Modifying spellcasting in engine

Currenly, nwscript only allows the level of a spell cast to be set using predefined levels, you can not enter a level other than the predefined set for any specific spell. While it would be possible to ceate a work around using nwscript, the level of work to do so would be onerous. The entire spell system would need to be recreated, SR check, save check, and any other check required to determine if a spell is successfully cast or effect resisted/evaded. It would be simpler if the engine allowed the use of a simple integer while retaining the current functionality, maybe just adding to the engine and therefore to nwscript an additional predefined parameter set to some val so that you could modify the script function, adding a parameter like ,int casterlevel = -1).
There isn't much value in moving more of the process into hard coded engine maintained variables rather than just replacing it all with soft coded variables. Only a few things pose a definite brick wall such as spellbook interaction, learn/remove known spell, and getting a specialist wizard's spell school.
Whether or not the additions you suggest are included, the need for "softcoding" the caster level would be a benefit and most likely be easily achieved.
Softcoding caster level through replacement of the system isn't difficult. However affecting those other things like spell school specialization is not a task accomplished by scripting, you need for example NWNX or something else to mess with the character file.