Skeleton Warrior Voices BG 1 -> BG2 ?

It might just be on the iPAD (as that is where I play IE games these days) but it seems to me that there's a big difference between the BG 1 Skeleton Warrior sounds and BG2 - where the BG sound set has some highly amusing cackles and over the top "Die !" voice bits. The BG2 sounds are rather lifeless 
Beamdog folks - is there anyway this could be made an option in the future to enable BG1 Skeleton Warrior sounds in BG2? Perhaps as one of those click-able diamonds in the settings section?

Beamdog folks - is there anyway this could be made an option in the future to enable BG1 Skeleton Warrior sounds in BG2? Perhaps as one of those click-able diamonds in the settings section?
so perhaps it is actually based on size for who says what, maybe the big ones have absolutely no voice box and can't make speech, hence the reason why they can't make actual speech sounds, while the small ones still do contain a voice box ( somehow ) and hence they make the sounds that they do
Would be nice to have the option for the more vocal versions in BG2 ...
They sound so cheerful. I find myself getting quite fond of them and I quite often heal them. And I also keep a few wandering around just for the hell of it sometimes.
But for me, the worst, worst thing about BG2 skellies is the way they follow the caster around. Whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be taken out and shot.