OMG. Call of the wild is amazing. Not only i an loving Witch but i also an loving a Oracle companion. of bone "mystery". She is a "divine sorcerer", with some cool unique abilities and despite being 7th level, she can cast one animate dead as a spell like ability and 5 more as a tier 3 spell. Later i will create a Arcanist companion to test Arcanist.
Anyway, since a lot of people are having trouble with wild hunt, here is a video of my Pitax battles including a later wild hunt battle
I had no chronic restartitis. But restarted kingmaker as a blood arcanist of undead bloodline after i created a companion. Is literally a hybrid class between wizard and sorcerer. Wizard study magic. Sorcerer has magic. If someone has magic and study magic, he can attune spells in a prepared way while cast in a spontaneous way AND break the gaps in between the laws of magic generating exploits and even eat his own spell slots. That is so cool...
Witches are fun but the familiar mechanics are very lackluster and the lack of some pnp spells that i was expecting made me lose the interest on witch.
I may have encounter a bug and I'm unsure if it's vanilla bug or if it's caused by some mod. Second time during random encounter I stumbled upon an NPC that is standing still and is unselectable (i.e he can't be talked to). I'm worried I may miss some quests because of it. Did you encounter this kind of bug? Is it possible it's caused by NPC HQ Textures mod I installed this morning?
I may have encounter a bug and I'm unsure if it's vanilla bug or if it's caused by some mod. Second time during random encounter I stumbled upon an NPC that is standing still and is unselectable (i.e he can't be talked to). I'm worried I may miss some quests because of it. Did you encounter this kind of bug? Is it possible it's caused by NPC HQ Textures mod I installed this morning?
What NPC? And map name? I an only lv 7 at moment on call of the wild so IDK.
Guys, even Jason Bulmahn (the Gigax of Pathfinder) had problem in some encounters. See at around 30 minutes
I had no problem against this Bear using animate dead but as a paladin i believe that the best strategy is drink a potion and run(like he plans to do after being destroyed some times)
For me, this encounter was obvious a trap since the beginning. I entered prepared for everything.
I may have encounter a bug and I'm unsure if it's vanilla bug or if it's caused by some mod. Second time during random encounter I stumbled upon an NPC that is standing still and is unselectable (i.e he can't be talked to). I'm worried I may miss some quests because of it. Did you encounter this kind of bug? Is it possible it's caused by NPC HQ Textures mod I installed this morning?
What NPC? And map name? I an only lv 7 at moment on call of the wild so IDK.
It's not a specific NPC on a specific map, just some character on random encounter map. I don't even know who this NPC was, because he's not "clickable". He was just standing still without any action. Not sure if he should initiate a conversation or not. It happened to me twice, both times during random encounters.
There's a game glitch where sometimes corpses "stand" instead of lying on the ground. They cannot be interacted with because they are already dead and/or don't have loot on them. May look strange, but the bug doesn't affect quests. You can try saving/reloading or re-entering maps if you want to try to fix such occurrences.
so, i have finally finished pathfinder lol maker and man what a roller coaster that was
long story short;
if you played the game and only hit levels 7-10 that is only the tip of the ice berg
if you didnt enjoy the game then, then it only gets worse, WAY worse
but on the flip side, if you did enjoy the game up to that point, well, there is more of that coming
and that house at the edge of time dungeon, that is what finally broke me
after that moment i just put the game on story mode and did whatever it took to finish it off
just the pure BS and shenanigans that happens in; House at the edge of Time is completely and absolutely absurd
which is unfortunate because it really made me hate the rest of the game afterwards and although "cool" stuff may have been happenin i could have cared less, i just did whatever it took to finish it off
but, now that i know how the game is played its time yell and scream some more in frustration as i try and play this silly ass game on challenging mode, i will definitely be using mercenaries this time....
@sarevok57 , Do you really hate it that much, if you're still going to play again on challenging mode? You were expressing a lot of the same feelings I had about it after my partial run, but I stopped playing and found other games to play. Yet you say in the last line of your post expressing how much you hate it that you're about to play again? I don't understand.
Are you sort of joking like a person who loves to hit themselves in the head with a hammer so they can feel how good it feels when they stop?
I really don't get why it is so important for some people to play RPGs on high(er) difficulty settings? (not aimed at anyone specifically; truly a general question) What's so wrong with playing on story mode or easy setting? It's a single-player game. Why not just play it in whatever way brings the most joy to you as an individual? I routinely play games on lower than "normal" setting. I don't play my games for "challenge." My real-life and my work are plenty challenging enough. I play games purely for fun, enjoyment, and for de-stressing from my real-life. I don't see/feel any personal gain/satisfaction whatsoever from having beaten a game on some difficult setting.
I really don't get why it is so important for some people to play RPGs on high(er) difficulty settings? (not aimed at anyone specifically; truly a general question) What's so wrong with playing on story mode or easy setting? It's a single-player game. Why not just play it in whatever way brings the most joy to you as an individual? I routinely play games on lower than "normal" setting. I don't play my games for "challenge." My real-life and my work are plenty challenging enough. I play games purely for fun, enjoyment, and for de-stressing from my real-life. I don't see/feel any personal gain/satisfaction whatsoever from having beaten a game on some difficult setting.
A chance for failure adds a level of excitement, just like a no reload play. Plus a desire to push yourself to be better. I still try to find the right balance where things are fun but not a slog. Challenging feels about right for me, I can still get my butt kicked in a few fights, but I don't steam roll everything. Obviously that's not for everyone, but those are reasons I bumped the difficulty up. Plus I started playing on original release and the game's gotten easier since then.
@sarevok57 , Do you really hate it that much, if you're still going to play again on challenging mode? You were expressing a lot of the same feelings I had about it after my partial run, but I stopped playing and found other games to play. Yet you say in the last line of your post expressing how much you hate it that you're about to play again? I don't understand.
Are you sort of joking like a person who loves to hit themselves in the head with a hammer so they can feel how good it feels when they stop?
the problem i find with PFKM is that to me it seems like it requires outrageous amounts of meta knowledge, because this game is super unforgiving, some people may like that, but im not one of them
now that i have beaten the game, i know what to expect ( plus i dont feel 100% justified completing the game on story mode, it just feels like a cop out )
its actually a funny story because im having the same problem with doom eternal right now, for whatever reason im finding that game to be brutal as hell, i swear i was able to beat doom 2016 on ultra violence but doom eternal's ultra violence setting is out of control, i even had to tone down one of the slayer gates to hurt me plenty because so much crap was flying at me at so many different directions it was impossible to dodge them all and i was just dying way to fast
i think after when i beat PFKM on challenging ( if i don't rage quit ) i probably won't play this game ever again, and i think half the reason why im playing this game at all is because its the only newest RPG that has the 6 person isometric view which are RPGs i like playing
the problem i find with PFKM is that to me it seems like it requires outrageous amounts of meta knowledge
On higher difficulties, the game advice you. In red bold letters with a NOT RECOMMENDED in caps
"Choosing this difficulty is NOT RECOMMENDED for the players not familiar with pathfinder system, as well as Pathfinder Kingmaker battle system and those who are not willing to suffer. The enemies will not forgive any miastakes made uring combats and your characters' builds must be no less than perfect"
I play in a custom difficulty. In some aspects harder than normal and others easier than challenging with a small party. Even the Pathfinder Creator had problem with some encounters. And used pure RP builds on all of my 3 runs This game is challenging even on normal.
PS : I agree that House at the edge of Time is a awful dungeon.
I lowered difficulties in some parts that i don't like on my current run. What is the problem? After i pass the BS area quickly i raise again to my custom in between normal and challenging.
@kanisatha , I wish I could give you all three of agree, insightful, and like for your wise post. I think the constant online peer pressure to play every game on the hardest possible difficulty has robbed me of a lot of enjoyment in gaming.
Yet again, I am reminded how much more joy I had in games, and how much happier I was as a person, before the internet and social media were a thing.
If I had tried P:KM as a game that looked interesting to me from a physical box in a physical store, with no outside influence whatsoever, other than the box in the store, and I had been able to form my impressions of it in complete isolation, probably starting on an easy difficulty setting, who knows how different my experience of it might have been?
I vaguely remember my first experience of Neverwinter Nights, in complete isolation from other gamers, when I decided that the only thing Core Rules and Hard were doing were making me use a lot more healing potions, so I turned it down to Easy, and I thought nothing more of it. I had done the same thing before with Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale.
I wonder now if I would have loved those games as much, or at all, if I had been under the constant peer pressure of "You must play on the hardest difficulty setting, and you must consider that easy, or you are a bad gamer, a bad person, you are stupid and incompetent, and you are less than I, while I am so very much more than you."
Ye gods, I am starting to get so angry with all the gamers out there who consistently show such an attitude online and who try to use gaming as a means to aggrandize themselves and to cut down others!
No, thank you. I will play what I want to play, how I want to play it, and when I want to play it.
To that ends, I really need to reconsider how I respond to stuff I read online. I need to start brushing more of it off as irrelevant to me personally, and to stop trying to unnecessarily share my own opinions hoping to find reinforcement for them.
As @Arvia recently shared with me as an insight, we are all alone in this world, and much better off if we realize that, and act accordingly.
"Choosing this difficulty is NOT RECOMMENDED for the players not familiar with pathfinder system, as well as Pathfinder Kingmaker battle system and those who are not willing to suffer. The enemies will not forgive any miastakes made uring combats and your characters' builds must be no less than perfect"
yeah, it should even say that on normal difficulty haha
"yeah, it should even say that on normal difficulty haha"
Yep. Vordakai, a mid level boss has 13 levels of Wizard and 10 levels of "undead" with 334 HP, 24 AC, relative high saves, 15 DR vs anything except bludgeoning and IMO is one of the EASIEST bosses in the game.
I'm really enjoying TB mod for P:K. It's very well executed and it allows me to enjoy battles on Core difficulty to the point I even consider cranking up difficulty a bit. What is great is that now only monsters I expect to be dangerous for my party give me more trouble. When I see a monster and I think "Oh boy, this guy gonna be a problem" it usually is a problematic fight. But not to a point a good tactics can handle. In RTwP I could get a beating from low level critters, even if my party outleveled them. It was not fun at all. The only location so far I must have skipped because it was too difficult was the one with those boggards. Nasty little buggers. But that was two levels before, so I may be inclined to try to beat them after clearing Old Sycamore. Then, I may have an attempt for Ratnook Hills. This will be a hell of a ride, for sure. But *maybe* I'll be able to kill those were rats on TB mode. Finger crossed.
Some people here was saying that you can't retreat for battle and it is not true. Just use a spell like haste and run
So, over the weekend I decided to give it another go with another character, hoping that my experience as the player is now better so I should die less.
Here are 2 instances of cases when you can't retreat and have to die if you don't know when to handle the encounter:
- Viscount Smoulderburn. I was lvl 4 when I faced him, with everything I could possibly have at that point, even 3 characters with anti-horror spells. The party of 6, buffed at maximum, can't do anything to drop him lower than 50% of health. Retreat? Nope, you can't do that - the party is still too low-level for haste or something.
You say: "Spare yourself the headache and save this encounter for later." I don't like this. How should I know the encounter will be that bad? You say: "BG1 had basilisks". You can just retreat at any given time even if your 5 party members are turned to stone. Just gulp a potion of invisibility, or a potion of haste, and run.
- The wererat cave. So, you enter the cave and are attacked by 2 sneaky bastards - that's ok, I can handle them. But then an enemy alchemist joins the fight and spams a fireball after a fireball. Again, not enough firepower to kill them at that stage (the stage before the Stag lord). You can't retreat from the cave, can't hit exit the area even if you gulp potions of invisibility. You can't sacrifice your tank and leave the cave.
The only way for both of those encounters is to get the player meta-knowledge "don't touch this area yet" and carry on.
Some people here was saying that you can't retreat for battle and it is not true. Just use a spell like haste and run
So, over the weekend I decided to give it another go with another character, hoping that my experience as the player is now better so I should die less.
Here are 2 instances of cases when you can't retreat and have to die if you don't know when to handle the encounter:
- Viscount Smoulderburn. I was lvl 4 when I faced him, with everything I could possibly have at that point, even 3 characters with anti-horror spells. The party of 6, buffed at maximum, can't do anything to drop him lower than 50% of health. Retreat? Nope, you can't do that - the party is still too low-level for haste or something.
You say: "Spare yourself the headache and save this encounter for later." I don't like this. How should I know the encounter will be that bad? You say: "BG1 had basilisks". You can just retreat at any given time even if your 5 party members are turned to stone. Just gulp a potion of invisibility, or a potion of haste, and run.
- The wererat cave. So, you enter the cave and are attacked by 2 sneaky bastards - that's ok, I can handle them. But then an enemy alchemist joins the fight and spams a fireball after a fireball. Again, not enough firepower to kill them at that stage (the stage before the Stag lord). You can't retreat from the cave, can't hit exit the area even if you gulp potions of invisibility. You can't sacrifice your tank and leave the cave.
The only way for both of those encounters is to get the player meta-knowledge "don't touch this area yet" and carry on.
You could try simple lowering the difficulty. My hint is : Play on easy. Even the Pathfinder creator had problem with normal, there is no shame on playing on easy. The first time that i played the game, i had to lower the difficulty vs the first encounter with wild hunt.
If you really wanna fight enemies without lowering difficulties, have someone capable of casting protection from arrows, mirror image, enlarge people, summon monster I/II and Boneshaker before you face Stag Lord. Vs the second chapter boss(the troll boss), have a cleric with a lot of slots of animate dead and acid arrow for your arcane caster. Stoneskin is also another amazing spell BUT it has reagent cost contrary to BG. Diamond Dust is expensive but worth the cost. Just don't use stoneskin in every encounter.
I have no objections against playing on the easiest setting or lowering the slider when I need it. For example, I did that during my previous playthrough every time I had to save someone because I consider the AI and behavior of these temp companions you have to save just stupid and don't agree with that.
But I won't agree that "lower the difficulty", "play on easy" should justify the encounter design. When I pick the difficulty setting at the start of the game (any game, actually), I personally try to do it intentionally, giving it a few thoughts. I usually pick "normal" or something when I play a new game and I expect (just a personal opinion) to be able to solve tasks on this difficulty level. Yes, reloading if needed. I don't say one should always be able to kill everything on the first try. It's just that my own personal feeling can't approve the encounter design when there are plenty of cases requiring the player to reload and come back later without providing in-game ways of getting out of these crap situations.
There is no sane explanation why you can't run away in Pillar of Eternity or P:K - there are only combat design and engine limitations.
You actually can get away with spells/potions of invisibility or expeditious retreat if you get out of sight from the enemies for long enough, both are level 1 and 2 spells. The caveat with invisibility is that it just ups your stealth, so if you're clanking around in heavy armor, have low dex and no stealth, you can still be detected. I do agree they could have handled retreating better, though.
I have no objections against playing on the easiest setting or lowering the slider when I need it. For example, I did that during my previous playthrough every time I had to save someone because I consider the AI and behavior of these temp companions you have to save just stupid and don't agree with that.
But I won't agree that "lower the difficulty", "play on easy" should justify the encounter design. When I pick the difficulty setting at the start of the game (any game, actually), I personally try to do it intentionally, giving it a few thoughts. I usually pick "normal" or something when I play a new game and I expect (just a personal opinion) to be able to solve tasks on this difficulty level. Yes, reloading if needed. I don't say one should always be able to kill everything on the first try. It's just that my own personal feeling can't approve the encounter design when there are plenty of cases requiring the player to reload and come back later without providing in-game ways of getting out of these crap situations.
There is no sane explanation why you can't run away in Pillar of Eternity or P:K - there are only combat design and engine limitations.
@JuliusBorisov maybe try out TB mode modification. I find most of the battles managable and fun on Core with this mod installed. You can switch it off and on any time you want. Actually this game is VERY fun while modded.
So how would you get out of sight from those blight or wererats?
Is that spell available to a party without the main character - mage?
That is a problem with pf:km. I like to play with ARCANE casters but for those who don't like, they can only hire a custom made mercenary. You have 2 cleric companions but the unique party member capable of casting tier 9 arcane spells is Octavia and she is a specialized Wizard with levels on Rogue that excels in being a arcane trickster.
So how would you get out of sight from those blight or wererats?
Is that spell available to a party without the main character - mage?
Ya in a small room that is a problem and I wish they had a better way to flee combat, but at least the game autosaves whenever you enter a new area. There are a lot of scrolls and potions available for expeditious retreat and vanish in chapter one. Linzi can learn those, too. I'd have to check the magus spell list, but think Regongar can, too. There's also an autosave before that wisp at old sycamore.
The game practically screams at you not to rest at the place where Smoulderbourn appears. I haven't done that fight in any recent playthrough.
Wererats is another where you have numerous clues that you are about to face some very dangerous and intelligent foes. It's not even a particularly difficult fight once you put some basic defences in place.
So how would you get out of sight from those blight or wererats?
Is that spell available to a party without the main character - mage?
Ya in a small room that is a problem and I wish they had a better way to flee combat, but at least the game autosaves whenever you enter a new area. There are a lot of scrolls and potions available for expeditious retreat and vanish in chapter one. Linzi can learn those, too. I'd have to check the magus spell list, but think Regongar can, too. There's also an autosave before that wisp at old sycamore.
Note that MOST of this "unfair" encounters are pretty obvious. You can see dead bodies before the WISP. On chapter 2, follow a nymph alone is obvious a trap. The game has some unfair encounter but is not anywhere near present and common as people portrait and there is the autosave feature.
People are extremely used to handholding RPG games/Dungeon Masters
The game practically screams at you not to rest at the place where Smoulderbourn appears. I haven't done that fight in any recent playthrough.
Wererats is another where you have numerous clues that you are about to face some very dangerous and intelligent foes. It's not even a particularly difficult fight once you put some basic defences in place.
That is not always the case, though. I once stumbled upon the cave with great linnorn (dragon but without wings) and got ass kicked. I didn't expect that, because otherwise this location wasn't particularly difficult and this looked like a regular cave. Currently this was the only fight I did not yet manage to beat. Wererat trio was not that difficult in TB.
I watched this video and now wanna do a solo run.
Anyone here made a solo run?
Does the turn based mod works well with multiple summons AND modded classes like Arcanist?
Should i go Arcanist(mod) or Sorcerer?
Anyway, since a lot of people are having trouble with wild hunt, here is a video of my Pitax battles including a later wild hunt battle
Gues now is a fitting time for my chronic restartitis.
Witches are fun but the familiar mechanics are very lackluster and the lack of some pnp spells that i was expecting made me lose the interest on witch.
What NPC? And map name? I an only lv 7 at moment on call of the wild so IDK.
Guys, even Jason Bulmahn (the Gigax of Pathfinder) had problem in some encounters. See at around 30 minutes
I had no problem against this Bear using animate dead but as a paladin i believe that the best strategy is drink a potion and run(like he plans to do after being destroyed some times)
For me, this encounter was obvious a trap since the beginning. I entered prepared for everything.
It's not a specific NPC on a specific map, just some character on random encounter map. I don't even know who this NPC was, because he's not "clickable". He was just standing still without any action. Not sure if he should initiate a conversation or not. It happened to me twice, both times during random encounters.
long story short;
if you played the game and only hit levels 7-10 that is only the tip of the ice berg
if you didnt enjoy the game then, then it only gets worse, WAY worse
but on the flip side, if you did enjoy the game up to that point, well, there is more of that coming
and that house at the edge of time dungeon, that is what finally broke me
after that moment i just put the game on story mode and did whatever it took to finish it off
just the pure BS and shenanigans that happens in; House at the edge of Time is completely and absolutely absurd
which is unfortunate because it really made me hate the rest of the game afterwards and although "cool" stuff may have been happenin i could have cared less, i just did whatever it took to finish it off
but, now that i know how the game is played its time yell and scream some more in frustration as i try and play this silly ass game on challenging mode, i will definitely be using mercenaries this time....
Are you sort of joking like a person who loves to hit themselves in the head with a hammer so they can feel how good it feels when they stop?
A chance for failure adds a level of excitement, just like a no reload play. Plus a desire to push yourself to be better. I still try to find the right balance where things are fun but not a slog. Challenging feels about right for me, I can still get my butt kicked in a few fights, but I don't steam roll everything. Obviously that's not for everyone, but those are reasons I bumped the difficulty up. Plus I started playing on original release and the game's gotten easier since then.
the problem i find with PFKM is that to me it seems like it requires outrageous amounts of meta knowledge, because this game is super unforgiving, some people may like that, but im not one of them
now that i have beaten the game, i know what to expect ( plus i dont feel 100% justified completing the game on story mode, it just feels like a cop out )
its actually a funny story because im having the same problem with doom eternal right now, for whatever reason im finding that game to be brutal as hell, i swear i was able to beat doom 2016 on ultra violence but doom eternal's ultra violence setting is out of control, i even had to tone down one of the slayer gates to hurt me plenty because so much crap was flying at me at so many different directions it was impossible to dodge them all and i was just dying way to fast
i think after when i beat PFKM on challenging ( if i don't rage quit ) i probably won't play this game ever again, and i think half the reason why im playing this game at all is because its the only newest RPG that has the 6 person isometric view which are RPGs i like playing
On higher difficulties, the game advice you. In red bold letters with a NOT RECOMMENDED in caps
"Choosing this difficulty is NOT RECOMMENDED for the players not familiar with pathfinder system, as well as Pathfinder Kingmaker battle system and those who are not willing to suffer. The enemies will not forgive any miastakes made uring combats and your characters' builds must be no less than perfect"
I play in a custom difficulty. In some aspects harder than normal and others easier than challenging with a small party. Even the Pathfinder Creator had problem with some encounters. And used pure RP builds on all of my 3 runs This game is challenging even on normal.
PS : I agree that House at the edge of Time is a awful dungeon.
I lowered difficulties in some parts that i don't like on my current run. What is the problem? After i pass the BS area quickly i raise again to my custom in between normal and challenging.
Yet again, I am reminded how much more joy I had in games, and how much happier I was as a person, before the internet and social media were a thing.
If I had tried P:KM as a game that looked interesting to me from a physical box in a physical store, with no outside influence whatsoever, other than the box in the store, and I had been able to form my impressions of it in complete isolation, probably starting on an easy difficulty setting, who knows how different my experience of it might have been?
I vaguely remember my first experience of Neverwinter Nights, in complete isolation from other gamers, when I decided that the only thing Core Rules and Hard were doing were making me use a lot more healing potions, so I turned it down to Easy, and I thought nothing more of it. I had done the same thing before with Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale.
I wonder now if I would have loved those games as much, or at all, if I had been under the constant peer pressure of "You must play on the hardest difficulty setting, and you must consider that easy, or you are a bad gamer, a bad person, you are stupid and incompetent, and you are less than I, while I am so very much more than you."
Ye gods, I am starting to get so angry with all the gamers out there who consistently show such an attitude online and who try to use gaming as a means to aggrandize themselves and to cut down others!
No, thank you. I will play what I want to play, how I want to play it, and when I want to play it.
To that ends, I really need to reconsider how I respond to stuff I read online. I need to start brushing more of it off as irrelevant to me personally, and to stop trying to unnecessarily share my own opinions hoping to find reinforcement for them.
As @Arvia recently shared with me as an insight, we are all alone in this world, and much better off if we realize that, and act accordingly.
Yep. Vordakai, a mid level boss has 13 levels of Wizard and 10 levels of "undead" with 334 HP, 24 AC, relative high saves, 15 DR vs anything except bludgeoning and IMO is one of the EASIEST bosses in the game.
I din't checked everything about him but some screens
I will play more and see if i can find the end game enemy stats. How strong deities like
So, over the weekend I decided to give it another go with another character, hoping that my experience as the player is now better so I should die less.
Here are 2 instances of cases when you can't retreat and have to die if you don't know when to handle the encounter:
- Viscount Smoulderburn. I was lvl 4 when I faced him, with everything I could possibly have at that point, even 3 characters with anti-horror spells. The party of 6, buffed at maximum, can't do anything to drop him lower than 50% of health. Retreat? Nope, you can't do that - the party is still too low-level for haste or something.
You say: "Spare yourself the headache and save this encounter for later." I don't like this. How should I know the encounter will be that bad? You say: "BG1 had basilisks". You can just retreat at any given time even if your 5 party members are turned to stone. Just gulp a potion of invisibility, or a potion of haste, and run.
- The wererat cave. So, you enter the cave and are attacked by 2 sneaky bastards - that's ok, I can handle them. But then an enemy alchemist joins the fight and spams a fireball after a fireball. Again, not enough firepower to kill them at that stage (the stage before the Stag lord). You can't retreat from the cave, can't hit exit the area even if you gulp potions of invisibility. You can't sacrifice your tank and leave the cave.
The only way for both of those encounters is to get the player meta-knowledge "don't touch this area yet" and carry on.
You could try simple lowering the difficulty. My hint is : Play on easy. Even the Pathfinder creator had problem with normal, there is no shame on playing on easy. The first time that i played the game, i had to lower the difficulty vs the first encounter with wild hunt.
If you really wanna fight enemies without lowering difficulties, have someone capable of casting protection from arrows, mirror image, enlarge people, summon monster I/II and Boneshaker before you face Stag Lord. Vs the second chapter boss(the troll boss), have a cleric with a lot of slots of animate dead and acid arrow for your arcane caster. Stoneskin is also another amazing spell BUT it has reagent cost contrary to BG. Diamond Dust is expensive but worth the cost. Just don't use stoneskin in every encounter.
But I won't agree that "lower the difficulty", "play on easy" should justify the encounter design. When I pick the difficulty setting at the start of the game (any game, actually), I personally try to do it intentionally, giving it a few thoughts. I usually pick "normal" or something when I play a new game and I expect (just a personal opinion) to be able to solve tasks on this difficulty level. Yes, reloading if needed. I don't say one should always be able to kill everything on the first try. It's just that my own personal feeling can't approve the encounter design when there are plenty of cases requiring the player to reload and come back later without providing in-game ways of getting out of these crap situations.
There is no sane explanation why you can't run away in Pillar of Eternity or P:K - there are only combat design and engine limitations.
Is that spell available to a party without the main character - mage?
@JuliusBorisov maybe try out TB mode modification. I find most of the battles managable and fun on Core with this mod installed. You can switch it off and on any time you want. Actually this game is VERY fun while modded.
That is a problem with pf:km. I like to play with ARCANE casters but for those who don't like, they can only hire a custom made mercenary. You have 2 cleric companions but the unique party member capable of casting tier 9 arcane spells is Octavia and she is a specialized Wizard with levels on Rogue that excels in being a arcane trickster.
I suggest creating a wizard companion.
Ya in a small room that is a problem and I wish they had a better way to flee combat, but at least the game autosaves whenever you enter a new area. There are a lot of scrolls and potions available for expeditious retreat and vanish in chapter one. Linzi can learn those, too. I'd have to check the magus spell list, but think Regongar can, too. There's also an autosave before that wisp at old sycamore.
Wererats is another where you have numerous clues that you are about to face some very dangerous and intelligent foes. It's not even a particularly difficult fight once you put some basic defences in place.
Note that MOST of this "unfair" encounters are pretty obvious. You can see dead bodies before the WISP. On chapter 2, follow a nymph alone is obvious a trap. The game has some unfair encounter but is not anywhere near present and common as people portrait and there is the autosave feature.
People are extremely used to handholding RPG games/Dungeon Masters
That is not always the case, though. I once stumbled upon the cave with great linnorn (dragon but without wings) and got ass kicked. I didn't expect that, because otherwise this location wasn't particularly difficult and this looked like a regular cave. Currently this was the only fight I did not yet manage to beat. Wererat trio was not that difficult in TB.
I watched this video and now wanna do a solo run.
Anyone here made a solo run?
Does the turn based mod works well with multiple summons AND modded classes like Arcanist?
Should i go Arcanist(mod) or Sorcerer?