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[Kit Pack] Witcher Kit Pack

ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
edited April 2018 in General Modding
Hello everyone,

I am glad to announce I am making a kit pack based on the Witcher series.


This kitpack includes 5 classes derived from three of the Witcher Schools, as well as other kits based on the Witcher Universe. I plan to add three more kits (2 Mages, one Fighter), then move on to make a quest component related to this mod and its universe.

Overall presentation:

Witchers are warriors that have undergone mutations and magical training and are especially skilled fighters with some extent of magical powers. Unless specified otherwise, Witchers have all these traits, on top of their specific traits:
-Witchers cannot dual-class.
-A witcher can achieve grandmastery in any type of two-handed weapons, but may only reach mastery with one handed weapons and ranged weapons.
-They cannot put pips in single-weapon, dual weapon and sword and shield fighting styles.
-Witchers must be human.
-Due to their mutations, every witcher has infravision.
-Due to their mutations, witchers are allowed to drink special Witcher potions that would be lethal to anyone else. However they react much more to alcohol, and intoxication cause additionnal symptoms.

-Every witcher has access to the 5 Witcher Signs. One sign can be used every 5 rounds, and puts all the signs in cooldown for that duration. These signs can be cast at will (within the cooldown limitation) and have a cast time of 1:
Igni: Deals 1d5 fire damage in a cone (Same size as Burning Hands) every 4 levels

Yrden: Creates a zone centered on the witcher for 30 seconds. Both enemies and allies within the zone are slowed. Witchers are immune to that effect. The slow decreases the movespeed by 1 per 4 levels up to 5 at level 20 and creates a small zone of Wild Magic where it is cast.

Quen: Creates a shield on the witcher. This shield blocks up to 1 per 5 levels (capping at 5 at level 21) incoming physical attacks.

Aard: Aard pushes back enemies within a cone. Enemies must save vs Breath at +2 (-1 per 4 levels) or be knocked down for 2 rounds.

Axii: Axii attempts to stun its target. The target must save vs Paralysation at +2 (-1 per 4 levels) or be stunned for 4 rounds

-Each witcher has a custom HLA table. These tables include:
  • One to three mutations: Passive effects that enhance their fighting capabilities
  • For some of them, abilities in line with their school speciality
  • A few of the ordinary fighter HLA.

Available Kits:

Witcher of the School of the Viper:

Witchers of the School of the Viper are witchers specialized in Alchemy. They use their knowledge to brew potions. These potions can only work onto witchers, thanks to their mutations, and would be instantly lethal to anyone else.
Class Features:
-Can only achieve Mastery in one-handed and ranged weapons.
-Can only achieve Proficiency in Single-Weapon, Two Weapon and Sword and Shield fighting styles.
-Cannot wear Plate or Full Plate armor.
-Cannot Dual class.
-Has permanent Infravision.
-Can brew special witcher potions using ordinary potions once per day. Witcher potions are especially powerful but they induce a very strong intoxication and thus only a few of them can be used at once. These potions effect are so strong they can only be dispelled by White Honey, and they are instantly lethal to any non-witcher. Using their Brew Potion ability, they may also obtain a Witcher's Alchemy Handbook that will sum up every information a wise Witcher needs
-Can cast the 5 witcher Signs: Igni, Yrden, Quen, Aard and Axii.
-May not pick any of the ordinary warrior HLA. Instead, Viper Witchers can definitely enhance some of their potions and pick the Toxic Blood, Euphoria and Metamorphosis mutations.

My advice when playing this class is:
-Be very careful about toxicity. Once you hit the critical point, you won't be able to use White Honey, and you will be very vulnerable to enemies, on top of taking damage regularly.
-Always have White Honey around. White Honey allows you to have more leeway while consuming your potions

Witcher of the School of the Cat:

Witchers of the School of the Cat are witchers who specialize in a very fast and deadly combat style.
Class Features:
-Can only achieve Mastery in one-handed and ranged weapons.
-Can only achieve Proficiency in Single-Weapon, Two Weapon and Sword and Shield fighting styles.
-Can only wear Leather and Studded Leather armor.
-Has Infravision.
-Cannot Dual class.
-Deal 20% less physical damage.
-Gain an extra half attack at level 1, and another at level 17.
-Gain increased movement speed: +1 per level up to 10 at level 10.
-Can cast the 5 witcher Signs: Igni, Yrden, Quen, Aard and Axii.
-May not pick Whirlwind, Greater Whirlwind and Hardiness. Instead, may pick the Bloodbath mutation as well as Whirl and Cat Speed.

Witcher of the School of the Griffin:

Witchers of the School of the Griffin are witchers who specialize in using the witcher signs as an addition to their combat abilities.
Class Features:
-Can only achieve Mastery with any weapon..
-Can only achieve Proficiency in Single-Weapon, Two Weapon and Sword and Shield fighting styles.
-Can only wear armors up to chain mail.
-Has Infravision.
-Cannot Dual class.
-Can cast a more powerful version of the 5 witcher Signs: Igni, Yrden, Quen, Aard and Axii.
-May not pick Whirlwind, Greater Whirlwind, Power Attack, Critical Strike and Smite. Instead, may pick three extra signs (Fulmen, Heliotrop and Duplicare), as well as three mutations (Magic Sensibility, Piercing Cold and Conductor of Signs).

There is a minor issue with this class: If you select both Magic Sensibility and Piercing Cold during a single phase of level-up, you will have two abilities called Witcher Signs, only one of which actually contains the Piercing Cold Aard.
So when you plan on taking these HLAs, take them separately.

Sorceress of the Lodge:

The Lodge of Sorceresses is a secret cabal of mages that holds political influence across several kingdoms. They are composed only of the most skilled female mages in the world and each of them has impressive magical abilities. A Sorceress of the Lodge is a Mage kit with the following features:

-Female-only. If necessary, sex will change on character creation.
-Permanent Improved Alacrity
-One extra spell per level
-Unable to equip anything that reduces casting time (Robe of Vecna etc...).
-Every spell cast by a Sorceress of the Lodge has an identical casting time that scales down with level, starting at 7 at level 1, and going down by 1 every 7 level.
-Gets one use of minor spell sequencer at level 1, one use of spell sequencer at level 8, one use of spell trigger at level 15.
-May not pick Improved Alacrity and Comet. May instead pick Bekker's Dark Mirror and Bekker's Rockslide. Bekker's Dark Mirror is a very powerful illusion spell that will stun the target for at least 5 rounds, then allows a save every round lest it goes on. During the duration of the spell, it drains 2d8 hit points from the target every round. Bekker's Rockslide summons a huge rock that deals Crushing damage to every enemy within the area.

Witcher of the School of the Bear:

These witchers are typically stronger and bulkier than their fellows, but less agile:
- Innate +2 to Strength and armor class, but -2 to dexterity
- Can wear any armor
- Extra 2 HP per level
- Does not gain an extra half attack at level 13
- 1% resistance to physical damage per level, capping at 20% at level 20
- Quen blocks one extra attack
- Movespeed lowered by 2

- Can pick Rend instead of Whirlwind as a high-level ability. After a short cast time, Rend is a melee ability that deals massive damage (5d10+12) to a target enemy.
- Can pick Second Life once as a high-level ability. Once per day the Witcher of the Bear School can become immune to death for an hour. Should his HP go below 10%, he will briefly become unable to move and immune to everything, and fully heal over the course of a few seconds.
- Can pick Mutated Skin. Mutated Skin passively reduces incoming elemental damage by 30%

Witchers of the School of the Manticore:

These witchers use bombs as a secondary weapon. They get to use any bomb a limited amount of times every day. Be careful that most of these bombs also affect allies and the witcher himself. These bombs can be enhanced by high-level abilities and function as follows:
Dancing Star: Deal fire damage to everyone in the area. Enhanced: Double damage
Devil’s Puffball: Poisons everyone in the area on a failed save vs poison. Enhanced: double damage
Dimeritium Bomb: Affected targets must save vs spell at -2 or suffer 100% spell failure for 15sec. Enhanced: double duration, save at -6
Grapeshot: Deals physical damage to targets in the area. Enhanced: double damage
Moondust: Force affected targets to become visible and remain so for 15sec. Enhanced: the affected targets are slowed
Northern Wind: Holds targets that fail a save vs paralysation at -2. Enhanced: No save on the hold. 20% chance to instantly kill the target by frozen death.
Samum: Blinds the targets within the area for 15seconds on a failed save vs breath at -2. Enhanced: Blind now lasts 1 minute. The affected targets suffer 20% extra damage from any source while affected by Samum.
Witchers of the Manticore School can only specialize in melee weapons, achieve mastery with two handed weapons, but may reach grandmastery with ranged weapons.
They may only wear armors up to Splinted chain mail and cannot pick any of the usual warrior HLAs.
HLA Mutations:
Cat Eye: Ranged attacks deal an extra 5% of the target’s max health as piercing damage.
Mirror Skin: Passively gives the Physical Mirror effect.

Special Thanks to Chimeric/Temnix for his amazing work on projectiles. I took and recolored some for this kit. Check his work on this thread:

Aen Saevherne:

The Aen Saevherne, or Elven Sages, are particularly skillful Elven Mages with vast knowledge. Little is known about them, but they are vastly respected among their brethren. An Aen Saevherne is a Mage kit with the following features:

-+2 Lore per level
-+1 bonus to intelligence
-May use a selection of Power Tattoos onto anyone. Tattoos and act as either permanent bonus, powerful contingency spells, with counterparts. Only one Tattoo may be active at any one time. Tattooing is an extremely draining process that will grant a -1 penalty to all stats, a -2 penalty to movement speed and a +1 penalty to casting time to both the target and the caster for two days, as well as a permanent -1 penalty to a random saving throw to the target. Aen Saevherne may cast those tattoos on themselves, but they suffer double the temporary penalty.
-May pick Alzur's Thunder and Artifact Compression as High Level abilities. Alzur's Thunder deals 10d8 electrical damage to everyone within the area. Artifact Compression polymorphs a target enemy into an invincible statue that cannot do anything for 1 turn.
Power tattoos become available as level progresses:

- Level 1:
o Lesser Tattoos of Statistics: +1 to a stat, -1 to another. One may only trade a physical stat (STR DEX CON) for another physical stat, and a mental stat (INT WIS CHA) for another mental stat
o Lesser tattoo of Armoring: -5 Hit points, -2 to AC (bonus)
o Lesser tattoo of Resistance: +2 to AC, +10 to Hit points
o Lesser Tattoo of Defense: Once per day, the target is healed by 10 hit points, and obtains a 1 hour +2 bonus to AC, and their base AC is set to 4 (if lower). Characters under the effect of this Tattoo are less accurate: -2 to THAC0, +1 to casting time

- Level 5:
o Lesser Tattoo of Speed: Grants an extra half attack per round and +3 Movement Speed, at the cost of 2 STR and 1 CON
o Lesser Tattoo of Elemental affinity: +15% damage and resistance to the chosen element, -15% damage and resistance to the opposite
o Lesser Tattoo of Magical affinity: +10% Magic Damage, -10% to every other damage type

- Level 8:
o Tattoos of Statistics: +2 to a stat, -2 to another. One may only trade a physical stat (STR DEX CON) for another physical stat, and a mental stat (INT WIS CHA) for another mental stat
o Tattoo of Armoring: -10 hit points, -4 to AC
o Tattoo of Resistance: +4 to AC, +20 to hit points
o Tattoo of Defense: Once per day, the target is healed by 20 hits points, obtains a 1 hour +4 bonus to AC, a Stoneskin cast at level 7 and their base AC is set to 3. Characters under the effect of this Tattoo are less accurate: -4 to THAC0, +1 to Casting time
- Level 10:
o Tattoo of Speed: Grants a full extra attack per round and +6 Movement Speed at the cost of 3 STR and 2CON
o Tattoo of Elemental Affinity: Like Lesser version, but values are now 30%
o Tattoo of Magical Affinity: Like lesser version, but values are now 20%
o Tattoo of Immortality: The target cannot die. If their HP were to go below 10% hit points, the target would be encased in an Otiluke’s Sphere of Resilience for 5 rounds, cured of any current ailing, and fully healed. This effect can only happen once every 5 day. Everytime this effect triggers, the user permanently loses 2 points of Constitution
- Level 12:
o Tattoo of Arcane Might: Increases caster level by 3 and elemental damage by 20% but increases cast time by 2
o Tattoo of Arcane Agility: Decreases cast time by 2, caster level by 3 and elemental damage by 20%

- Level 15:
o Greater Tattoos of Statistics: +3 to a stat, -2 to anotherOne may only trade a physical stat (STR DEX CON) for another physical stat, and a mental stat (INT WIS CHA) for another mental stat
o Greater Tattoo of Armoring: -10 hit points, -4 to AC
o Greater Tattoo of Resistance: +4 to AC, + 30 hit points

- Level 18:
o Greater Tattoo of Elemental Affinity: Like Lesser version, but values are now 45%
o Greater Tattoo of Magical Affinity: Like lesser version, but values are now 30%
o Greater Tattoo of Immortality: Like the normal version, except the sphere of Otiluke doesn’t trigger, and the caster is considered to have rested: his spells and fatigue are restored. Nearby enemies are also knocked back.
- Level 22:
o Tattoo of Omniscience : Increased sight range by 50%, permanent True Sight, permanent Invisibility detection, Immunity to backstab and critical hit, -4 to AC BUT +2 to casting time, and all damage are reduced by 20%
o Tattoo of Inner Focus: Permanent blindness, +4 to AC, but decreased casting time by 2, and damage dealt is increased by 20%
o Tattoo of Malevolent Aura: Can only be cast on Evil characters. Permanent Aura of Despair (-4 to AC, THAC0 and saving throws to nearby enemies, cause panic onto lesser creature), but maximum hitpoints are reduced by 30%
o Tattoo of Heroic Aura: Can only be cast on Good characters. Permanent Aura of Courage (+3 to AC, Thac0, damage and saving throws, immunity to fear on nearby allies) but maximum hitpoints are reduced by 30%
o Tattoo of Arcane Nova: Can only be cast on an arcane spellcaster. Target cannot die. Upon being lowered to less than 10% of his or her HP, the target casts a massive, pure magic Arcane Nova that drain all the caster’s spells, reduce them to 1 hit point, and inflict tremendous damage to everyone around, allies and neutral included. Lesser creatures are instantly slain. Other creatures are dealt 8d6 acid, fire, electricity, cold and magic damage within a huge radius, bypassing magic resistance. The caster is instantly knocked unconscious for 24 hours after this happens. This effect cannot happen more than once every 5 days. Everytime this happens, the caster permanently loses a random spell slot.

Dearg Ruadhri:

This kit is the result of the merge between the Wild hunt Warrior and the Wild hunt navigator that were here previously. I decided to merge these two kits because each of them had too little identity, and overlapping powers.

The Wild Hunt actually is a group of Elves called the Red Riders, or Dearg Ruadhri. They travel between worlds in a quest to find a way to recover the Elder Blood powers. Wild Hunt Navigators are mages specialized in space time control. They also learned how to master the White Frost and summon Wild Hunt hounds. Wild Hunt Navigator is a Fighter/Mage kit with the following features:

-Has Sarevok's Skin
-Must be Evil
-10% Experience penalty
-May cast Dimensional Jump once per day per level
-From level 9, can summon Wild Hunt Hounds. Wild Hunt Hounds are constructs, similar in appearance to Winter Wolf, but they are much more aggressive and powerful. Another use is gained at level 19.
-Innately have Teleport Field, Icestorm, Cone of Cold, White Frost and Tedd Deireádh in their spellbook. White Frost is a more powerful, level 7 version of Icestorm that also deals 8% of the target’s maximum health every round. Tedd Deireádh is a more powerful version of White Frost slows anyone within the area and deals 4d8 flat +8% max health cold damage every round.
At level 16 gains Spectral Form: Fear passively casts Cloak of Fear once every four rounds.
At level 20 gains Spectral Form: Resilience passively grants immunity to weapons with enchantment lesser than +3.

Special thanks to @Artemius_I for providing the complementary animations for Sarevok.

Future Content

This part is dedicated to kits I have already designed but not implemented, kits I would like to implement but haven't designed yet, and some extra content for existing kits, most notably new potions and oils (see below). The design in this part is not definite and subject to change. If you would like to see any of the following kits first, just tell me in the comments :smiley: !

Witcher of the School of the Wolf:

Witchers of the Wolf School are balanced and rather straightforward witchers:

They deal an extra 10% physical damage.
They are limited to splinted mail armor.
They can brew oils. Only Witchers can use oils. These oils allow the Witcher to deal extra damage against a certain type of enemy (Example: Elemental, Undead, etc…). Basic oils will deal 3% of the target’s maximum hit points +2 on hit against the type of enemies they are made for and will last for 1 hour. Witchers of the School of the Wolf may choose to improve their oils as an HLA. Improved Oils increase damage by 5%+4 instead and last until another oil is applied.

Available Mutations: Adrenaline Rush: On cast, your number of attacks will increase by 2, the amount of physical damage you deal will increase by 20% and your movement speed will double. This bonus will diminish by a quarter every 3rd round (After three rounds, the number of attack will decrease to 1.5, the increased damage will decrease to +15% etc…). Adrenaline rush can be pick 3 times and is not stackable with itself or effects such as Haste.

Mutated Skin: Passively grants 30% resistance to elemental damage.

Other kits I have in mind but not yet designed. Not all of them will necessarily make it, and they might totally change by the time they are released:
Redanian Ataman: A Fighter Kit that acts as a leader, giving boosts to allies.
Crinfrid Reaver: A fighter kit specialized in fighting Dragons and other legendary creatures.
Knight of the Flaming Rose: A Paladin with special abilities to fight mages.
Skelligan Berserker: A Fighter Kit that can shapeshift into a bear.
Flaminika: A Female Druid kit with extra control over nature and its creatures.
Vaedermaker: A Druid Kit with control over the weather
Mahakam Skirmisher: a Dwarf Ranger kit with the ability to plant various traps
Scoia'tel Swordmaster: an Elf Ranger kit specialized in single-handed weapon combat.
Nilfgaardian Intelligence: a Thief kit that specializes in infiltration. Bonuses to stealth, possibility of charming enemies, ...

Additionnal Content:
Black Blood: a new Witcher Potion that grants immunity to level drain and acts as a selective, vampire-only, but more powerful Fireshield.

Trying to create more than one bomb at once as a Manticore Witcher will consume the gems but only yield the last ability. This is an engine limitation so I will rework the ability so that it may be used at will, but will leave the dialog once a bomb was created
Issue with the innate sequencers of the Sorceress of the Lodge being of the wrong spell type and thus not appearing.

18/03: Fixed various bugs and description issues. Updated the readme and ingame descriptions. Fixed the restrictions on armors.
20/03: Fixed the issue with White Honey removing a flat 100 intoxication, effectively giving extra intoxication capability. White Honey now removes 10 intoxication for every 10 toxication in the witcher's blood, rounded down. Added the Sorceress of the Lodge kit.
31/03: Fixed a bug with Conductor of Magic (Griffin Witcher HLA) that would cause the on-hit effects to be applied on self rather than the target. Duh. Added two kits: Witcher of the Bear School and Witcher of the Manticore School
05/04: Added the Aen Saevherne and Dearg Ruadhri kits. Will now focus on developing a quest component for the mod.
Post edited by Arunsun on


  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited March 2018
    [SOLVED] I can't install your mod on macOS -> I get the following error (tagging also @subtledoctor )
    Post edited by _Luke_ on
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited March 2018

    Looks like maybe another weirdly-structured mod folder/tp2 name...?

    Yeah, you're right. I fixed the issue by replacing all occurrences of "Witcher Kits" with "Witcher_Kits" (note the underscore)
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592

    Looks like maybe another weirdly-structured mod folder/tp2 name...?

    Oh, didn't know that MacOS couldn't take blank spaces in mod names... my bad, I'll fix that shortly
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited November 2018
    So, I think I've found some bugs:
    1. White Honey does not remove/reset intoxication (this is probably intended though....)
    2. Viper Witchers can equip Plate Mails and Full Plate Mails.
    3. The identified description of Petri’s Philter is incorrect.
    4. Brew Potion ability has an incorrect tooltip (i.e., Quick Weapon) and no description. Moreover, the target (attribute) should be set to Caster.
    5. The Alchemy Book has no name and no description.
    6. Yrden does not decrease the number of attacks per round.
    7. Aard: enemies must save vs breath (instead of paralyzation!) at +2 (-1 per 4 levels) or be knocked down for 2 rounds.
    8. Axii: the target must save vs paralyzation (instead of spell!) at +2 (-1 per 4 levels) or be stunned for 4 rounds. Moreover, its "target" (attribute) should be set to Living Actor. In any case, this sign isn't working for me (it seems to do nothing, you cast it and the combat log displays nothing...)
    Post edited by _Luke_ on
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2018
    Luke93 said:

    So, I think I've found some bugs:

    1. White Honey does not remove/reset intoxication (this is probably intended though....)
    2. Viper Witchers can equip Plate Mails and Full Plate Mails.
    3. The identified description of Petri’s Philter is incorrect.
    4. Brew Potion ability has an incorrect tooltip (i.e., Quick Weapon) and no description. Moreover, the target (attribute) should be set to Caster.
    5. The Alchemy Book has no name and no description.
    6. Yrden does not decrease the number of attacks per round.
    7. Aard: enemies must save vs breath (instead of paralyzation!) at +2 (-1 per 4 levels) or be knocked down for 2 rounds.
    8. Axii: the target must save vs paralyzation (instead of spell!) at +2 (-1 per 4 levels) or be stunned for 4 rounds. Moreover, its "target" (attribute) should be set to Living Actor. In any case, this sign isn't working for me (it seems to do nothing, you cast it and the combat log displays nothing...)

    Everything besides item restrictions should be fixed now. Just reinstall the mod, you won't have to recreate your character.
    Post edited by Arunsun on
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    edited March 2018
    Arunsun said:

    Everything besides item restrictions should be fixed now.

    • ZKWTBREW.CRE -> Allegiance: why is this set to Enemy? It should probably be set to ALLY....
    • Axii: Save Type is still Paralyze instead of Spell (as per the ReadMe).
    • Yrden still doesn't decrease the number of attacks per round (as per the ReadMe).
    • Aard: Save Type is still Breath instead of Paralyze (as per the ReadMe).
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2018
    Well, this time I updated the readme and the in-game descriptions. The behaviour was intended, not the descriptions.
    Also updated the ZKWTBREW.CRE file to make it neutral. For some reason I can't remember I set to to Enemy while in development, but now it's useless indeed.
    Solved the armor restrictions as well.

    Thank you for taking time to make these reports :smiley:
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    Arunsun said:

    Thank you for taking time to make these reports :smiley:

    You're welcome.
    Could you clarify the following?
    "Be very careful about toxicity. Once you hit the critical point, you won't be able to use White Honey, and you will be very vulnerable to enemies, on top of taking damage regularly"
    I noticed that once your toxicity reaches 80 points, then White Honey will not be able to remove intoxication (it'll remove just the effects of the Witcher potions ...)
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Luke93 said:

    Arunsun said:

    Thank you for taking time to make these reports :smiley:

    You're welcome.
    Could you clarify the following?
    "Be very careful about toxicity. Once you hit the critical point, you won't be able to use White Honey, and you will be very vulnerable to enemies, on top of taking damage regularly"
    I noticed that once your toxicity reaches 80 points, then White Honey will not be able to remove intoxication (it'll remove just the effects of the Witcher potions ...)
    Above 80 toxicity you start taking non-lethal damage regularly. Above 90 toxicity, you become Berserk. At 100 (cap), you fall unconscious. In both cases you won't be able to quaff a White Honey. That's what I meant there.

    The behaviour you're describing is rather strange. Are you sure it's not removing toxicity? The way it's implemented, damage will stop after a few seconds (up to 7, IIRC). Does every "symptom" stays when you use a White Honey above 80 toxicity, or is it just damage?
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    Arunsun said:

    The behaviour you're describing is rather strange. Are you sure it's not removing toxicity? The way it's implemented, damage will stop after a few seconds (up to 7, IIRC). Does every "symptom" stays when you use a White Honey above 80 toxicity, or is it just damage?

    Yes, it's not removing toxicity. Every "symptom" stays when you use a White Honey (regardless of your toxicity level).
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Please tell me I'm idiot. I made the modification and forgot to export the file into my mod folder :disappointed: Should be good now.

  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    Arunsun said:

    Please tell me I'm idiot. I made the modification and forgot to export the file into my mod folder :disappointed: Should be good now.

    I fear it's still bugged....
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    Luke93 said:

    Arunsun said:

    Please tell me I'm idiot. I made the modification and forgot to export the file into my mod folder :disappointed: Should be good now.

    I fear it's still bugged....
    Definitely works on my install now. Though you might have redownloaded the mod before I had the time to change the attached folder :smile: took me a couple of minutes and it looks like you're too fast to react :sweat:
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    @Arunsun It works now.
    I have another question: If I reach 80 toxicity and then I immediately gulp a White Honey, does my toxicity level go to 0 (zero) or -20 (minus 20)? Because I noticed the following thing (my character has 16 CON): if you gulp 2 witcher potions (toxicity level: 80), then a White Honey (toxicity level: 0 or -20?) and finally another witcher potion (toxicity level: 20 or 40?) -> you don't get the penalties to your saving throws (I just get the penalty to my CHA); i.e., your toxicity level is not 40 but less (probably 20 if White Honey decreases it by 100 instead of setting it to 0.....)
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    For now it goes to -20 because I haven't made so it adapts to your current toxicity, but this will be featured in my next patch. It takes more than 30seconds to implement though, so I'll do that when I have a bit of time ahead of me. Maybe tonight at some point.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592

    -Fixed the issue with White Honey removing a flat 100 intoxication, effectively giving extra intoxication capability. White Honey now removes 10 intoxication for every 10 toxication in the witcher's blood, rounded down.
    -Added the Sorceress of the Lodge kit.
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592

    31/03: Fixed a bug with Conductor of Magic (Griffin Witcher HLA) that would cause the on-hit effects to be applied on self rather than the target. Duh. Added two kits: Witcher of the Bear School and Witcher of the Manticore School.

    What comes next:

    I will push 3 more kits (Aen Saevherne, recently tuned the design and I got something I like. Might require balancing. Wild Hunt Warrior and Navigator will come too, maybe a bit later) as I need them for what comes next, and then work on a BG2 quest component related to this mod that will introduce items made for these kits, as well as two NPCs. I've written the narrative spine of the thing, it will still requires refining and the details are not finished.

    The rest of the kits will come later.

    By the way, my graphic skills are absolutely dreadful, and I would need to rework an existing map, and create an entirely new map for this quest component. Please contact me if you feel like giving me a hand on that one.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539
    According to the Witcher series, shouldn't Axii charm the target instead of stunning?
  • ArunsunArunsun Member Posts: 1,592
    05/04: Added the Aen Saevherne and Dearg Ruadhri kits. Will now focus on developing a quest component for the mod.
    Luke93 said:

    According to the Witcher series, shouldn't Axii charm the target instead of stunning?

    Well, it's closer to some sort of hypnosis than actual charm. In The Witcher 3 for instance, the base sign stuns, but you may upgrade it to charm. I hesitated between the two implementations, but ended up choosing stun because I find that to be more balanced especially at early levels.
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