NWN:EE - New Character models Feedback (Impressions, ideas, the future)

P.S-I know there is already an ongoing speech:
But as the things I have to say are many, I decided to start a separate discussion, so that we can discuss the best of what came last night.
What about BD congratulations you surprised us all really last night !, even if I have not followed the streaming as I hoped revisiting the video I did many things, but what is more appreciated and the update of the character model's! there is this for me and it was the most beautiful streamingh ever, full of surprises! hopes and plans for the future, a lot of ambition that has rekindled a light of hope in my heart.
At the beginning I thought ... "They insert Minsc and Boo in the OC as Recruited Characters" ... the theory was not completely wrong ... actually the phrase of Twitter could mean many things ... even if some have mentioned a lot a possible modification of Aribeth and Dekin ... and in fact ...

They updated Aribeth! and has a really amazing look! ok ... and a teck demo released only yesterday but ... or my god ... the new look and amazing!
This update shows you what you can do with NWN: EE and how you can integrate old and new Textures to make the game better,Aribeth is the demonstration that it is possible to update the models to make the game better and thus open an infinity of possible new creations and contents, what about ... now that NWN: EE starts to become interesting.
Analyzing the tec demo of Aribeth, you can immediately see how the lights, shapes and colors of the model look better, leaving your face ... that is not exactly the same and identical to the Cover Art of Aribeth, the armor itself and a Beautiful starting point for a potential graphic upgrade.

Analyzing the model in detail, however, you can see that in itself and almost like a "Resckin" that means you tell me, means that the model replaces only the visual part of the NPC and not the animations and the skeletal structure itself, in fact the hands as you can see are not open but closed, as Treant said in last night's streaming.in fact details like the hair I have the skirt of the dress do not move are static, because they lack the correct animations, but looking in action the model in streaming last night the result is still satisfactory, but the claims and the potential of this update can apripre the doors to many new features and details that previously could not be done, with the design limits of the aurora and gaming tollset.
first of all, as Said reant this option can be deactivated as right that it is also because those who want to keep the original style of the game is not forced to play with the updated models.
The idea would be that I propose and insert a new entry in the options menu and in the Aurora tollset so that you can create 2 separate versions of the game, one with the normal mapping and one with the updated game models, in such a way that ... regardless of how the player looks at the game with or without the updated models, and can play any module without breaking compatibility...

in video options in advanced video options or advanced frame-buffering effects add an Off-On option of updated models as happens in many modern games (see Wow, Ever Quest 2), so that regardless of how you look at the game, this does not go to break the compatibility of existing mods.
but if I'm using a mod that replaces the model mapping but I'm using the updated models, what happens?
with my idea, if you use the new models you will see only the new ones and if you "tag" the modd as "HD model" will be displayed with the new active models option, if you replace the mapping on the old models this is displayed only with the option disabled.
Why do I propose this?
But as the things I have to say are many, I decided to start a separate discussion, so that we can discuss the best of what came last night.
What about BD congratulations you surprised us all really last night !, even if I have not followed the streaming as I hoped revisiting the video I did many things, but what is more appreciated and the update of the character model's! there is this for me and it was the most beautiful streamingh ever, full of surprises! hopes and plans for the future, a lot of ambition that has rekindled a light of hope in my heart.
"An old friend returns ... with a new look"
At the beginning I thought ... "They insert Minsc and Boo in the OC as Recruited Characters" ... the theory was not completely wrong ... actually the phrase of Twitter could mean many things ... even if some have mentioned a lot a possible modification of Aribeth and Dekin ... and in fact ...

They updated Aribeth! and has a really amazing look! ok ... and a teck demo released only yesterday but ... or my god ... the new look and amazing!
This update shows you what you can do with NWN: EE and how you can integrate old and new Textures to make the game better,Aribeth is the demonstration that it is possible to update the models to make the game better and thus open an infinity of possible new creations and contents, what about ... now that NWN: EE starts to become interesting.
"Analysis of the TEC demo"
Analyzing the tec demo of Aribeth, you can immediately see how the lights, shapes and colors of the model look better, leaving your face ... that is not exactly the same and identical to the Cover Art of Aribeth, the armor itself and a Beautiful starting point for a potential graphic upgrade.

Analyzing the model in detail, however, you can see that in itself and almost like a "Resckin" that means you tell me, means that the model replaces only the visual part of the NPC and not the animations and the skeletal structure itself, in fact the hands as you can see are not open but closed, as Treant said in last night's streaming.in fact details like the hair I have the skirt of the dress do not move are static, because they lack the correct animations, but looking in action the model in streaming last night the result is still satisfactory, but the claims and the potential of this update can apripre the doors to many new features and details that previously could not be done, with the design limits of the aurora and gaming tollset.
"Ideas and improvements"
first of all, as Said reant this option can be deactivated as right that it is also because those who want to keep the original style of the game is not forced to play with the updated models.
The idea would be that I propose and insert a new entry in the options menu and in the Aurora tollset so that you can create 2 separate versions of the game, one with the normal mapping and one with the updated game models, in such a way that ... regardless of how the player looks at the game with or without the updated models, and can play any module without breaking compatibility...

in video options in advanced video options or advanced frame-buffering effects add an Off-On option of updated models as happens in many modern games (see Wow, Ever Quest 2), so that regardless of how you look at the game, this does not go to break the compatibility of existing mods.
but if I'm using a mod that replaces the model mapping but I'm using the updated models, what happens?
with my idea, if you use the new models you will see only the new ones and if you "tag" the modd as "HD model" will be displayed with the new active models option, if you replace the mapping on the old models this is displayed only with the option disabled.
Why do I propose this?
- Because this does not go to break compatibility
- For those who want to work with old models and for those who want to experiment with new models and new graphics settings, it can do it.
- It can increase the potential of the tollset aurora, an on-off button for the use of advanced models could create 2 different layers of the same project in order to work on 2 different graphics engines without affecting either one for those who want use yes or no the new graphic options,for example Imagine Aielund Saga Enhanced Edition, if you are using the new models the modder can decide whether to add the filter new models with a version in the mod with models updated in this way ... when you turn on the "Use the updated new models" button you will play Aielund Saga with the updated models, if instead you play with the off button you will see the normal models.
- the new models option could open the doors to experimentation for customizable animations and new type details, animation of the hands of the face of the clothes etc...
- In the future the new models will have updated animations and new options on the "motor" parts such as animations of the hands of the hair etc?
- In the future after the update of the models will there be the same treatment with the various monsters and NPCs? like orcs, dragons, etc.?
- In the streaming you mentioned Belnder-Studio Max etc ... will it be possible with the new models and the old models to integrate a function to import "Custom animations" to create unique videos inside the game? "
- In the updated version of the character models (part NPC) will there also be an update of the NPC portrait? Like when I use the updated models, Aribeth will appear to me with an updated portrait that reflects the model in here.
Is it just me?
I do like the new Aribeth model. It sticks close to the concept art. No complaints from me.
Why :
I think it strikes a perfect line between being realistic and stylised.
If you make graphic too realistic, you end up with uncanny valley, awkward looking ( NWN2), models that take lot of resources and are not future proof.
If you make graphic too stylised, you will end up with cartoon.
Perfect mid line is hard to achieve. Blizzard artists are probably best in this field. And this is why games like WOW stand the test of time flawlesly.
- I think that this model of Aribeth is perfect. The details are expressive. Textures use painted maps instead of realistic. Giving all look of D&D miniature, instead of living person.
This is exactly the look I personally love. And would give many KUDOS to the art team
In last stream I heared the team talking abou thier involvement with NWN MMO. I think this is the exact look they should go for. And if they can snatch some of the art team. It would be perfection
But I think that they were inspired by the face of a Cosplayer, looking on google and looking for Aribeth Neverwinter Cosplay you can see that the photo is quite similar to the model.
On topic, love the new Aribeth model, it's clearly early days but it's a great demonstration of the newer capabilities of the engine and the huge jumps in technical and performance capabilities that have already been made.
Can't wait to see what Beamdog and the greater community can do with it.