The new portraits look a bit different from the ones most of us know for probably half of their lives, that's for sure. But the paintings *are* of high quality, whether one likes the faces or not. Plus, Neera even has the characteristic BG I neon glow shining on her.
To be honest, the original style (while not technically bad) is quite excentric. I had difficulties to find good portraits to identify myself with *my* character back then. Always ended up with this guy ( ) because the other ones were so wierdish. To me, the style of the portraits in Icewind Dale is much more appealing. BG II does a much better job with portraits, too.
As far as attractiveness is concerned, the girls from BG I aren't actually good looking (they're much better in BG II). To me, Skie is the only pretty one; maybe Dynaheir, but one can't really see her face. The others look like brats (Imoen, Jaheira, Safana, Garrick), or like madwomen. Neera, on the other hand has a cute face and short blond hair - That alone makes her far more attractive to me than the rest of the BG I girls together. Which is as subjective as it sounds.
Not only has Neera been dishonored, but also my sense of female beauty. She is fair as a rose in May.
well maby she did kill the empress ? .. but it seems most people over 60% love neera and the rest mixing with better quality and apperance dislikes.. but the latter being a tiny few
Still 40% aint a number to flinch on.... quality wise i mean
Poll options creep me out. Are vidya game ladies all supposed to be hot and sexy and attractive? What does high quality mean in this context? Potential for hot ass?
Pic is fine. Color scheme is rich in ways that reminds me enough of the original portraits. I could have done with bit more conservative flavors though. Forest green, blood red, bark-of-oak brown rather than manga adventure sparkly pink.You know? But really, it makes a fine pic and tis easy to imagine her portrait crammed between Jaheira and Minsc or such.
Hers would be my favorite woman's portrait in all of the series if her hair were longer.
As a wild mage, her inability to control her magic with full reliability is endearing. I presume it's her in that trailer who, during battle, shouts "Look! I did that one on purpose!"
Hers would be my favorite woman's portrait in all of the series if her hair were longer.
As a wild mage, her inability to control her magic with full reliability is endearing. I presume it's her in that trailer who, during battle, shouts "Look! I did that one on purpose!"
Well the personality they are going for, the energic cute schoolgirl is fun and a welcome addition.
thats generalisation but you get the picture.
i just dont understand why they make 2 lore pics of her, and one looks borked, and the other looks cute....
Short hair, dont matter much to me to be honest... she could be bald for all that i cared.. just the "facial construction and the lack of face debt" thats getting me
Don't have any complaints about how she looks but her portrait just seems out of place when compared to the rest for me. Specifically the color scheme.
Don't have any complaints about how she looks but her portrait just seems out of place when compared to the rest for me. Specifically the color scheme.
You mean you dont like your Neera wild mage romance partner do do hourly swims in flour silos ? shame on you mate
what's her attractiveness got to do with it? i think it's high quality, but she could easily be more smoking. however, this isn't really an issue for me, old viconia, faldorn, share-teel etc are all quite ugly portraits. not every NPC is safana!
what's her attractiveness got to do with it? i think it's high quality, but she could easily be more smoking. however, this isn't really an issue for me, old viconia, faldorn, share-teel etc are all quite ugly portraits. not every NPC is safana!
i will be picking her up, wild mages rule.
Well this IS true,,, but still this is a enchanted version we are paying for right? upgraded version... better version.... and just browsing along the mod list in gamebanshee it has competition....
In anycase , no most bg1 women was not super attractive.... bg2 ... some of them.. still think we could use a hotter short haired cutie... and i still wish somebody could remove that flashlight in her face
My next playthrough Im going to develop my own personal harem and specifically pick just the hot pixel babes. Will be a useless fighting party but the imaginary roleplaying aspect will be pretty cool
My next playthrough Im going to develop my own personal harem and specifically pick just the hot pixel babes. Will be a useless fighting party but the imaginary roleplaying aspect will be pretty cool
Ehy.. you stole my idea mate.... besides.. am gonna play a Sorc... am gonna faceroll everything anyway.. if i was to run around the countryside beating monsters to death with a staff.. i like somebody cool around me...
To be honest, the original style (while not technically bad) is quite excentric. I had difficulties to find good portraits to identify myself with *my* character back then. Always ended up with this guy ( ) because the other ones were so wierdish. To me, the style of the portraits in Icewind Dale is much more appealing. BG II does a much better job with portraits, too.
As far as attractiveness is concerned, the girls from BG I aren't actually good looking (they're much better in BG II). To me, Skie is the only pretty one; maybe Dynaheir, but one can't really see her face. The others look like brats (Imoen, Jaheira, Safana, Garrick), or like madwomen.
Neera, on the other hand has a cute face and short blond hair - That alone makes her far more attractive to me than the rest of the BG I girls together. Which is as subjective as it sounds.
Still 40% aint a number to flinch on....
Pic is fine. Color scheme is rich in ways that reminds me enough of the original portraits. I could have done with bit more conservative flavors though. Forest green, blood red, bark-of-oak brown rather than manga adventure sparkly pink.You know? But really, it makes a fine pic and tis easy to imagine her portrait crammed between Jaheira and Minsc or such.
As a wild mage, her inability to control her magic with full reliability is endearing. I presume it's her in that trailer who, during battle, shouts "Look! I did that one on purpose!"
thats generalisation but you get the picture.
i just dont understand why they make 2 lore pics of her, and one looks borked, and the other looks cute....
Short hair, dont matter much to me to be honest... she could be bald for all that i cared.. just the "facial construction and the lack of face debt" thats getting me
i will be picking her up, wild mages rule.
In anycase , no most bg1 women was not super attractive.... bg2 ... some of them.. still think we could use a hotter short haired cutie... and i still wish somebody could remove that flashlight in her face
Just sit/stay back, play the lute, and enjoy the show.
you gonna roleplay a Lion mate? no you need something a bit more powerful... you cant sing firkraag to death