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How do you feel about Neera the Wild Mages Portrait



  • moody_magemoody_mage Member Posts: 2,054
    You are seeing insult where none is intended. You are commenting on the low voting figures on your poll, I'm simply giving you a reason for this by pointing out the voting options are very narrow and that the majority of people disagree with all of them - hence don't vote.
  • CyhortCyhort Member Posts: 78
    Why does every option have to be about how attractive she is? Why can't I vote for "her portrait is fine, it fits what I now about her character"? I voted for the first one, but I honestly couldn't care less about how attractive she is. I just want her not to suck as a party member.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
    edited November 2012
    That Viconia portrait is from bg2. This is the bg1 Viconia:
    Not so hot now, eh?

    Incidentally, does anyone know where to find that large "head-to-toe" picture of Neera?

    Cyhort said:

    Why does every option have to be about how attractive she is?

    Because it's a thread/poll about how attractive she is.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Jean_Luc said:

    bg1 Viconia: Not so hot now, eh?

    Actually, that reminds me of the guy who said that her BG1 portrait was "a bug".
  • Medivh1234Medivh1234 Member Posts: 95
    Dino said:

    Why does everyone have to be attractive? She is a person, dont like her, dont pick her up.
    What would happen with originality if you were in charge?

    What would happen with _originality_ if I where in charge of the _remake_ of Baldurs Gate?

    I dont know mate, maby i would make a portait you like ? maby one you would hate? and it wouldnt be anything less original.

    And maby i would make it in a way you didnt like and you would create a forum poll to see if the other fans agreed with you ? or maby you would not care at all

    I have no clue mate

    Pretend i made this one its from icewind dale

  • Medivh1234Medivh1234 Member Posts: 95
    edited November 2012
    Cyhort said:

    Why does every option have to be about how attractive she is? Why can't I vote for "her portrait is fine, it fits what I now about her character"? I voted for the first one, but I honestly couldn't care less about how attractive she is. I just want her not to suck as a party member.

    I get so owerpowered in Baldurs Gate so i usally just pick the people i like, but thats just me

  • Medivh1234Medivh1234 Member Posts: 95
    Jean_Luc said:

    That Viconia portrait is from bg2. This is the bg1 Viconia:
    Not so hot now, eh?

    hehehe no but its still a question of quality right? Compare Old Viccy to Neera

  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    edited November 2012
    The BG1 portraits look much more original and less cartoony than the BG2 ones. Every single one, and Neeras fits that artstyle perfectly
  • Medivh1234Medivh1234 Member Posts: 95
    Dino said:

    The BG1 portraits look much more original and less cartoony than the BG2 ones. Every single one, and Neeras fits that artstyle perfectly

    I dont agree but your opinion is noted

  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    If you want everyones opinion, then you'll need to privide better options than that, such as "its good quality, but I dont find her perticularly attractive". How attractive I find her doesnt have much to do with the quality of the portrait.
  • TetraploidTetraploid Member Posts: 252
    As other people have pointed out, you're trying to force us to vote for two separate things in one option. There are two variables here: Is the portrait good quality? Is the portrait attractive? You've lumped them together in options 1 + 4, but separated them in options 2 + 3, so the options aren't even consistent with each other, let alone consistent with the actual range of possible outcomes from combining two questions into one poll.
  • ThunderThunder Member Posts: 157
    This poll is quite hilarious in how bad it is.
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    To make the poll a bit more complete, you should add [Bad quality, attractive] and [high quality, unattractive]. Ideally, you should bifurcate the poll, as you are asking two separate questions.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    Where is the option:

    This is a video game, I don't care what they look like.
  • MornmagorMornmagor Member Posts: 1,160
    She looks like Shakira o_O
  • Aegir_FellwoodAegir_Fellwood Member Posts: 81
    So op, if people also don't agree in your poll, what then, are you gonna write an article about how everybody else is wrong and you're right?

    I have now (stupid as I clearly am) participated in what is probably THE dumbest (and stubborn) discussion I've seen in years!
    I do respect your oppinion for what it is, but this is.... I don't know, never mind lol
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    So, what if I'm not attracted to women? Am I not allowed to vote on the quality of the picture?
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291

    Haha, I always pictured Jaheira as Shakira ^^
  • sebassebas Member Posts: 57
    What does it matter if she is attractive physically?!
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291
    Jean_Luc said:

    That Viconia portrait is from bg2. This is the bg1 Viconia:
    Not so hot now, eh?

    Wat are you talking about? Maybe just me but I find her more attractive in that portrait. Sure the lightning is different, but there is also more emotion.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited November 2012
    FWIW I completely agree with the sentiments expressed here that Neera's looks are unimporant (although she is romanceable). However thus far 86% of respondents to this poll do feel that she is attractive. The consensus is that she is attractive. So no worries about having to protect Neera's feelings, lol.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Yea I'm lost on how her attractiveness matters.
  • SCARY_WIZARDSCARY_WIZARD Member Posts: 1,438
    Aosaw said:

    Did anyone stop to wonder how Neera feels about all these people judging her appearance?

    (There, there, Neera... I'll protect you from these shallow mean people...)

    I, too, will defend her. She is mai waifu.
  • MenthroMenthro Member Posts: 85
    Where is the option to say you think it is high quality, but you really don't care or it doesn't affect your opinion if the picture is attractive or not?
  • CyhortCyhort Member Posts: 78
    ^ Well, that wins the topic right there.
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    It's a portrait that goes well with the BG theme, but it's not for me. A bit too plain, and will be replaced by a custom portrait of a babe in skimpy bikini probably. :P

    ... I didn't say my style was more valid :)
  • salierisalieri Member Posts: 245
    Dreadful, dreadful poll options. Just awful.

    I really don't have any strong feelings about Neera's portrait. It's fine.
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