Will Blackguards "fall" if their reputation goes to high?

The new BGEE manuals say that Blackguards can't "fall" and that their party can have "reputation as low as they desire", but logically shouldn't they lose their special abilities if their parties reputation goes to high? It sounds like this is not implemented, but it would make sense if they did, as surely they would lose their evil god's favour?
It would make sense for mechanical or balance(bleh whatever) reasons to have them fall at 15+ rep.
However, some times villains like Blackguards, especially if Lawful or Neutral Evil, would maybe prefer to pose as heroes, create a name for themselves, and then reign havoc upon the unsuspecting.
Saying that, according to the manual, they don't fall at all, unless it was an oversight, along with the Level Drain and Fear immunities they forgot to mention. But it's pretty big, so i think it's safe to assume they don't fall.
After all it says that Blackguards won't have to worry about falling, even if it continues like "they can be as evil as they want". I assume they would mention that they fall at high rep.
Concluding, it makes sense if they fall at high rep, and it also makes sense if they don't fall, if you consider the above.
Anyway, the manual says that paladins lose their abilities at low reputation, with the exception of the Blackguard kit. I would think that if Blackguards lost their powers at high rep, it would have been mentioned there. But then again, the manual has a few mistakes in it, so that certainly isn't absolute proof that they can't fall (or rise, I guess? Whatever)
But after a while it will only be you, he won't like it
But still, this is ridiculous. Maybe he should be allowed to act good for an hidden evil purpose but not up to the the point of being one of THE heroes of the region, don't you think?
Funny, jet important matter is discussed here. Since blackguards are dedicated in doing evil, they should suffer some pentalies for discarding their path in life. Then again, "fallen blackguard" is kind of funny - like there is some temptation in doing good to resist. It's just difficult to imagine someone utterly evil to "fall".
In the case of the PC, we sort of gloss over whom their patron is, much in the same way that Talos doesn't particularly matter to a Priest of Talos character.
Chaotic evil now... That is another story
edited for spelling
Dorn's just special like that.
Just look at Sarevok. He is as evil as they come, rotten to the core, and yet