Is NWN:EE currently playable (campaigns, single player only, on Mac OS)? (and a wish from Beamdog)

If so, I will buy it right away and continue my support of Beamdog.
Though, I gotta ask, if it is, then why would it take for the release to take a year? Mutiplayer?
(I really truly do not care about modules, multiplayer, or the new graphics.)
Oh, and, is Beamdog planning to release a new campaign?
Look, Dragonspear proved that Beamdog can, in fact, write good new content. If they are not using this engine port for the release of a new campaign, I think they are wasting an opportunity.
Charge me for a good story. I will gladly pay $40 for a new campaign.
Especially, if it is more Witcher's Wake-ish and less like the toy adventure of the Original Campaign. (NWN1 only got better with the expansion; the OC is just a childish romp.)
Though, I gotta ask, if it is, then why would it take for the release to take a year? Mutiplayer?
(I really truly do not care about modules, multiplayer, or the new graphics.)
Oh, and, is Beamdog planning to release a new campaign?
Look, Dragonspear proved that Beamdog can, in fact, write good new content. If they are not using this engine port for the release of a new campaign, I think they are wasting an opportunity.
Charge me for a good story. I will gladly pay $40 for a new campaign.
Especially, if it is more Witcher's Wake-ish and less like the toy adventure of the Original Campaign. (NWN1 only got better with the expansion; the OC is just a childish romp.)
But does it already work on Mac out of the box?
(NWN1 does not, of course, unless you want to wineskin.)
Also, I hope that they would rather redo the cartoonish inventory images.
That was reason enough for me to stop playing the original NWN1.
I presume that updated inventory artwork is going to be part of the revamping process, though I personally don't have a problem with them as they are now. I was always more critical of NWN2's icons, though it was moreso because they reduced the items down to 1x1 inventory slots than the quality of the artwork itself.
I would like to see a dev or tester confirm whether the campaign is finishable on Mac.
(It would be immensely frustrating to invest 60 hours only to realize that I can't.)
It contains features that are currently under development or consideration by the team. It also contains links to all the livestream videos.
You can read the recaps and the patch notes on our blog,, or just look at the first post here -
If you follow the videos or recaps, you'll see that the new content is indeed very much planned for NWN:EE - but it will happen further on the way.
There's also an Input Trello board - where you can vote for other features if you think they should be included into NWN:EE.
As for Mac - @niv (one of the developers) actually works on a Mac so the game should run completely fine and be completable on a Mac.
I'll go fetch me one for my Mac then.
Good luck with the development cycle.