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List of desired NWN EE changes fixes.

here is my simple change list of things that have been developing since the initial NWN release, all those years ago.

1. Please make items, placeables, and creatures rotatable along the X,Y, and Z axis in the toolset. ((this would allow for swords (items) to lean against the wall. Placeables to be set on slopes made in the area with no over hanging, Pictures to be hung crooked, and of course creatures that could be hovering/ hung on walls.))

2. Please open hard coded skills so adjustments can be made by the builder. (( For example, Animal Empathy- Personally I would rather it allow the PC to change the PC to the faction of the animal/group of animals present, and not add the one animal to the PC party. ))

3. Please change the feats of weapon types to allow for every weapon to be equiped- with a negative to hit/damage unless the feat is taken.

4. Please remove the need for a item to be identified to be equiped.

5. Please add new familiars, and animal companions.

6. Please add the ability to scale dynamic PC models.

7. Please make the bag of holding have pages of inventory like a placeable.

8. Please add horse parts to the human Dynamic model, to make customizable, rideable centuars.

9. Please add deer parts to the Halfling Dynamic Model for customizable hintuars. (warning hintuars are cannibalistic)

10. Please open the toolset mechanics to allow for the builder to make new custom folders in the palette.

11. Please fix the fairy dragon familiar sparkles/glitter to be less annoying and fabulous!.

12. Please remake all the dynamic gnome arm models to look less like popeye.

13. Please remake all the dynamic dwarf heads to have beards.

14. Please remake the dynamic gnome female heads to look less insectiod.

15. Please add more ring slots to the Character sheet. Please allow more than one amulet to be worn at a time.

15a. (this would allow for a new class to be made the mechanic, a magic item using PC)

16. Please allow for magic ammo to damage resistant creatures if fired from non magic launchers.

17. Please make it easy for builders to remove lasting spell vfx from the spells. Example spell stoneskin, on some PW it doesn't have the statue looking rock texture.

18. please change the item 2da to make spears one handed, potions - have much larger stacks and be used on other creatures-

19. please adjust the traps so flying familiars and animal companions do not set them off.

20. Perhaps an easy way to implement some of the last few changes would be to make the 2das available for adjustment in the toolset- rather than in a outside program. (just a thought)

21. Please hire Eurgiga to remake all the original clothing/armor models, please insist that all original pelvic armor models have the underwear on the inside from now on.

22. Please remove the 250 cap on armor, shield, helm, and cloak models.

23. Please add non face covering helms, hats, and circlets, please make a pretty princess tiara.

24. Please make a new spell that would allow a PC to place the pretty princess tiara on other PCs, and DMs.

26. Please add ceilings to the indoor tilesets.

27. Please remove the 16k limit from modules.

Thank you for reading, and working on this great game! I am excited for the release of NWN EE.


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
    edited January 2018
    Yay! A 27-bullet list!

    What do others think about these suggestions?
    Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
  • ThorssonThorsson Member Posts: 190
    Is it serious? And are you serious? ;)
  • mlkent22mlkent22 Member Posts: 41
    Yes these are serious. well, 24 is a bit of nonsense. Certainly if a Pretty Princess Tiara is available in game I and others could script a spell that would allow the placement of that PPT on any PC, NPC, or DM.
    All the rest of these are changes/enhancements/fixes that have been for all of NWN discussed on the various forums at one time or another.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018

    Yay! A 27-bullet list!

    What do others think about these suggestions?

    1. never used the toolset, but sounds like a good idea
    2. no idea what this means
    3. im very for this idea, in 3.0 you would get a -4 penalty to hit with a weapon you are not skilled with, if that mechanic was implemented that would be great
    4. im halfers on this; items like armor/weapons and such you should be able to wear without identifying, but items like wands or things that have per use abilities, you should not be able to use those abilities unless the item is identified ( much like how the bg series does it )
    5. that is never a bad idea
    6. don't know what this means, something to do with toolset perhaps?
    7. i never use the bag of holding so i have no opinion on this
    8. centaurs would be neato to see, im all for his
    9. never heard of hintaur before, but hey more monster models the better yes?
    10. anything that makes the toolset easier is always better no doubt
    11. never used this familiar ( or any for that matter ) so i have no suggestion on this
    12. whatever makes player models looks better should always be a YES
    13. i think that is quite a reasonable request
    14. same response as #12
    15. hmm, not sure about this one, this is how 3.0 was implemented, being able to hold more item slots can be unbalancing ( in fact it's so good it's an epic feat in the epic player's handbook, so there's that to take into consideration )
    16. it's not like that already? this sounds more like a bug than anything, for purposes of overcoming damage reduction/resistance it should be from the ammunition fired, not the launcher itself
    17. same response as #1
    18. don't see why spears can't act that way, for potion stacks, i think 10 is okay, but if there were an increase 20 would be okay i suppose, being able to use potions on other creatures? hmm, seems a bit over powered to me, in theory with the infinite potions available you would never need a cleric ( since there is SO MUCH money in the game) since you could just boost your team mates with potions
    19. makes sense
    20. making the toolset more user friendly is always a good idea
    21. kind of a bold claim to tell a company to spend money on something that they really don't need to spend money on, perhaps beamdog can ask permission to other modders to implement their better character models, a much cheaper and financially wiser decision
    22. same response as #1
    23. don's see why that can't be implemented
    24. hmm, strangely specific, perhaps make it so you can script that action instead?
    26. same response as #23
    27. same response as #2

    so with that being said, some good/great ideas, just need to remember some of these effects will affect the single player game as well, which might cause some game inbalance, because there are some silly nillies like me out there who don't player multiplayer
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    I agree with a lot of these (especially more animals/familiars), but I'm opposed to giving all dwarf heads beards unless you leave the originals. I admit even the current beards aren't dwarfy enough, but not every dwarf character has or wants to have a beard. Also, I feel that short spears (which exist in the CEP, granted), should be added instead of making spears one handed (pretty sure a spear is traditionally two handed outside of throwing spears, which you know are thrown) or they should provide a way to use pole arms with a shield, such as having a penalty that's remedied by a feat. It'd differentiate them from other traditional large weapons (greatsword, greataxe) that they're typically inferior to. Other than that, good suggestions.

    #2 addresses the fact that module makers cannot edit the functionality of certain skills or feats - for example, he mentioned Animal Empathy, and another example is Knockdown. Module makers would have to modify the base game to edit their functionality.

    #6 refers to the fact that in the Toolset, there are special models used to scale creatures to differing sizes - in Infinite Dungeons, for example, there are Huge Skeletons and Huge Zombies that are larger than their normal size (assuming that's what they used to scale them). However, these are treated as tails, and while they seem to animate properly with weapons (at least as far as Infinite Dungeons is concerned), you can't equip items on the model of the tail itself, meaning if you were to use any Dynamic Model (Any model that changes with armor, a player model essentially) they wouldn't be able to be equipped with items or changed in color. However, this issue should be resolved soon, as they are working on a way of scaling the models directly rather than through the current method.

    #27 refers to the maximum amount of space a module file can take up, I think.
  • MrDamageMrDamage Member Posts: 210
    Some pretty good/logical suggestions.
    Be awesome to have actual throwing spears, chance of vorpal to armour up to medium.
  • AnonySimonAnonySimon Member Posts: 28
    1. Yes

    2. While I am not enthusiastic of your change to Animal Empathy, I would like to see it opened (I know people who would've like to have skills such as 'Plant Empathy' and 'Vermin Empathy' which would make this alot easier).

    3. Yes, players should be able to use weapons and armor that they aren't proficient with, they are simply penalized for doing so.

    4. Yes

    5. Yes (personally, I would like to see all the 3.0 animal companions listed, most of which unlock depending upon your level; for example at level 7 a druid can unlock a Tiger animal companion, and a 16th level druid can unlock a Dire Tiger animal companion)

    6. Yes (I believe this is already listed to be added)

    7. Yes, but to expand I would like the option to choose how many pages an inventory container may have (so that some types of bags may have more space, but reduce the weight less). I would also like to see the option to limit the size of object that can be put into a container. For example, a container for Diminuitive-sized objects may only hold items that are 1-square size (i.e. bullets, gems, and scrolls), while a contain for Tiny-sized objects may only hold items that are 2-square size (i.e. arrows, bolts, and wands) or smaller. Other sizes would include Small-sized (3-square), Medium-sized (4-square), and Large-sized (6-square).

    8-9. Having the availablity for bestial lower-half options for all humanoid races would be desired (I am thinking at a minimum include options for Centaurs (equine), Lamia (feline), Merfolk (fish), and Yuan-ti (serpentine))

    10. Yes

    11. I would prefer if it was an option that can be toggled.

    12. Yes, or atleast include several options that don't hurt to look at.

    13. Actually, I like having a couple options for beardless dwarves.

    14. Yes, or atleast include several options that don't hurt to look at.

    15. While I would like to see the option to wear more slotted (unlocked with Epic Feats, etc), I believe this would require extensive modifications.

    16. Yes

    17. Yes

    18. Yes

    19. Yes

    20. Yes

    21. I am not familiar with that person's work.

    22. Yes (although, I wouldn't be surprised if it unfeasible.)

    23. Yes to open face helms.

    24. Meh, not really interested.

    26. Yes, but make it an option that you may toggle in the toolset.

    27. Yes

  • EurgigaEurgiga Member Posts: 8
    mlkent22 said:
    Those are just pull-and-converts. Look at the Lady of Pain model to see something completely original.

    More to the point, I'd much rather modelers like myself get a chance to consult with the team than have a single modeler hired by them. I'm sure there's a slew of suggestions that folks like PHOD or Shemsu-Heru could make to enable us magicians to work fancier magics. In the end it's going to be more about further opening up the engine for fancy gewgaws and effects than about getting stuff made right now.
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