Does NWN still feature the "can't create archways" issue?

So, NWN had an issue which got transplanted to Dragon Age: not possible to actually create archways and have characters walk below them.
Has this been fixed in the EE?
Has this been fixed in the EE?
There are placeable arches you can walk under in CEP, but you can't walk over them.
In general, walkmesh can still only have one height at a given (x, y)... unless anyone knows better.
Again, I think this is the case. Brighter minds could confirm or deny this.
But those were only placeables, you couldn't walk over them at all, only under them. Generally placeable archways are possible and there is no problem with walking under them.
On the actual "arches" thing, like Symmetric mentioned, it's not really anything to do with arches in general or 1.69 vs EE so much as how the placeable or tile's specific walkmeshes were set up.