So how long until we can move the dialogue window over?

It's brutal on an otherwise lovely ultrawide. I know tearing apart and rebuilding the UI will be a longer-term process fraught with agony and peril, but man -- a fix for this by spring would be nice.
Seeing the UI refactor/investigation go into the icebox isn't very hopeful. Is there a short term mod or font solution to this, really enjoying everything otherwise.
My poor neck -- craning to the left to read either teeny or utterly blurry fonts what with the lack of proper scaling and those windows still jammed into the corner, my ridiculously poor neck -- stiff and wonky from a car accident years ago and never the same since, cries out for relief! Imploring expression. Puppy dog eyes. Pause for audience sympathy. Gets none due to giant, slightly too expensive ultrawide monitor.
COUGH road map COUGH
EDIT: Also from what I gathered so far from their videos and the trello it seems that UI movability is a priority coming soon after the current work on the new renderer and 64-bit. They already did a lot of the work when making the mobile release, and just need to port it and make it more customizable.