Steam beta > later to Steam retail digital deluxe

If we have the Steam beta installed and later then we activate the Steam retail key for the Digital Deluxe edition, do we need to download the game again or will the beta files be taken and updated into retail version on Steam?
I am really hyped for the Steam Workshop support.
Thank you!
If we have the Steam beta installed and later then we activate the Steam retail key for the Digital Deluxe edition, do we need to download the game again or will the beta files be taken and updated into retail version on Steam?
I am really hyped for the Steam Workshop support.

Thank you!
Post edited by fetito666 on
@fetito666 As far as I am aware they would have different appids, so you'd have to find out what the appmanifest_xxxxx.acf file for DD ed. looks like and replace the beta appmanisfest file with the DD ed appmanisfest. And then most likely run a Verify File Data to check for files that might have changed.
@GarenRuneblade All versions of NWN:EE will share the same C:\Documents\Neverwinter Nights folder for haks\mods\overides and configuration file.
I wrote on discord the night between Friday and Saturday. Was it too late?