Suggestion: add cloaks to mounted phenotypes

One thing that's annoyed me in 1.69 is that characters that mount a hourse magically lose their cloaks until they dismount. I don't think much is needed to be said here, it would be great if Beamdog could fix this (or, first things first - add a trello board item for it).
I guess the problem is how to do that without clipping. Same applies to shields.
Robes look OK because they are rigged in a complicated way to move with the limbs, and clip into the horse neatly, almost as though the cloth has folded up between the rider's legs (which of course it hasn't).
I guess in theory that cloaks could be rigged to some new body nodes that float above the horse's rump in the mounted pheno. Clipping just would't look right IMO.