Custom Portraits separated by gender

Hi! This is maybe a dumb question, but... is there a way to separate custom portraits on character creation? Is a bit annoying to have the portraits all messed up when I'm creating a new character, having both genders on the same group. Thanks in advance, I'm not a moder, so my knowledge about these things is very little 

Post edited by Tazera on
So I guess you modded something? Portrait pack, maybe? In that case, take it up with the mod author.
If you need to fix the mod yourself, there's a simple text file called
placeablesportraits.2da which has columns headed Sex and Plot. Sex is 0 for male, 1 for female. Plot has to be 0 for the portrait to show up in character creation.Personally, I'm all for choice and diversity. It would be nice to be able to toggle whether all portraits show up, or just one gender.
If you are really set on achieving that result, you'll have to edit the 2da Proleric mentioned (I believe mistyping placeables.2da when they meant portraits.2da, which is the one you need), which turns the portraits into regular game resources. You might need to add them through the override folder instead of the portraits folder. And remember that the 2da definitely needs to go in your override folder
You could try the Newcastle Portrait Pack - it has them separated for you by race and gender. We are presently working on a 2da that can be included in haks so that they show in the toolset like that too.
Residing in the "portraits" folder and not needing a 2da is what qualifies the player portraits. And those are unfilterable, because the filtering requires settings in the 2da.
Anyway, sounds like the OP got the answers he or she was seeking.
Have fun, everyone.
They are CUSTOM portraits for sure, but they are not PLAYER portraits if they are added to the 2da.
Maybe the OP, or anybody else stumbling into this thread doesn't want to deal with a 2da. If the server is already using its own 2da included in the server hakpacks, implementing the filtering is even more involved, as it requires editing such haks in order to override the server version with an extended client-side version 2da.
Furthermore, when the answer to a question is less about giving actual information than it is about plugging one's own work, there is even more need for such clarifications
Until now.
I apologize.
M - Male
F - Female
B - Both
O - Other
N - None
Example M_Elven01_H , F_Elven01_H etc....
if the naming is not right it go back to default way. You could expand this into sub-folders of races in the portrait folder that read off the racialtypes.2da.