Durlag's Tower Not Showing On World Map

I could not wait any longer for SoD to come out on Android so bought myself a laptop and BG EE to start a full run through. I am currently a level 8 Assassin with a full party of NPC and on chapter 5. I have cleared all the wilderness quests and thought it was about time I went to Durlag's tower to get the tome of wisdom as I want to duel to a Cleric at level 13, however Durlag's Tower is not showing on my map. I have been to Ulgorh's Beard and declined Ike's tour, I have volunteered to look for Hurgon's dagger and brought the ward token from Galken and still Durlag's Tower is not showing on the world map. Any hints or tips would be appreciated.
P.S I didn't think you could exit the basilisk map to the right/east.
EDIT: wrong map, sorry!
Does this help? Try accessing it from one of the adjacent areas, you might have forgotten one of them. Though I can't remember ever having any trouble finding the tower before so you might've stumbled into a bug.
That doesn't seem right but I can't access the game right now to check.
Hope the OP can find it now.
I'm still playing v1.3 and my map is the same as the one posted by @Dev6 .