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Add simple variable to conversation branches

FinalStandFinalStand Member Posts: 87
edited February 2018 in Builders - Toolset
Conversations are cumbersome to build since you need pre/post scripts for many branches. It could be simplified greatly by adding a simple variable to branches instead of full scripts.


What color do you like?
* Red [script s_selected_red]
* Blue [script s_selected_blue]
* dozen more options and scripts
OK, you picked Green

But with variables, you could just set Color=Red, Blue, Green, Etc when a player selects a branch. Then at the end just have *one* script that pulls the variable they selected.

Generally, that is a very common use case in PWs. Just selecting something from a conversation. You just need one variable to tell what the user selected, not dozens on scripts, lol


  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    I second this.
  • Lex23Lex23 Member Posts: 34
    Agreed, this would be great, cut down on the most tedious parts of conversation-writing by a lot.

  • xorbaxianxorbaxian Member Posts: 3
    this is giant.
    this functionality [and more] is already available w/nwnx_events, but it'd be cool to get it ootb.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    @JuliusBorisov maybe this one?
  • dunahandunahan Member Posts: 139
    Would it be possible to get the spoken text and use one script to get to info we need (like SetListenPattern and so on)?
    Didn't tried it with text from NSCs yet.
  • meaglynmeaglyn Member Posts: 153
    z-dialog is your friend.
  • dunahandunahan Member Posts: 139
    Ah, I did take a look at this. But didn't tested it yet. So, if this could be implemented in vanilla NWN:EE wouldn't it be much more helpful than only a simple variable?
  • JapualtahJapualtah Member Posts: 165
    z-dialog doesn't help, I don't get why it comes up every time we talk about this. And yes it's quite often.
    z-dialog is just a token system, exactly what we want to avoid.
    Only 15 votes on the trello though, not many scripters nowadays and even fewer reading the boards/trello.
    You'll get much more support if asking for freaking portraits :/
  • meaglynmeaglyn Member Posts: 153
    edited November 2018
    z-dialog allows you to make conversations that do what you want. It does not help you put a variable in the conversation per se. You use it to write the whole conversation that you needed to use a variable for. It removes the need to pass the variable in the standard conversation nodes because you are scripting it all. It's more than just a token system. It can save you literally thousands of tiny starting conditional and action taken scripts.

    Clearly you have not actually used it. It's exactly perfect for the kind of dialog FinalStand used in the example. One script for the whole thing, done :)
  • fot1fot1 Member Posts: 74
    In other thread there is also discussion about how to pass data from the conversation to scripts. Since this thread is the one linked on trello, I just want to paste a link to the other ideas discussed there:
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