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monster request thread

Will Beamdog create official Glabrezus and Moander Bits, the red ones, at least?

That has always been my favorite battle from 1991!


  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    The red bits were always more creepier than the green ones. :D
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @merricksdad made a good looking Glabrezu for the March 2013 custom content challenge (bottom-right picture on that page). There have been others like this one from Schazzwozzer and this portrait by sporeboy!.

    There are quite a few others. Just go on the vault and use the search box on the left of the front page.

  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    The issue is, unless it's official, it won't work with modules not linked to that content. If I want to play a monster character, and it's CEP or whatever, unless the mod is CEP, it won't work.

    This, of course, is primarily true of the oldest modules.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    The game definitely needs more plant types. That monster type is seriously lacking.
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    I want to see Flumphs using 5e's design for them. That's really all I want in the world ATM.
  • JFKJFK Member Posts: 214
    Trixter said:

    The issue is, unless it's official, it won't work with modules not linked to that content. If I want to play a monster character, and it's CEP or whatever, unless the mod is CEP, it won't work.

    This, of course, is primarily true of the oldest modules.

    I must be misunderstanding here. Nothing 'officially' added is gonna be used in a module unless the creator of the module uses it. So, if BD adds in a Glabrezu it won't show up in any old module, unless they go back and add that asset to be used in that module. This is the same as for CC. You can add CEP or ProjectQ to your module, but until you actually USE the stuff in those packages, you won't see the stuff in those packages, the exception being if something overrides an original asset: A new version of a goblin might replace the original version. But if the module doesn't have a glabrezu trotting around somewhere, simply adding a glabrezu to the bank of assets won't suddenly make one appear.

    Do I misunderstand your point? Not unlikely, as we've been hit with an April blizzard here, and I'm feeling a bit discombobulated.

  • XorinaXorina Member Posts: 138
    edited April 2018
    I discovered an archived Epic level of my character --the Paladin Xorina Hawksley-- in an old external HDD I found in a book box, am playing modules on very hard setting - how about a Terrasque? :-D
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    Definitely more fiends! I want a campaign where all manner of fiends are pouring into the prime material plane through a rift the PCs need to close.
  • cherryzerocherryzero Member Posts: 129

    Definitely more fiends! I want a campaign where all manner of fiends are pouring into the prime material plane through a rift the PCs need to close.

    Play Oblivion :p
  • AnonySimonAnonySimon Member Posts: 28
    I want to see creatures of the plant-type (Yes, I know that the CEP includes some, but NWN deserves to have some official plant-creatures). Ofcourse, I also want Druid spells included aswell (such as Oakstaff, Liveoak, and Shambler).
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
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