I understood what NWN really lacks, from an immersion perspective

Neverwinter lacks a "Codex" part of the journal. I had to reinstall Dragon age to test Ninja Ripper, and I noticed how much I missed that from NWN.
D&D lore is rich. It would make a superb addition to any future adventures, especially if there is the possibility of making it modular and/or module-dependent.
D&D lore is rich. It would make a superb addition to any future adventures, especially if there is the possibility of making it modular and/or module-dependent.
Have a look here, be careful of spoilers however: http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Codex:_Magic_And_Religion
As someone who has released three modules, I would support this only if it is generated by the game itself. Otherwise think of the grind of adding this level of detail by hand...
You read (examine) a book about the Great Shambling Mound of Frithen Firth. When you close it, you get a message:
Do you wish to add this information to your Codex? Yes/No
When you defeat a monster, the descriptive text could be added if you choose that option.
That sort of thing?
What we really need is the OnDeath script bug fix. Today, it is very difficult to get scripts to fire reliably when a creature dies. Once that bug is fixed, then it is a simple matter to add or update a journal entry on the death of that creature.
So that leaves me wondering, do we really need a codex when we have a journal?