Looking For

Hi all I'm looking for a Server or Module to play that has most of the following. If it is something that is currently being worked on I may even be willing to help.
- Low Power Curve (I'm a much BIGer fan of 5th Edition D&D vs 3rd Edition)
- Item based (Always having some kind of item to work toward getting, Low Numbers/ Pluses)
- Hard to get items so once you get an upgrade you will have it for a long time before getting another.
- Random spawns (Common to Rare)
- Random item drops (Common to Rare)
- Swords and/or Armor dropping off of Humanoids and NOT Animal/Creatures.
- Creatures shouldn’t drop weapons or armor, but that stuff could be in their lair or part of the creature it’s self could be one of the components needed to create an item.
- Finding 3 to 5 items needed to create a weapon or armor upgrade.
- Random NPC’s and/or Creature attacks on Cities, Towns, and Villages.
- Heat damage from hot areas like deserts (should have metal armor)
- Cold damage from from cold areas like snow and ice areas (need heavier clothing)
- More water needed in Hot areas
- May be have each race have its own starting area (camp, village, or town (Not half-elf or half-orc)
- Slow leveling
- Food and water
- Random spawns along the road, so no two trips to somewhere would be the same.
- Random supprise encounts between areas (would have a chance for one each time you are leaving an area.
- Rare boss mobs that has place holders
- Large outdoor area’s like 32x32
- It would be nice to not have maps
If anyone knows of a project like this could you please point me to it? Again I may even be willing to help with the project.
Thanks for your help and time.
- Low Power Curve (I'm a much BIGer fan of 5th Edition D&D vs 3rd Edition)
- Item based (Always having some kind of item to work toward getting, Low Numbers/ Pluses)
- Hard to get items so once you get an upgrade you will have it for a long time before getting another.
- Random spawns (Common to Rare)
- Random item drops (Common to Rare)
- Swords and/or Armor dropping off of Humanoids and NOT Animal/Creatures.
- Creatures shouldn’t drop weapons or armor, but that stuff could be in their lair or part of the creature it’s self could be one of the components needed to create an item.
- Finding 3 to 5 items needed to create a weapon or armor upgrade.
- Random NPC’s and/or Creature attacks on Cities, Towns, and Villages.
- Heat damage from hot areas like deserts (should have metal armor)
- Cold damage from from cold areas like snow and ice areas (need heavier clothing)
- More water needed in Hot areas
- May be have each race have its own starting area (camp, village, or town (Not half-elf or half-orc)
- Slow leveling
- Food and water
- Random spawns along the road, so no two trips to somewhere would be the same.
- Random supprise encounts between areas (would have a chance for one each time you are leaving an area.
- Rare boss mobs that has place holders
- Large outdoor area’s like 32x32
- It would be nice to not have maps
If anyone knows of a project like this could you please point me to it? Again I may even be willing to help with the project.
Thanks for your help and time.
- Low Power Curve (I'm a much BIGer fan of 5th Edition D&D vs 3rd Edition)
I guess I’m not 100% sure what you’re asking for here, but in Thay we have a notoriety (reputation) system that is used to evaluate a PC’s “power”. As someone gets more notorious, they can access to additional features such as better enchantments, housing selection, faction advancement, etc.
- Item based (Always having some kind of item to work toward getting, Low Numbers/ Pluses)
- Hard to get items so once you get an upgrade you will have it for a long time before getting another.
We have a pretty robust enchantment forge system, which is the most common way for PCs to get exactly what they want for their character at any particular level and can be used to improve item enhancements as needed. More enchantments became available when as a PC becomes more nororious. Some rather unique items, such as dynamic magic items that have additional properties added as the PC levels up, or a merchant in a bottle, or an item that temporarily sets an area to a dead magic zone, are only available through special questgtivers.
- Random spawns (Common to Rare)
- Random item drops (Common to Rare)
Both our spawn and treasure systems are randomized. While our spawns scale by the average party level of the PC/party in the area, random items can be created with a variety of random properties applied to them based on the level type of treasure that should be created for the area.
- Swords and/or Armor dropping off of Humanoids and NOT Animal/Creatures.
- Creatures shouldn’t drop weapons or armor, but that stuff could be in their lair or part of the creature it’s self could be one of the components needed to create an item.
Our animals don’t drop gold or any other type of treasure, but in many locations where they exist there are the corpses of victims they’ve killed that typically have treasure on them.
- Finding 3 to 5 items needed to create a weapon or armor upgrade.
We don’t have this. But nice idea.
- Random NPC’s and/or Creature attacks on Cities, Towns, and Villages.
We don’t have anything large-scale, but Thugs roam the back alleys of large towns/cities at night, and in Thay less notorious PCs should be wary of slaver attacks and more notorious PCs should be wary of assassin attacks
- Heat damage from hot areas like deserts (should have metal armor)
- Cold damage from from cold areas like snow and ice areas (need heavier clothing)
- More water needed in Hot areas
We have numerous locations in the mountains, and even a planar location, which apply cold damage to PCs not equipped to handle it. We have a number of winter clothing items that help reduce the impact of cold weather areas. We don’t really have desert areas in Thay, but we do have hot areas that increase the rate of the Thirst meter on the HTF meter (HTF can also be turned off for people who don’t like HTF). If someone travels to the elemental plane of fire though, they will need protection from the heat damage that occurs every round there…
- May be have each race have its own starting area (camp, village, or town (Not half-elf or half-orc)
We don’t meet your criteria on this one. Plans are in place for Underdark races to start in the Underdark, but otherwise all other races start in a central location after character creation (explained by the opening event that occurs upon character creation)
- Slow leveling
Our experience system is custom-created for the PW. It’s time-based system that requires a certain amount of time to pass, and also requires a certain amount of time spent in-game, for level 3+ PCs to levelup. Average PC level on the server is in the 7-12 range.
- Food and water
Yes, we have HTF. People who choose to leave it turned on gain healing benefits from eating and rinking, not to mention it gives a chance to cure disease or remove poison, as well.
- Random spawns along the road, so no two trips to somewhere would be the same.
- Random supprise encounts between areas (would have a chance for one each time you are leaving an area.
Very much so. We have a custom overland map system that randomizes maps/areas as your travel a "league" between locations (cities, towns, ruins, points of interest, etc), and we also a custom travel system (Ships, Caravans) - all which generate custom spawns and encounters.
- Rare boss mobs that has place holders
We do not have this. It’s something on the wishlist to include more “boss monsters” in most of the adventure areas.
- Large outdoor area’s like 32x32
We do not have this. Outdoor areas are 16x16 or some combination that does not exceed 256 tiles
- It would be nice to not have maps
We do have map items (if that is what you’re talking about). Map items of cities reveal the entire exterior area(s) of the city, and an atlas that reveals all cities and helps get around on the overland map. They’re not required though.
- Low Power Curve ... i'm not certain what this means but I will say you can play solo or in parties here and survive if you play smart.
- Item based ... we support lots of items, including custom crafted stuff.
- Hard to get items ... yes.
- Random spawns (Common to Rare) ... yes.
- Random item drops (Common to Rare)
- Swords and/or Armor dropping off of Humanoids and NOT Animal/Creatures. ... yes.
- Creatures shouldn’t drop weapons or armor, but that stuff could be in their lair or part of the creature it’s self could be one of the components needed to create an item. ... yes, in fact you have to search for their good stash.
- Finding 3 to 5 items needed to create a weapon or armor upgrade. ... yes.
- Random NPC’s and/or Creature attacks on Cities, Towns, and Villages. ... yes (DM events allow for this).
- Heat damage from hot areas like deserts (should have metal armor) ... yes.
- Cold damage from from cold areas like snow and ice areas (need heavier clothing) ... yes.
- More water needed in Hot areas ... yes.
- May be have each race have its own starting area (camp, village, or town (Not half-elf or half-orc) ... yes (there are some zones for special types).
- Slow leveling ... yes.
- Food and water ... yes.
- Random spawns along the road, so no two trips to somewhere would be the same. ... yes.
- Random supprise encounts between areas (would have a chance for one each time you are leaving an area. ... yes.
- Rare boss mobs that has place holders ... yes.
- Large outdoor area’s like 32x32 ... yes, well 16x16 is our standard.
- It would be nice to not have maps ... you mean like mini maps are hidden? We do that in most places.