Are any changes going to be made to bows/Ranged weapons?

From what i remember, bows(or other ranged weapons) do not scale well in NWN and only start performing well if you go Arcane Archer class.
I am not a hardcore player so do not know all the ins and outs of the game and mechanics but from trying to find bow builds online I see that Arcane Archer is usually the only decent option to go so most of the main campaign you are so underpowered and useless as a bow user. Maybe changing how the bow scales with dex as at the moment I believe it doesnt scale with anything naturally.
Have any changes to this been considered as it would open up so much more builds and flexibility for the game. As someone who likes bow based characters in most games I do feel it would make for a better game.
I am not a hardcore player so do not know all the ins and outs of the game and mechanics but from trying to find bow builds online I see that Arcane Archer is usually the only decent option to go so most of the main campaign you are so underpowered and useless as a bow user. Maybe changing how the bow scales with dex as at the moment I believe it doesnt scale with anything naturally.
Have any changes to this been considered as it would open up so much more builds and flexibility for the game. As someone who likes bow based characters in most games I do feel it would make for a better game.
However, while in general bows are not that strong--- if you study the lore of nwn character building, and subject to the rules of the particular server, there are actually ways to make extremely effective ranged/bow builds. you should look at the item property Mighty.
what tends to happen in the nwn fantastyverse is that most bow users find themselves weak. but the moment they truly understand how to build a great bow build, the bow user becomes epic and very dangerous. to become the best in nwn, is not meant to be easy. Diablo and other rpgers are generally easy. NWN needs you to think.
The maximum unmodified movement speed in heavy armor is x3 per round, and both size and race plays a role in this speed. So you could have a dwarf with 20ft base speed and 60ft per round at a full plated run, as we can see this would mean that they spend 18 rounds running a 1 round charging for 1 attack, only getting their regular attack on the 20th round. Therein lies the true power of ranged projectile weapons in the D&D table top game.
This is also one of the reasons to ask for better range tuning for perception and weapons rather than capping out so quickly, as well as extending area sizes. Each tile represents 10 Bioware units which is roughly 1 m per unit in scale.
Clerics with Zen Archery and some decent domain picks can use a variety of spells to hold opponents down, haste himself, or keep throwing summons in between them and their opponents. Not what one would expect from a ranged build but perfectly viable.
Bards have a lot of enchantment spells to do much the same thing and can more afford to pump dex.
Then there is the OP shadowdancing archer who before he gets that ability can control the field by finding a decent position and setting traps.