content and fell in love with the channel. But then Wil and Felecia stopped doing so many things and the Geek & Sundry cast ballooned to the point I couldn't keep up and it all just sort of fell out of rotation for me. I havent even seen the new season of Table Top yet.
So the new cast are fun and entertaining?
I feel bad that I never really gave them a chance but I'm bad with change and I am not too proud to admit that.
Did you ever see I Hit It With My Axe?
Same idea as Critical Role but with a bunch of Porn Stars and Strippers (including Sasha Grey) all having fun and playing D&D. Really humanizing and goes to show how D&D can bring everyone together from all walks of life.
It was done by The Escapist (hosts of Zero Punctuation) back in 2010 before they ripped off a huge chunk of their staff and burned their reputation.
It doesn't have the same level of polish or proficiency as Critical Role or HarmonQuest but the fun and discovery are very much there. I don't remember it being NSFW but it was 8 years ago and considering the cast it's probably best to air on the side of caution.
Right back at you!
It's been really nice getting to learn a little about the people in this community and geek out with everyone. Hopefully this is the start of a lot more to come!
Try not to get killed by the worlds most dangerous animals/sea life/fauna/weather/yeast based sandwich spreads in the mean time!
I also don't fixate on someone's adult entertainment career, it's just a job, Satine Phoenix is just really inspirational as a creator to me. She's an accomplished illustrator, comic book writer, old school RPGA member, D&D community organizer in her area, DMs Guild adept contributor, co-creator of the Maze Arcana shows and now Sirens of the Realms, and a very accomplished DM who clearly loves the hobby and has loved it forever. It's just disheartening if someone tries diminishing her work for unrelated things. The hobby's culture has honestly had a problematic culture from the early days with things like stat penalties and the Palace of the Silver Princess controversy. I appreciate that WotC has done more with 5e to make it a more inclusive game and it seems to have made really good business sense too. On the other hand they no longer have all the really amazing female designers they had in the 3.5 era who were veterans when Mike Mearls was just hired by WotC. Kinda odd inconsistency huh?
Overall I'm glad for the positive changes in the hobby and I hope it extends more to video games.
I had absolutely no idea Satine Phoenix was that big a part of the D&D scene. I knew she was a big time fan but that eclipses even my good opinion of her. I mean, there is absolutely no reason why she wouldn't be such a huge part of the D&D community and it's lovely to see someone be such a positive force for diversity.
I honestly had no idea who she was until "I Hit It With My Axe" and she did an exceptional job getting everyone else prepared and getting them into the game. Then she popped up on Geek & Sundry and in the few episodes of her show I did catch I gained a ton of respect for her knowledge and love of the hobby.
Yet I had no idea those rivers ran so deep.
Another celeb who is HUGE into D&D and repping diversity is a women's wrestler called "Ember Moon." She is currently on NxT and comes out dressed as her D&D character.
Last week we got heavy into our shared of love of Sci-Fi including the British and American classics Dr. Who and Star Trek as well as why porn actresses are such an integral part of the greater D&D community!
No one said it wouldn't get weird...
So last week we did the future, it seems only right that this week we look into the ancient past!
This weeks questions:
I actually cut my teeth on the 1984 Edition M.E.R.P which honestly did not ingratiate me to Pen and Paper. I picked up a used copy when I was 8 (at which point the game had only been out for 3 years... I feel old) and I found it needlessly complex. After spending forever learning the rules I ran all but 3 games of it and my friends decided they simply were not into it.
I wouldn't pick up the dice again until I was 17, moved to a different country, got all new friends and one of them introduced me to the wonder that was 2nd Edition AD&D.
I fell in love with the system, the character creation, the fact someone wasnt trying to force a book series down your throat with every page. It also helped the DM had a ton of miniatures and would build elaborate sets out of moss, trees and styrofoam.
I then got into a crowd who would only played 3rd Edition D&D with every splat book known to man. They spent more time making characters and telling each other how great they were then would play a handful of sessions and do it all over again.
I would run Maid: The RPG as a one shot every now and then just to remind them not to take themselves so seriously.
I have also dabbled a little in the Palladium games Rifts. d6 Star Wars. Mutants and Masterminds. Call of Cthulhu. Big Eyes Small Mouth and my favorite PnP system of all time... Traveller.
Traveller creates an amazing vision of industrial sci-fi and has one of them most unique character creation processes of any RPG. Instead of perfectly sculpting your character you randomly generate it via a series of small choices and then roll on a table.
While you can try and become a diplomat perhaps you flunk out of college and become a bum or join the military. Perhaps fortune always falls on your side and you have a blessed life. But the character will always be unique and always have some kind of flaws or personality quirks. This causes players to play outside of their comfort zone and build an interesting and vivid persona as they try to connect the dots.
Traveller does the same thing for world creation so in minutes you can build a vibrantly vivid world to explore unlike anything the players have seen before.
You are also rewarded with bonuses for creating connections and relationships with other player characters during character creation.
Once you get into the game, the system is really easy to operate. The books make it all seem far more complicated that it really is, but after figuring out your first combat and your first skill check you are golden.
There is also no level progression or XP system. Characters gain in power by exploring the universe, having adventures, gaining weather, positions of influence and spending time/money with DM approval to train a new skill.
Traveller has had a massive impact on popular culture. It inspired The Elite and Freelancer series of games. The TV show Firefly. And hundreds of other PnP games and book series including one I am currently reading called "Stars Without Number."
Stars Without Number is a blend of Traveller and 2nd/3rd Edition D&D. It keeps much of the theme that made Traveller such an interesting universe to play in but adds in slightly more open 3rd Edition character creation and level progression. I have yet to DM it with a group and it casts out much of what I love about Traveller but it might fill a nice gap for transitioning new players from D&D to Traveller.
A lot of other products especially with this revival thing make fair steps into delving back to the original sources of inspirations, but I still find older publications more interesting. Such as early articles of The Dragon detailing magical + bonuses as representing the dimensions a weapon can pierce, that is a monster immune to below +3 weapons has existence spread over three or four planes of existence. You just wont find that kind of thing in modern publications. Mystara, orcs that look like pig men, immortals, the timeless realm, shadow rift, masque of red death, birthright, the seeming, changelings, wiccas or woodland spellcasters, spell singers. Many strange and wonderful ideas and settings left largely untouched for decades.
Introducing more pnp rules to a computer game I find just adds more depth and immersion to the overall system. While I understand it doesn't stimulate the brain in the same way as MMOs, social media, and slots machines do. So there are benefits to simplified games too such as appealing to a larger audience but it doesn't invalidate alternative approaches, it would be less interesting if products only got designed to be popular.
I absolutely agree with you. Video games are a completely different media from table top RPG's with their own strengths and limitations.
No video game is ever going to be able to reproduce the Wish spell. In tabletop it's potential is only limited by the players imagination but in an video game your options are distinctly limited. Same thing goes for the 2nd edition cantrip spell. One of the most useful and versatile spells in the game that forces you to use creative problem solving to survive the early levels.
You also can't account for boundless player creativity in a video game. In every game I have DM'ed my players have surprised me with inventive and utterly unique uses for spells, skills, feats and abilities.
Often times it's player ingenuity that wins the day, not stats on a sheet of paper.
You also have the boundless creation of the human mind to work with. The universe is limited only by the abilities of your DM. I can react to my players choices and dice rolls in real time and make an entire universe react in kind. Again, not something that a video game can capture.
Video games are a far more limited but streamlined experience that are focused on atmosphere and game flow. With player agency directed towards a clearly defined goal. As such, when adapting something like D&D to a video game, many compromises have to be made in order to ensure that it's going to work within the context and confines of a video game.
That certainly doesn't make tabletop systems and video games poor bedfellows. Almost all of the best CRPG's have one foot in a traditional tabletop expirence.
But I agree, making NWN more like 3.5e will not automatically make it better.
Some things are essentially bug fixes and I am down with those but I am utterly opposed to anything that strips away gameplay flow for the sake of being more "Authentic."
Car Wars sounds amazing!
I remember seeing Dark Future and Battle Cars advertised in issues of White Dwarf. I always wanted to play it but it was next to impossible to get a hold of where I was.
Had I but known Steve Jackson wrote an entire RPG around the idea long before Games Workshop could... well... Games Workshop the concept then I don't think it would have taken me so long to get back into PnP.
GURPs has never been my favorite system but it does have the advantage that once you know GURPs you can play and and all of Steve Jacksons games.
And Steve Jackson has always had a special place in my heart with all the amazing Fighting Fantasy novels. They have a ton of them on available for mobile devices and I picked up one of my favorites (House of Hell) on sale just a little while ago. Best $3 I have spent in a while!
Do you still have a copy of your sci-fi rpg?
Self publishing is as simple as clicking a couple of buttons these days and who knows, you could be sitting on one of the greatest tabletop RPG's of all time!
I utterly agree that both tabletop and video games are missing the depth and complexity they once had in order to appeal to a mass audience.
You have to look no further than The Elder Scrolls series to see the dumbing down process in action.
From Daggerfall to Morrowind we lost:
The ability to talk to monsters with 9 language skills
Mouse based combat
From Morrowind to Oblivion we lost
Mark & Recall
Individual armor pieces
Paper Doll Character sheet
Individual Weapon Skills Merged into Blade/Blunt/Marksman/Hand to Hand
From Oblivion to Skyrim
Well... Everything
Daggerfall has 33 Skills and 6 Schools of Magic.
Skyrim has 12 Skills and 6 Schools of Magic.
When comparing the two Skyrim feels empty and hallow.
It also doesn't help that Skyrim's quests, NPC's, factions and the players ability to interact with the world is utterly superficial.
NPC's have 3 lines of dialogue and that's them. They are exhausted and will repeat those same 3 lines if you are lucky. There is no real context or importance to anything the player does. You can murder an entire city, pay the fine and your place in the world doesnt change. You hear the same 6 voice actors over and over so everyone sounds the game. And the quests are so flimsy and poorly written that the difference between the randomly generated quests and the main quest are indistinguishable because they all feel empty, meaningless and devoid of life.
But does that fall on the side of needing additional rules or better design theory?
You can build a more detailed world setting with depth of lore, history, dialogue and interactions with NPC's and not require the inclusion of a single additional +1 statistic. You can add context to encounters, motivations for villains and complex moral conundrums without needed an additional saving throw group.
Vampire: The Masqurade - Bloodlines could have made all of the disciplines and skills PnP perfect but it was the NPC's, the atmosphere and the context given to player agency and choice that made it stand out. The NPC's felt real. The world was vibrant and alive and the quests memorable. Most of all the player had choice in how the went about the missions and often key story points within the main mission.
Going to the opposite end of the spectrum you have the SoulsBorne series of games. They have a lot of stats but few of them do anything worthwhile. In fact it's often better for you not to level up and only put points into the skills you need to use your weapons/armor effectively. What truly matters is timing and familiarity. Yet the SoulsBorne worlds capture the imagination. They tell a story with the level design, with the very monsters you face and the items you use. Dialogue is often cryptic and the main story holds little answers. Yet there is a vast world to be discovered in item descriptions, notes, and by putting together the little pieces of the puzzle FromSoft created a world dripping with mystery that is open to player discussion and interpretation.
I have read numerous essays and dissertations on the world, lore and inhabitants of the SoulsBorne universe and the vast amount of that knowledge stems from little more than item descriptions. Yet the rules of SoulsBorne games essentially come down to block, attack, parry, roll.
Do we need more rules, or do we need better designed worlds we can immerse ourselves in, quests that give us agency and Monsters/NPC's with meaningful dialogue that make the world feel alive?
Tangent thought, but does anyone actually care if I ask for a big change to Dirty Fighting? I'd like to see it modified to, instead of dealing 1d4 extra damage at the expense of all your attacks per round (a terrible tradeoff that wouldn't be worth it in a bajillion years) to make you guaranteed to hit the opponent, and up the AB requirement to 6 so you can't take it unless you got 2 attacks per round. Of course, the ability to make the feat do this would be good enough for me, but its always what I thought the feat should do.
I totally agree with you that Dirty fighting is one of the crappiest feats in existence. I have been unable to ascertain where it would be advantageous to take like anywhere at all. Your mod ideas are interesting. I had some ideas like something similar but, something like but not the monk stunning fist kind of thing but with varying and interesting effects.
Dirty fighting attempt-success,
You throw sand in
Opponents eye or something. Opponent blinded D4 rounds or something.
You successfully kick a ‘weak spot’ or open wound. Target stunned D4 rounds or strength and movement speed halved from the excruciating pain. Things like that where you could add a myriad of interesting and USEFULL different effects.
What's your opinion of Called Shot? I think its a decently good feat for archers (granted, other than a typical elf bardcane archer I play an dwarven ranger archer with a greatsword when NWN rangers gives you two weapon fighting for free...), though it seems to be a little basic for what it could be. Called Shot Leg, for instance, completely overshadows called shot arm, since Arm only reduces AB while leg reduces both movement speed AND dexterity, and it stacks with itself, meaning as your kiting goes on you'll have an easier and easier target to hit, and if its another archer it'll be harder and harder for them to hit you. Wish arm had just as good of an effect (or leg's effect was reduced in line with arm, considering how good it actually is), and if they added more targets, perhaps with varying AB depending on what it is (Called Shot Head for a guarenteed crit/more damage or something at a bigger AB penalty, for instance).
It wont get many eyes on it here as this thread is more for casual non-feature request discussion but if you make a thread about it then I'll be sure to like it and vote for it. Both Dirty Fighting and Called shot are in a sorry state and are one of the few feats that could truly benefit from being more akin to PnP.
One of the things I'd love to see BD do is,,,Remember NeverwinterConnections,,,Anyone? I hope BD does a community matchmaking thing like that was, , it was great for joining a DM's session and the DMs were rated etc.
It's amazing to see all the old PW and Module builders come out of the woodwork and rediscover something they found so much enjoyment in!
Be sure to keep us updated with pictures and progress reports as you rebuild and refine your vision! I love seeing worlds get built and ideas come together!
Are you rebuilding from scratch or do you still have the old module you can use as a template?
Yeah sorry for the mini thread hijack. Those sci-fi rules we wrote lost long ago! Some would say for good reason.
Also totally agree and mourn the loss of more deeper and interesting content at the expense of simplifying, quickening the experience for a more demanding, less committed market.
Yeah in hindsight, for DF simple damage upgrade would prolly be better as things like gel cubes I believe don’t have eyes or say weak spots lol. And agreed called shot all I use is leg as you’ve pointed out, much better then the alt. With so many other things going on with the EE development, I never posted a thread for this cause seems Beamdog are already running for sanctuary from all the relentless requests lol. (Rideable flying unicorns among my favourites)
gday and welcome! I remember connections and agree would be great to have such a resource. I think these days people are using Discord. Something I have no experience with whatsoever but I doubt it would have ratings and stuff. Pretty sure there is a stickied thread for it.
@MrDamage That's true, Beamdog probably has a lot on their plate. I just hope Beamdog can shift through the firestorm, pull out the best suggestions, and make it an experience everyone can enjoy.
We have been talking about different editions of D&D and that got us to talking about if video games (and NWN) should be closer to their pen and paper counterparts which is all part of the same cycle. It's nice to be part of the idea factory.
But this thread is somewhat slow burn and doesnt get as much immediate traffic as a dedicated suggestion thread on the subject.
Author : Eugene Scully (eugene_scully@hotmail.com)
for www.ardan-nights.org
Updated : 24/11/2002, this script was one of my favorites for it's ease of use, there's another for npc quest givers that was awesome in it's simplicity that I found while working with The KnownLands and Hawkwinter in NWN2 that transferred over without too much work, I'll post those later