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NWN:EE-DD - Head Start: Missing OpenAL brings exit code 3221225781

prwoprwo Member Posts: 70
edited March 2018 in Beamdog Client
I'm posting this problem and its soltion here in case anyone searches for exit code 3221225781 on the forum (which I did first, but couldn't find anything correction: which I did on the Support site and found nothing there, but there are some posts splattered over these forums here already):

On 2018-03-17 I bought Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition - Digital Deluxe and downloaded the Head Start version of 74.8164.0.0 using the Beamdog client.
When I clicked on play a dialog appears with the message:
The Beamdog Client encountered an error trying to run Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (Digital Deluxe - Head Start). Please contact Beamdog support and mention exit code: 3221225781

When I tired to execute the nwnmain.exe or nwtoolset.exe it gave me a more conclusive error message:
The program can't start because openal32.dll is missing from your system.

The OpenAL installer can be obtained from the official page ( or, as suggested by the Beamdog support, from Beamdog's server (
From both sources you'll get the openalinst.exe, which requires Administrator rights to be installed.
openalinst.exe (SHA-1: 21FDC367291BBEF14DAC27925CAE698D3928EEAD)

Once OpenAL was installed, starting the game's exes as well as starting it from within the Beamdoc client worked well.

However, the Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition - Beta installer seems to be a little more clever. When I installed the Beamdog client on my second PC I first installed BG2:EE - Beta, which during the installation process, asked me to install OpenAL. After that, installing NWN:EE-DD - Head Start there worked as expected.
I would recommend to bundle the NWN installer with OpenAL as well.


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