New Campaigns by Beamdog
The more I listen to those livestreams the more I conclude that they don’t want to create new modules to sell to public.
It seems that their focus is to create the ability for us to do it ourselves.
I also conclude that they actually haven’t begun even spitballing ideas for Beamdog modules if they were going to make them.
why is this my conclusion? Well they never mentioned that they have been actively mapping out a single new module.. They did mentioned how tight resources are for their current workload.
So My question is: is it not financially feasible to make modules to sell?
It seems that their focus is to create the ability for us to do it ourselves.
I also conclude that they actually haven’t begun even spitballing ideas for Beamdog modules if they were going to make them.
why is this my conclusion? Well they never mentioned that they have been actively mapping out a single new module.. They did mentioned how tight resources are for their current workload.
So My question is: is it not financially feasible to make modules to sell?
Maybe I am bummed by the video game market as of late.
But it's almost impossible to do new sexier content that might appeal to a broader modern gaming base without updating the engine.
By going about it the way they are shows the intention of long term support as opposed to just doing a slight polish to get it working smoothly on modern systems and rolling it out with a new campaign for a quick cash grab.
Beamdog giving back to the community is the best thing they can do at this point, even if they fail to make more modules, you can rest assured the playerbase will not stop.
Also, you would think that Trent would have mentioned “yep, we are working on new campaigns as we speak”.
I have to assume, they are not past the spitballing stage.
Because you are correct, a new campaign would highlight these new features, but I don’t think BM knows right now what nwn will look like when it is done.
I am talking out of my ass but in all honesty I don’t have all the pieces to the puzzle.
That is all.
But before making a module, the brain storm, spit balling session starts.
Then the planning and story boarding. Then the actual toolset Work starts.
If they don’t expect this game to be officially released in 2018, then you are correct and my concern is premature.