First person shooter mode

Does anyone know if something out there exists for this. Sometimes I like to zoom right down and walk around looking over my pc’s shoulder but pc is in the way and clicking forward is really tricky although I know you can keyboard. Would be good if you could select FPS mode so you edge turn as the pc and stuff. I’m guessing someone’s already done something like this.
I like the idea and I also tried the camera hack. Unfortunately as good as it sounds it is not very feasible especially for casters. Trying to cast far in front of your or target something in far is problematic in 1st person camera mode since we have to use mouse. The old dungeon rpg games were controlled just by keyboard.
Either way it would be nice if we could make a module and force 1st person camera on player through scripting. The camera hack was optional anyway so you couldn't force player to play that way if you wanted to make a 1st person dungeon style module.
I had the idea to actually build a CEP suit of armour which is broken and thus invisible, making your pc invisible so you can see through them and then applying camera follow mode. But I think it will still be too hard to on click as you have pointed out and the glitchy armour in combat would probably get annoying to watch.
Maybe some day!
As mentioned it's not very good tactically and things like true seeing really mess with the view but I do find it very fun to use when exploring (nwnshader gives me longer view range and DoF). Sneaking down a dungeon corridor in first person is far more immersive than doing it in an iso view.
There are a lot of caveats though, you can't realistically play the whole game this way, keyboard controls are clunky, you do need to have ceilings when indoors, tall trees with no crowns are ugly, need to have nice skyboxes etc etc. Still, it's a nice to have option and I'd like for it to be available in EE, even if a very low priority... Maybe I should ask
Another thought just hit me. If the full party control proponents get their way, how would you manage to control everyone in your party in 1st person view?
So it could be that 1st person would have to be disabled for a lot of modules. Don't get me wrong I love 1st person shooters and the Bethesda 1st person rpg's. I am just pointing out some of the potential difficulties.
I'd switch to third person top down overview for combat, but it just seems like it'd be really enjoyable for exploring. Making a really simple implementation that will be useful in limited cases rather that some time-consuming absurd reworking of the whole thing seems far more doable.
Either way, I love the camera hak, and wish there was a version of it for EE. If BD cares to implement unlocked camera, I'd support that entirely. Just because you can look at an incomplete skybox doesn't mean you have to, and with it unlocked you can still zoom back and up for tactical just as you can now.
Yes, in PC Only category in the Lexicon, are details on camera settings : Set pitch, distance, etc. for the pc, Lock those settings, Release back to free, etc. Seems like a module builder could use them to specify how they want the camera to function within a given area.
Explained how to do the camera ini settings in another thread but I can’t find it. Hopefully he’ll see the tag and shed some light unless he gets ninja’d.
However, I did find this on the vault. I don't know if it works in EE, but it might be worth giving a try in case it does.
Edit - actually what race are you playing with? Seems driving camera with Halflings still zooms to the torso when I just tried it. Half-Orc, Human and Dwarf seem to do top of the head.
Edit 2 - now I'm confused... Tried Halflings in two other modules and the driving cam position is over the head...?? I dunno what's going on - you're on your own, good luck!
I tried your settings and some other races and mods. It worked well in some but not in others. In Eye of the Beholder EE it did not work at all. In SOU it worked as in HOTU - in one test with a dwarf the dwarfs head was rendered invisible. That dwarf character was one i recently made to play Eye of the Beholder. If I could get the camera a tiny bit higher and more forward - and if it would work in all mods - then it would be perfect. Currently the PC still blocks the cursor on the bottom half of the screen so it is not as easy to click on other things as would be ideal.
A couple more useful settings would be camera X and Y (or is it Y and Z?) positions so you can tweak where the minimum zoom position ends up. It's a little low and to the left in some instances - although this might be the way the model is standing?
In game sliders or the like would be icing.