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Nordock Martial Age

Nordock Martial Age is a PvE Persistent World - Full Action

Founded in Italy in January 2012 with the name of Nordock Nuova Era, since 2012 it has always evolved, becoming the exaltation of all that is combat, war and building of the characters.

It's strange to talk about full action in a game that should be mainly RPG! But we believe that thanks to the ductility of nwn this game mode is still competitive compared to modern games of the latest generation.

The highlight of Nordock Martial Age are the character builds. Thanks to the combination of the original classes (bases and prestige) with the 42 new divine classes and 58 subraces, it's very difficult to see two equal builds in game. To understand if your character can be comptetitive, on the server there is a TEST area where you can try the character at its highest level before starting to use it in game.

On Nordock Martial Age everything is taken to excess, a tank melee character will have about 3000 HP, the minimum roll to hit the monsters in the legendary quests will be 1D20 + 110, the armor class of the most skilled archers will never be less than 130, and the caster level of the most powerful arcane divine classes can reach up to 140! Here every opponent is heavy and very, very strong!

All this is possible because the PCs can reach level 120, in a system in which every 40 levels will be able to evolve the PC, bringing it back to the fourth level but keeping the current scores of abilities, skills, caster level, hit points, spells, epic feats etc etc

All the most important feats and spells have been changed. We have integrated a system of onhit damages on the weapons on 3 different levels (ie on the same weapon there can be 3 different onhit damage at the same time) and a system of endless ammunition for long-distance weapons.

More than 600 original objects divided by levels, and a crafting system with which a character at the 120th level can customize their inventory to become a real war machine.

490 areas to be explored, a system of loot division managed by the server, 75 quests (30 of which reserved for PC 0-40), possibility to reincarnate the pg (re-leveling), 4 prestige races and much, much more ... ...

Every detail can make the difference between life and death on Nordock Martial Age, equipment is fundamental as well as every extra ability point, but on every thing it will have a major impact on your playing skills and knowledge of this fabulous game that it's NWN.

Nordock Site

In order to play, it is sufficient to have NWN EE installed at version 1.74 (without Cep or Haks)

See you in game, Aliberto


  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    Important Notice:
    Some players who have login the forst time with the headstart version and who have switched to Steam may no longer find their characters due to the fact that the cd-key has changed. If something like this happens, log in and create a new character so that the server creates the new folder on servervault directory and then a DM will move the characters.

    Remember of course to use the same username so that you can be recognized

    Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience, but obviously the game is still in beta :-)
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    News for Nordock!
    Click here for details
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    Server is still 8164 version, read this thread to solve steam version problem
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    Great Event on Nordock Martial Age

    An important event on the server will take place today March 31st from 9:00 pm CET (4:00 pm EST).

    Two groups of characters will be formed.

    The first will include the new players who will be accompanied to do the first quests, up to level 10.
    The second group will be formed by the characters at level 40 that will have to make the first evolution of the character so you can access the legendary quest!

    The admin Aliberto will take care of the new players, and the DM will accompany the most experienced players.

    We hope many of you will come!
  • CarryCarry Member Posts: 2
    I like this server, very nice and you are passionate about it easily.
    Excellent team always available, and always present.

    I highly recommend it to everyone!!!

    Excellent work for the admin.
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2018
    thank you my friend, i take this opportunity to announce an event scheduled tomorrow on Nordock Martial Age
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    talking about problems is what real men do, ignoring the problem is what 13 year olds do.
    Post edited by Iceborg on
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2018
    You were banned Ice. Your language and your behavior are unacceptable on a server like Nordock Martial Age. Go play somewhere else. Peace and love.

  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    deleted for own reasons.
    Post edited by Iceborg on
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    Removed by author.
    Post edited by Iceborg on
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    Removed by author.
    Post edited by Iceborg on
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2018
    1) Me and our DM have been doing this "job" on nwn for 10 years, and we have never received complaints, you are the first
    2) Players who have high level characters, following the rules, must always accompany those of low level, and they do it. ah! I forgot you had a character of level 120!
    3) You are literally crazy because you lost in the event organized last Thursday, and it was not the first time. You were already advised to keep a behaviorally correct.
    4) In the last 15 days, no player wanted to be in your own party .... ask why
    5) You did not say a word out of place, you literally sent me fu@@!

    I do not say what i think of you because i do not want to offend you publicly, to judge you enough to see how your opinion on Nordock has changed ,which from one day to another has become from being the server of your life to trash.

    Now i just ask you to have respect and avoid polluting this thread, i repeat, go play somewhere else and close the speech.

    Thank you
  • NorfildurNorfildur Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2018
    Removed by author.
    Post edited by Norfildur on
  • CarryCarry Member Posts: 2
    Iceborg said:

    by excellant team he means as a DM focused server where only the italian DM's/staff are level 120 are allways ready to be heroes. (he is actually one of the admin LOL)

    Hi Iceborg, I do not understand what you're saying because I'm not one of the server administrators ... in fact I do not appear in the team section of Nordock the martial age.

    For me, the team of this server is great !!!

    If you do not understand that your bann is due to your incorrect and offensive attitude, you can not wait to be re-entered into the server.
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    Removed by author.
    Post edited by Iceborg on
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2018
    I kindly asked you to close this speech. The way you do here reflects what you had in game. You said too much lie to answer all and I can not waste any more time with you. Stop writing and disappear, forget about us.
    If you have to write to me, there are private messages.

  • NorfildurNorfildur Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2018
    Removed by author.
    Post edited by Norfildur on
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    edited April 2018
    Removed by author.
    Post edited by Iceborg on
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    This conversation has been noted. It has gone beyond what is allowed by the forum rules. Cease and desist.

    6. Do not troll, flame or make personal attacks.
    Flaming any member of the community, including members of the development team, will not be tolerated.
    If you feel that someone is directly attacking you on a personal level, or if you feel that someone is being intentionally offensive to someone else, please notify the forum moderators using the "Flag" feature on the relevant post, and they will take care of it.
    Trolling will not be tolerated as well. Being belligerent and antagonistic, or provoking other members intentionally, will be considered in the same light as trolling.
    Again, if you think you are being trolled, or if you see someone trolling someone else, please notify the forum moderators using the "Flag" feature on the relevant post

    9. Be nice, intelligent and respectful to other users.
    The official Beamdog forums are a safe and constructive space to discuss game content and related items. It is okay for users to disagree with one another, but opinions must be expressed in a reasonable and polite manner. It is important to maintain an atmosphere of civility and respect, so that all voices may be heard.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    A quick notice: the moderation team deal with only comments and posts published on this forum (not on Discord or persistant world servers). That said, when users talk to each other on this forum, they have to follow the Site rules.

    The moderation team will continue to investigate the comments in this thread.
  • IceborgIceborg Member Posts: 19
    just delete my posts please moderators, i have no wish to flame or ruin a server's name, sometimes i get worked up, in turn i act out of line. IM sorry.
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    news on the server!

    official staff composition of Nordock:

    Aliberto – Admin, scripter
    Ghose – DM in game, map designer
    Marcus Finegan – DM in game, Wiki admin
    Norfildur – Discord Admin, scripter
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    A little help for the new server players :-)
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    Official list of build on Nordock Martial Age
  • AlibertoAliberto Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2018
    Here's what happens at level 120 ... you can participate in extraordinary adventures, our friend Erdem from Turkey publishes the full video of the legendary quest Nawal on Nordock Martial Age
  • NorfildurNorfildur Member Posts: 7
    Nordock Martial Age has just been moved to a new home! Now the PW can be found under the following server name: "0 [EN][IT] Nordock Martial Age".
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