While it would be an amusing twist, keeping the evil players on their toes when rescuing cats and such, it is implausible for one reason, which can be summed up in four words: Villain with good publicity. Just look at Sarevok. He is as evil as they come, rotten to the core, and yet
the public keeps him in such high regard that they were willing to make him a grand duke, for crying out loud.
If he can do it, then why not you, my blackguardy friend?
Not only that, but when you think about it, the idea of someone "following the evil path" kind of sounds silly IMO, since one of the fundamental aspects of being evil is that the char doesn't actually have a set "path" - they do what they want, when they want.
Sure, if they're Chaotic Evil. Lawful Evil might do things differently.
This could make sense, or not, depending on how you view it.
It would make sense for mechanical or balance(bleh whatever) reasons to have them fall at 15+ rep.
However, some times villains like Blackguards, especially if Lawful or Neutral Evil, would maybe prefer to pose as heroes, create a name for themselves, and then reign havoc upon the unsuspecting.
Not only that, but when you think about it, the idea of someone "following the evil path" kind of sounds silly IMO, since one of the fundamental aspects of being evil is that the char doesn't actually have a set "path" - they do what they want, when they want. Thus, someone who is evil might still carry out "heroic" deeds, but just not for the specific purpose of being heroic (i.e: for money or revenge instead). To place restrictions on what an evil char can and can't do sort of contradicts the notion of being evil IMO.
It's probably easier to role-play, table top.
I was told a story some time ago, related to Thieves' World. There's was this guy, being the soldier of an evil god. I can't remember of what exactly, I think it was murder and rape.. and when he was humiliated, his god took away his ability to regenerate. I mean this guy had a path to follow, the usual to kill, etc and now revenge as well. To get his regeneration powers back.
If you're a cleric or similar of an evil god, it makes sense to me to have a some kind of path to follow, why else would you worship a god, if that's not some kind of well.. idol.
I'd be all for that kind of thing, if fallen at.. let's say 19-20 rep? Shouldn't be that hard to keep it down. I usually never go that high anyway and I'm always evil.
Not only that, but when you think about it, the idea of someone "following the evil path" kind of sounds silly IMO, since one of the fundamental aspects of being evil is that the char doesn't actually have a set "path" - they do what they want, when they want.
Sure, if they're Chaotic Evil. Lawful Evil might do things differently.
Yep, of course, the same Lawful Evil might want to methodically and slowly make a name for himself first.
Also, being evil doesn't mean you kill kittens or children. It means tons of things, and every person has a different personality. All evil villains are not the same. However most of them have no regard to life when it comes to personal gain. For others it's revenge that led them there. They might want to become stronger to take revenge. Or they might have perceived life as something were humans find only torment because of other humans. And they decided to fix things. Kind of drastically, and by killing everyone they perceive as making "their" world worse
I like the powers of the Blackguard, but I hate doing evil... maybe I should make him aligned as "Chaotic Stupid". Yeah! He will be a total moron who thinks he is always doing evil but really has no clue what he is doing. But he needs a patron... Who could he choose to gain power incompetent? Strong Bad comes to mind... Possibly one of the Dr. Forresters... Wait a minute... I'VE GOT IT!!! How about Torgo's "The Master"? Yesss MWA HA HA HAH HAAAAAAHHH! Now I too shall "take care of the place while The Master is away"! I shall have my own theme music and carry a big stick as I hobble around! I too shall spy on girls as they are changing and hit on them while playing with their hair! I will be the servant of The Master and wield his power incompetently in my very own Hands; The Hands Of Fate!
By the way if you don't get this reference you need to watch some MST3K... You don't know what you are missing.
Behold The Master my patron! And Torgo my fellow servant of The Master
Aww crap... the incompetence begins here I see.... Bah! Just Google Images "Manos the Hands of Fate" you will see them...
Dorn should simply leave the party like any other evilly aligned NPC if rep exceeds 18. If the game was modded to allow evil characters to stay at rep 19+ then such a "fall" could be scripted, I reckon.
I would like it if they did not tie alignment and rangers/paladins falling to reputation, which is basically public opinion, and tracked them separately.
hmm my thoughts are quite more simple, that he recognises that no matter the "good" you do ultimately you kill A LOT of people to get there. So no matter how "good" you are, you still help him fill his "quota" to his evil god? just my thoughts from a rp perspective, he respect strength imho good or bad he does say something like he stays coz he can see you can defeat him ? doesnt he?
I was told a story some time ago, related to Thieves' World. There's was this guy, being the soldier of an evil god. I can't remember of what exactly, I think it was murder and rape.. and when he was humiliated, his god took away his ability to regenerate. I mean this guy had a path to follow, the usual to kill, etc and now revenge as well. To get his regeneration powers back.
If you're a cleric or similar of an evil god, it makes sense to me to have a some kind of path to follow, why else would you worship a god, if that's not some kind of well.. idol.
Also, being evil doesn't mean you kill kittens or children. It means tons of things, and every person has a different personality. All evil villains are not the same. However most of them have no regard to life when it comes to personal gain. For others it's revenge that led them there. They might want to become stronger to take revenge. Or they might have perceived life as something were humans find only torment because of other humans. And they decided to fix things. Kind of drastically, and by killing everyone they perceive as making "their" world worse
By the way if you don't get this reference you need to watch some MST3K... You don't know what you are missing.
Behold The Master my patron!
And Torgo my fellow servant of The Master
Aww crap... the incompetence begins here I see.... Bah! Just Google Images "Manos the Hands of Fate" you will see them...
Hmm, I wonder if it is some kind of anti-theft device the websites have...