(Dragon+) An interview with Trent Oster and Jonathan Hill

Dragon+'s new issue is out.
Mark Bonnington chat with Jonathan Hill and Trent Oster about vibrant communities and modern-day mods.
Don't miss it here.
Mark Bonnington chat with Jonathan Hill and Trent Oster about vibrant communities and modern-day mods.
Don't miss it here.
Trying to check this out on my phone but keep getting nagged/ blotted by annoying app download request. Will have to wait till I get home *sob*
They already have our money and our interest.
"Neverwinter Nights was always about the philosophy of 'When I play D&D I don't run the party, I run my character,'" agrees Oster.
To me that is infact kinda sayin no FPC
No amount of AI in the world will get the henchmen to work the way you want so you need to allow them to be controlled in some way. Either by creating an entire new power command interface or allow character switching.
If not, I can’t see this product flying in this gaming environment.
I keep an eye on it but I still slip up sometimes.
The FPC debate has got to be the biggest one on this forum since ‘add 4th multiclass’ died down. I’m sure the other thread for it is longer then a toilet roll. Your view is shared by many more Who’s gameplay style is more impacted by it then others who preside more in the multiplayer side of it I guess. It doesn’t look good for it at the moment but you never know.
Basically since AI will never be able to be effective, the ability to switch to the other characters in your party to “right” them.
Like in bg, nwn2, iwd....
The article isn't about excluding party control, I don't think. It's an excitement the devs feel about the DM Client and replicating traditional D&D on NWN. This excitement happens to match mine.
Cheers all,
To me, the resistance to FPC is a resistance to the single player experience. And like TarotRedHand I too find it somewhat disenheartening to be told I’m plsying the game wrong.
I imagine the same can be said not only for more players like me, but for builders who spent time crafting story driven modules with fleshed out companions.
No one wants to be edged out of a game they very much enjoy, especially when they are playing it in the traditional way.
However, on stream Trent asked for help from the community in backporting the SoU/HotU companion system to the OC.
If just getting the party control in the OC up to the same level as SoU/HotU is an effort Beamdog wont assign time or resources to then my hope is not high for getting FPC any time soon.
Ask about it on Fridays in the Stream, keep the post bumped on the forum and get people to vote for it on Trello. Continue to make noise. Eventually it may he heard and assigned the importance you want because development seems fairly fluid right now.
Maybe the game’s development focus takes it in a direction that’s not for me. Doesn’t mean it’s not a good game, and doesn’t mean I won’t support beamdog in general.
I have had to do the same about a number of features.
However, I find solace for now in the knowledge Beamdog seem determined to keep as much of the original game as is. The only thing I really wanted was 4K support and I got it. So I can't complain too much about everything else so long as it seems to be opt in.
For what it's worth I hope that you and others get the full party support you want, or the show of interest convinces some inventive content creator to take on the project.