Will there be a discount for NWNEE?

What I'm more asking is will there be a discount for owning the Diamond version on GOG like there was a discount for Planescape Torment? Also I've noticed that GOG hasn't even remotely announced the Enhanced Edition as Upcoming yet...please tell me it'll still be released on GOG on time. (I have all the other beamdog games on GOG and don't want to break that consistancy)
I'm a bit scared that GOG didn't announced anything about this release, as it's sure it will be released. As for a discount, there had been one for each game in the past, and I don't see why it would be different this time.
And like always, the "Classic" version will be pulled from the store, wich create frustrations with some GOG user. Maybe there are some discusions for the classic version, wich prevent any announcment.
But in an ideal world, I would like Beamdog to create a buy-back program, where they would buy my GOG inventory in exchange I go with the Beamdog client, to get faster update and so on
1. Unlike other remasters, Beamdog had to purchase the right to release NWN:EE.They personally did not see a cent from what you paid for the DE.
2. GoG gave the DE away for free a little while back. How does Beamdog seperate the free copies from the legitimate ones?
3. I purchased Neverwinter Nights 3 times for my own personal use back in the day. Am I entitled to a discount for having the hard physical copies that I probably paid more for than anyone on GoG paid for their copies? Did I expect or demand a discount on my second or third copy because I already owned the game? Why should GoG/Beamdog offer a discount to you then?
The game will eventually be released on GoG, but there is a reason why it hasn't been announced yet. Something tells me it has to do with the having to bundle 1.69 withtl the EE, which IMO is a better incentive to buy from GoG than any other store since a player has full access to all PWs.
Edit: I will also say the game, like every other video game, will eventually go on sale. If you do not want to pay $20 for the game, wait a couple of months and it will eventually go on sale.
And we all know the retail price is 20$ for the regular edition, just like every EE that was released. But all EE edition on GOG had a rebate for those who already own the classic version.
And I might be wrong, but Beamdog had to rebuy all the rights for every Infinity Engine game....
EDIT: I looked over the news in the GOG forums and yeah there was a two week pre-order of Planescape with the discount
Look again the whole point of this, again, was to ask IF it was and WHY it hasn't been announced on GOG yet. Nothing more nothing less. I'm a guy that's about consistancies and, since GOG has always been the ones to have the old versions removed due to the EE's, as opposed to Steam, that always gave them the benefits of giving those that got the old versions the discount. GOG kept the torch going for a long time so it seems earned and justified.
Icewind Dale and Planescape was released at the same time if I recall correctly however, I think IWD couldn’t be preordered anywhere but Beamdog.
Another difference that needs to be kept in mind is the companies Beamdog has to deal with releasing the games. Baldur’s Gate and NWN are old BioWare and EA titles. Planescape and IWD are not.
I think they released on Steam first to make sure Steamwork Shop was functioning properly.
It will be released on GoG, but not on the 27th. I think they are doing Steam first to make sure The Workshop is functioning properly and as I said need to workout logistics to get the games bundled. This is all speculation though.
And I only support GOG, and some members of the community there are not that friendly toward Beamdog, It's a shame but they have my full support and I will buy NWNEE as soon as it hits GOG platform
Despite all that though, since none of them have attacked me at all, I still have my faith and support in GOG. That's why it pisses me off so much when other companies just abandon GOG and focus purely on Steam and leave GOG with outdated, sometimes broken, messes.
But if Beamdog made a super promotion, where I can exchange my GOG copy for their Beamdog client, I would.
But since I own them all on GOG, I'll wait.