Make the Override Folder Function Like NWN2's Override Folder.

Where the game can read content from folders stashed INSIDE the Override Folder.
At the last stream they said to bring it up in discussion on the trello boards. So, let's discuss this.
I don't think it would be a difficult change to make & it would be a nice way to tidy up and organize our override folders.
At the last stream they said to bring it up in discussion on the trello boards. So, let's discuss this.
I don't think it would be a difficult change to make & it would be a nice way to tidy up and organize our override folders.
There should be no reason for players to use the override folder. It is useful for builders and artists to quickly test things without packaging them, but any data used by players should come in a hak. Here it was suggested previously, and I explained how it should be done properly instead:
Of course, this could also be implemented in the game...
Again, bluntly, if any custom content author distributes their content using override, they are either lazy or ignorant. I guess "actively malicious" is also an option. Either way, they are doing it wrong, and if you see it, you should contact them and tell them as much.
Content should always be packaged in haks when distributing. If haks are to be used with just a single module, assign them to the module. If it is content that is meant to enhance all modules (such as project Q, Facelift, etc), these haks should be preloaded by the game using the userpatch.ini.
More details about this here:
I apologize if this is coming through as too harsh, but encouraging the idea that override should be used for distribution is actively harmful to the community.
And to repeat, I agree with this request. I use the override folder and would love to be able to organize it. I'm only rebelling against distribution through overrides.
One thing to consider, though: if you have multiple folders, you can have multiple copies of the same file. The game can only use one, and there's no clear way to specify which one takes priority. I wouldn't mind, so long as it is clear (e.g. lexicographical ordering).
I don't think it should be a requirement for me to apply a hakpak to every module in order to utilize those updates. Using an override allows me to apply those changes to all modules across the board to improve my experience.
Overrides, in general, are distributed to be used by players and there are a lot of them out there.
It already handles all the issues people are having with the override - you don't have to worry about which individual files belong to which mod, and don't have to worry about conflicts. You can add/remove mods quickly, with an edit to an ini file.
There is literally no reason for players to use overrides. Preloading haks using userpatch.ini (nwnpatch.ini in 1.69) is in every way superior.
I will also point out that using overrides is easier, as it doesn't require anyone to alter any ini files.
I mean, I get what you're saying, but the ideal of how it should be and the reality of how it has been for 16 years don't mesh. Whether overrides were meant to be used that way doesn't matter, the fact is that they have been used that way and there's a huge number of them that exist. Having an option to use folders within the override folder shouldn't be overlooked just because someone thinks that the Override folder shouldn't be used that way.
Just because something has been done a certain way for xxx years doesn't mean you should keep doing it that way if there are better alternatives.
Have you any idea how many people report that the game is buggy when it isn't a bug at all that is causing their problems but an outdated 2da in their override folder that is overriding a newer game resource?
I'm all for backwards compatibility and I know there are many overrides that work from the override folder and have never been turned into patch haks, but that doesn't mean people should be encouraged to use the override folder when it is such a bad practice.
Steam exists because some (new) players have hard time even install stuff like CEP, therefore asking them to edit ini file is not going to work.
Also there is one major difference between overrides and patch-hak, that you might not realize.
The resource priority is core data files/community patch < override < module < patch-hak < hak. This means that override is safer than patch-hak as it won't override scripts in module. Same package used as patch-hak will - while this can be wanted behavior it makes it much more likely to break module. An argument I hear very very often on these forums.
Personally I do use patch-haks of course as they are really great way how to sort and order overriding packages. But I use this only for non-scripts.
Therefore changing the override folder to work as nwn2 would be still beneficial and I will support this idea.