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[MOD] -Will to Power- a 2E-inspired psionics system for the Infinity Engine



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  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    I don't think I see it here yet, but a science that operated similar to dimension door from SR would be a good idea (from old school psionics).
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    There is a psionic power called Time Shift that it is quite easy to implement (I think) as it is basically a 3 rounds (or turns, IDR) self-applied Maze.

    Actually, there are lots of powers from The Complete Psionic Handbook that are quite easy to implement in the IE. I need to read that book again to remember, as I don't play as a Psionic in ages.

    The Dimension Door power that @Zaghoul mentioned is one of those powers that are easy to implement, but with adjustments as the DD from the Psionic doesn't work as the one from the Wizard.
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  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    When I think about a teleportation effect for a Psionic, I think of something like Spawn: he is capable os unmount his body into tiny particles and mount it somewhere else, all through the power of his will.

    And Time Shift is from 2nd Edition. Actually, I never saw any Psionic material for 3E+.
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  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Psychoportive Devotions in 2nd edition is the discipline where there are things like time/space anchors, teleport, banishment, D Door, summon planar creatures, time shift, etc.

    Now psionicists are not exactly the Kwisatz Haderach, being able to travel without moving, but just throwing the discipline out there for reference. ;)B)
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  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited March 2018
    Excluded it is!

    Clairsentience will be an awesome skill for no reloaders.
  • HalcyonHalcyon Member Posts: 56
    So we still need a Clair + Telepath power, I take it the extend power range beyond sight one was a no go?

    Since we're going with Clair as time perspective, you could go with a "Temporal Stutter" effect that sends your targets perceptions darting back and forth in time, acting as a Chaos + Teleport field ability? Although done via the teleport spell effects, it actually works by jumping targets back an forth in time.

    Although, since Clair seems to be kind of a toolhouse power set already, a greater malison affect that lowers saves vs Polymorph to provide a bonus for basically all other offensive disciplines could be cool. Billable as using Telepathy to read a targets mind and Clairsentience rapidly determine how best to pulverize them. Or maybe just something to temporarily nullify a prot from Mind effects? Am offensive telepath is pretty easy to shut down if target is immune.

    Lastly as a possibility, what about a "Mass Maze" effect, billed as throwing all targets in a certain range into alternate possibpe timelines until their consciousness "re-aligns" with the correct one?

    One other concern, will Camoflauge allow the Psychic to go completely invisible, or grant a bonus to stealth? If the latter that could be problenatic for Soulblade, espescially since they're likely to focus in biokinesis anyway.

    Liking the addition of an Implosion effect >:-D

    Curious about seeing the mechanical efects of these; as they say the devil's in the details and what not.
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  • HalcyonHalcyon Member Posts: 56

    No, that is very much on the table. I just need to test it and make sure it works. Which I don't have much time for at the moment.

    Camouflage grants a bonus to stealth and improved invisibility - not regular invisibility. It's like after you cast Imp. Invisibility and then attack someone: everyone can see you, but they can't target you with spells and you have an AC bonus against physical attacks.

    Ahhhh, yes adulting is hard on the games.

    - - -

    Oh? Well, nevermind then =D
  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    @subtledoctor , any chance you could put brief descriptions of each existing ability up? I'm curious to see what design space is still available.

    Also could Clairsentience/Telepathy's HLA be something like a powerful bard song? You use Clairsentience to determine state of the battlefield and Telepathy to provide advice to your allies telepathically? Most of the high level abilities seem to represent using the powers of a scale beyond yourself/your single target, so I think it could be justified.

    I still think another discipline would really tie the whole thing together, but psychoportation is pretty limited in scale and I don't think the psionic field of metacreativity is the target flavor for this mod.
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited March 2018
    I think if you combined Time and Space thoughtfully, it could happen.

    Haste and/or Slow are easy ones.

    A 1 round Time Stop would be acceptable.

    Reserve HP for faster casting times (or decreased casting time penalty per power).

    A ME style Singularity would be neat (although maybe not appropriate here, depends on whether you think manipulating time and space includes gravity wells).

    A short range teleport (like 30 units or so).

    I've got a few other ideas.
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    edited March 2018
    Psychoportation: command of time and space

    [Basic] Dimensional Hop: instanteous, short range teleportation effect

    - Accelerate: haste effect on self while maintained?
    - Gravity Well: target has a -2 AC penalty; adjacent creatures have +2 AC but -2 movement penalty (10 ft radius)
    - Delayed Response: target has reduced casting, attack, and movement speed.

    - Suspend Time: 1 round time stop effect
    - Charge: teleport next to target foe, dealing force damage proportion to the distance traveled (thematically, you accelerate time so fast that your charge towards the target seems instantaneous; also inspired by Mass Effect)
    - ???: bonus to casting speed while maintained (and potentially reduce casting speed penalty from each power)

    High Science
    - [Main] Banish: temporary Maze effect?
    - [+Telepathy] Mindlock: maintainable stun as you cause targets mind to progress at an infinitesimal rate. (Inspired by the idea of relative perception of time from those AIs in Black Mirror).
    - [+Telekinesis] Singularity: AoE pull effect that does minor force damage [think the Mass Effect ability]
    - [+Pyrokinesis] Stasis Field: The psion freezes all matter and energy around him, including both enemies and allies. He may not make physical attacks while int he area of effect, but he may move around and initiate psionic abilities, which will take effect when the stasis field ends.
    - [+Biokinesis] Wither: age the target, causing fatigue and attack/damage penalties
    - [+Clairsentience] Dimensional Anchor: The psion is immune to all dimensional effects such as Teleport Field, Maze, Imprisonment, and Time Stop.

    I stole Dimensional Anchor and Stasis Field. The former could be replaced with some kind of retributive knockback (think DA:I Mind Blast), and the latter could be replaced with some kind of buff to elemental damage (using the +% damage buff) (thematically, your awareness of the battlefield has given you particular insight into the best uses of elemental damage.)

    All of these are just ideas.
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    I mean, psions can't cast arcane spells right? So intersections between the bit use is fine.
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  • AquadrizztAquadrizzt Member Posts: 1,072
    Brown, Dark Purple, Magenta, or Dark Grey would all work.
  • HalcyonHalcyon Member Posts: 56
    I dunno, I'm having a difficult enough time just trying to outline what power paths my Soulblade will be taking given the options already present =D
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    When you say that the monk does not gain "resistances" it normally does, does it include AC? Since he has equipment restrictions, that would make him pretty underwhelming compared to his psion counterparts if without the AC gain. Or is it just
    that, the magical resistance and immunities? How about ST and deflection (also the MS and SF)? Can I use psionic powers while in greater werewolf form?
  • HalcyonHalcyon Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2018
    Still pretty leery of the Psychic Blade Telekinesis Science. 2d4 damage is pretty feeble compared to most weapons available by 5, and weild at Mastery isn't much of a selling point for the Soulblade and Psy-Monk variant.

    Unless I'm missing something else. As an energy weapon does the Psy Blade damage ignore stoneskin and Prot. from magic weapons attacks? Does it offer something else?

    I wouldn't be concerned if it were just a solitary power, but since a Psychic needs all the sciences to open up high level abilities and meta-psionics in a given tree it could leave a power feeling less like a cool new toy and more like the opportunity cost of getting to the fun stuff.

    I just don't see what Psy Blade power offers that's worth the cost in HP or reduced power selection...
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  • HalcyonHalcyon Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2018
    Oh, huh; not even familiar with stunning damage being a thing. Good to know on the 2 different damage types and its tactical use.

    On one hand, I'm thinking maybe it makes more sense as a Devotion rather than a Science? Purely from a "what am I giving up to activate this" perspective the difference 'tween the power and a magic weapon in, say, mid-game Seige of Dragonspear can be pretty sharp. If you're activating a lot of psy powers its gonna put a heavy drain on your hp counter.

    On the other, sounds like I should wait for you to post the full descriptions of powers and how they advance before offering up critiques. Thanks for the candid response.

    And yeah, PFMW is -the worst!-
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