So.. the Black Pits?

Is it it's own stand-alone adventure where you create 6 party members and fight them through 15 rounds of battles? Does it connect with the Bhaalspawn story or what's the point and what's the reward?
It's been done already. The vast majority of the forum voted no back a few months ago.
I'm gonna open a poll for a pvp option
This is similar in concept to restarting with a geared and levelled character, but with some unique items to boot. There are some very nice BG2 items on the vendors in the pits, including some Monk-specific guantlets that normally only show up halfway through BG2.
just want to gain a few levels quick and start as lvl 5?
Edit: never mind found out.
But im not complaining, if thats the garbage they plan to put in their store it'll save me money. Im here for the RPG not the hack n slash. Also PvP is pointless, anything that detracts from the story writing is stupid and a waste of resources. There are alot of games like Diablo and such for isometric hack and slash crap.