CEP 2.65

CEP 2.65 is now available.
Fixes an error in parts_robe.2da and adds about 140 placeables.
Available as a full download, an update from 2.64, or an update via Steam Workshop (for EE players that only play via Steam).
If you plan on building with the CEP, or playing NWN modules/servers that use it without going through Steam, you should get the standard download from the Vault.
Fixes an error in parts_robe.2da and adds about 140 placeables.
Available as a full download, an update from 2.64, or an update via Steam Workshop (for EE players that only play via Steam).
If you plan on building with the CEP, or playing NWN modules/servers that use it without going through Steam, you should get the standard download from the Vault.
There are so many placeable models in the CEP these days that creating placeable blueprints is both time-consuming and would quickly push the game toward the 16k module resource limit...and I do not advise putting them all in a hak unless you are the only person that will ever touch those blueprints.
There were many created by lovellin when CEP 2.60 was released (link), but that is a stand-alone entry and is not directly included in the CEP downloads.
You can access all the models by dropping any placeable in an area, editing its properties, and using the "appearance" drop-down. Most of the newest ones start with "structure", "obelisk", and "puddle" (though there are some others).
fixed robes always showing up on armor (parts_robe.2da line 0) - an oops I made in 2.64
cep260.tlk - Changes from 2.64:
145006: changed an item palette label
0: fixed ACBONUS (changing **** back to 0) and HASMODEL (**** to 1) values
25210-25249: added puddles by The Amethyst Dragon
25250-25305: added Egyptian themed objects by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
25306-25351: added Africa themed objects by PLUSH HYENA of DOOM
cep2_add_doors (optional)
cep2_add_loads (optional)
Phenotypes Set: (optional)
+ cep2_add_phenos2
+ cep2_add_phenos3
+ cep2_add_phenos4
cep2_add_reforge (optional)
cep2_add_skies (optional)
CEP-Modified Tilesets: (optional)
+ cep2_add_tiles2
Extended BioWare Tilesets + CEP-Modified Tilesets: (optional)
+ cep2_add_tiles1
+ cep2_add_tiles2
cep2_build (optional)
cep2_custom (optional)
Not a Hak, but Required:
Outdated Haks:
The download includes other "cep2_" hak files that are not currently used,
but are kept available for backwards compatibility back to CEP 2.1 (meaning
a player with the current CEP can still play modules/PWs that were/are
built with older versions).
(not) Egypt
There is not a complete list of everything in the CEP.
You can browse the 2da files to get that info for creatures (appearance.2da), placeables (placeables.2da), wings (wingmodel.2da), tails (tailmodel.2da), and more.
Some things, like weapons, armor, and other items, do not appear in 2da files. For those kinds of content, you'd want to browse item appearances in the toolset.
No talk of an official merged version of Project Q and the CEP. Things would have to be moved around to accommodate content from both, some of the content conflicts (shared file names, differing item structures in some cases), and the merge would have to be constantly updated whenever either project makes any sort of update. Not impossible by any means for a builder, but a lot of work and probably guaranteed to make someone unhappy no matter how things are done.
Best advice is probably to pick either the CEP or Project Q as a base for your module, then just merge in the content that you want from the second package for your module. For things that are controlled by 2da files, you'd just merge in the lines for things you want. For other things like inventory icons, there'd be more work just in case the content from the packages directly conflicts (same file names, or different item structures (simple item vs. 3-part version, for example).
This is in my tlk folder now
The only greatswords in baseitems.2da are the standard greatsword and the mercurial greatsword.
@dTd Not sure what's going on with that sword.
Also uploaded the fix to the Steam Workshop version.
Missed those lines before because, while belt and shoulder 2das look identical to all the other parts_* ones at first glance, their first line is different (probably because there aren't actual shoulder and belt (or robe) body parts, while every other armor part has a matching body part).
When compiling I get these errors:
const float fDEFAULT_SPEED = 1000.0;
the preceding lines are the includes:
#include "zep_inc_constant"
#include "zep_inc_1st_rp"
I can't have been the only one
Once you have it, right-click and 'extract' and you should get the folder structure you're expecting, the contents of which can then be copied into the erf/tlk/hak directories as appropriate