v8158 scripting commands followup suggestion: add SetAcBonusLimit/GetACBonusLimit() commands

Below is related fedback from our design team on the new script command features added in v8158 (note that not all of us have bought nwnee yet, some much of the feedback revolves around patch notes):
arQon said: on private forums
yeah - although it's rare to run into the current limits, it does happen. (mostly with chars cranking W saves).
however, i notice the *the* most important one is missing: AC. that's the single limit MOST often exceeded, because all "temporary / stackable" AC is Dodge, and it gets burnt up FAST, even with our "low" (ie "sane") magic limits on items. 5pts from boots means that a paladin traveling with a wiz trivially hits the AC cap even BEFORE the epic bracers are factored in (+4 haste, means that by 34/+12 CHA, divine shield is being capped), and one with a bard even more so, since haste and song alone can easily be expected to add 7 or 8 to the eq base, reducing the div shield bous to just 7 or 8 points or even less.
For context, our module currently runs with a level cap of 32 and I'd describe access to magic as "medium". Most stat bonuses max out at +4 on a piece of gear, or +5 for AC enhancements, saves, and enhancement bonuses. The new skill bonus cap possibilities won't affect us much, if at all. Much of the "Epic" powered gear in HotU does not appear, but we are by no means a low magic setting either. The Dodge AC cap is always an interesting design point.
Anyway, we suggest adding support for manipulating AC bonus Limit caps similar to what was done for other stats in the v8158 patch.
arQon said: on private forums
yeah - although it's rare to run into the current limits, it does happen. (mostly with chars cranking W saves).
however, i notice the *the* most important one is missing: AC. that's the single limit MOST often exceeded, because all "temporary / stackable" AC is Dodge, and it gets burnt up FAST, even with our "low" (ie "sane") magic limits on items. 5pts from boots means that a paladin traveling with a wiz trivially hits the AC cap even BEFORE the epic bracers are factored in (+4 haste, means that by 34/+12 CHA, divine shield is being capped), and one with a bard even more so, since haste and song alone can easily be expected to add 7 or 8 to the eq base, reducing the div shield bous to just 7 or 8 points or even less.
For context, our module currently runs with a level cap of 32 and I'd describe access to magic as "medium". Most stat bonuses max out at +4 on a piece of gear, or +5 for AC enhancements, saves, and enhancement bonuses. The new skill bonus cap possibilities won't affect us much, if at all. Much of the "Epic" powered gear in HotU does not appear, but we are by no means a low magic setting either. The Dodge AC cap is always an interesting design point.
Anyway, we suggest adding support for manipulating AC bonus Limit caps similar to what was done for other stats in the v8158 patch.
Modifying the cap is one thing, but it can't really be a substitute of non-capped bonuses.
For example, one might want to add a custom feat that adds some ability points. They could create a feat and add an associated script for it that would grant a player with it a relevant bonus, but this would effectively reduce the bonus cap by the amount added. To avoid this, one would have to increase the cap by the amount added, but cap is global, i.e. PCs with or without the feat would be influenced.
Long story short, the possibility of uncapped bonuses is still something that could come in handy.
Same goes for penalties - we should be able to give a player a penalty without effectively increasing their cap.
Thanks for the nudge in that direction!