Trello Board User's Security Risk

I use variations of my user name all over the web. Also, I tend to have a somewhat healthy paranoia when it comes to my computer security. I think I have discovered a security hole when it comes to voting on the Trello boards as they are currently set up. You have to give a real name when you register with Trello in order to be able to vote. When you click to vote, the box that comes up displays not just the user names of those who have already voted but also the real names that they have entered. Should I choose to vote my real name will be exposed for all to see as well. This is a recipe for disaster, at least for those who vote on there. Should criminals or other ne'er do wells look in on there they will find that a good part of their work has been done for them. I know that some people have used nicknames for this but I am surely not the only one who entered their real name in all innocence while not expecting to have this personal information leaked.
Is there no switch on there to hide peoples real names? If there is please flip it at your first opportunity. If not then can you remove the display of who has voted? Should the worst come to pass and a way has not been found to hide this information I can foresee the more litigious suing BD which is something none of us would want to see.
Is there no switch on there to hide peoples real names? If there is please flip it at your first opportunity. If not then can you remove the display of who has voted? Should the worst come to pass and a way has not been found to hide this information I can foresee the more litigious suing BD which is something none of us would want to see.
TR (Input) (Roadmap)
I'm sure if people don't want to put their real names, "Nickname" "Nickname" would work just as well.